ENJOY YOUR TIME OFF, YOU DESERVE IT! No, really you do. This four-day ad was CAKE, and if anyone was flummoxed by it, then they clearly did not even look at the Beat The Rush Tookit - it is ALL in there ESPECIALLY regarding signing.
General question - what did everyone's bean bag bin look like? I was under the impression that it was supposed to be a square dump bin? One of my ETLs pulled out one of my Black Friday (2 actually) octagonal bins and said that "they were right there in the back, these are the bins for the four-day" when the topper for it is still in my area and the box is gone and it clearly says Black Friday. So, I don't know. I think my store didn't receive it, but someone else said there was a workbench message about it (i didn't see it, and I check it religiously). Also - I have two RED men's Hanes shippers that everyone claims don't go anywhere. Now they are trying to say there is a workbench message about these being for the 2-day ad??? Once again, maybe I was in a rush, but I did not see this either. They were dated 11/04.
That being said - roll call for anyone who came in and saw that the ISM wasn't even put up?
I came in this morning and the ISM was up in Toys, and on some incorrect endcaps in electronics. So much for staying on Friday to put aisle numbers on the checklist for the team. Finished that up this morning (overhead as well).