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I have to wonder if they were all from the same store? Or did they ship all six when it had them clear the location when they picked it and they just shipped all of them cause it had them pick all six out of location?
I have a friend who ordered something and received it twice...from two different stores. So it's possible the system could glitch, but with 6 of them I'm sure it was just a casepack from a single store.

I don't think it ever treats trees as a casepack (where it has you pull all of them and "set aside any extra for backstock"), though, and aren't all trees Ships Alone anyway? Seems a lot more like a system issue than a FFTM mistake. Wouldn't they have had to reprint the collate a bunch of times? I can't imagine that the same mistake would get made that many times...
Box 14 or 15 comes in a case of 6.
I guess a lot of stores must be having the casepack problem, because I did ONE shift of packing at a neighbor store and I was warned by no fewer than three people to double check all item counts on boxes before I packed them. I was like, chill, I work sales floor/backroom; I know how to read a pik label. But I'm guessing a lot of people DON'T. And apparently it's not just the packer's mistake too, I'm thinking that people who are picking aren't picking accurately either. For example, I had one order that asked for three boxes of a hair item, and in the cart were three wrapped SETS of the item (you know how some little things come plastic wrapped and you have to open the wrap to set the eaches out). If I hadn't been paying attention to the UPC, some lucky person would have gotten 9 items when they only paid for 3.
So theoretically if she wanted to ...could she bring the 5 trees in and do a return with no receipt and get extra target $$$$ for target screwing up?
Until she hits her limit for no-receipt returns. Or the system recognizes that she's returning multiples of the same item and flags. Because I'm sure there's a database of what's being returned on ID.
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