With the adjustment to moving Pricing and Plano to nights, the DSD is very focused on having complete sets done and set on time % as close to 100% as possible. They are very aware of what is happening in stores though and understand some things won't fit the scheduled set parameters (Mini was completely full this week, barely sold even as clearance… did not touch any set there because of this issue).
Since I'm the GMTL going overnight and expected to handle this metric, I'd like to understand the metric better. I wondering if anyone can explain how Set on Time is calculated? How will letting sets roll to the next week will affect this percentage? Any insight will be appreciated. Thanks.
Since I'm the GMTL going overnight and expected to handle this metric, I'd like to understand the metric better. I wondering if anyone can explain how Set on Time is calculated? How will letting sets roll to the next week will affect this percentage? Any insight will be appreciated. Thanks.