We just put all the flat bars mixed in with the racks. Pull them from where ever we need them whenever. RTW, Intimates, hosiery, infants stays in infants for obvious reasons, as does shoes and accessories.
Our shoulder hung bars were so abundant that I had a fit and made a metal recycl pallet 😀
With permission of course. Purged well. Took a flat bar and hung some waterfalls on that above the shoulder hung bars. And above that because I was feeling sparky, I made a manga bar looped peg holder for the c-rails 🙄
Nonsupport has been taking like a week or 2 to get back to me! 😡😡
I'm off Friday-next truck day- this should be good. No pallet since last Monday which was all my cse's late. Actually 1/2 of them. So yeah I still have more coming. At least I have time to dot the very time consuming project of cosmetic audit that is FUBAR. But I'm worried I'm gonna get like 5 friggin pallets at one time. Can u say all day checking in??? Backed up till summer....😱