Question: We started the all push process in April. EVERYONE does truck, including me. So that's 12 hours a week. And, we can't come in until 7am. (Except Sunday I guess. They come in at 6am.) I have expressed my concerns to 2 team leads and 2 ETL's about how I am supposed to set swaths of signing over the aisles while people are shopping. Blank stares. I asked if we could at least work one overnight or something. No. I love that it is my responsibility to work safely, but they hand tie me with this restriction. We have one entrance. Do I just block the whole entrance while I put up the signing. I actually prebuilt the electronics beacon thing and carried all the prebuilt pieces two by two to the area today. It was a nightmare putting up that tree with little old ladies walking underneath it before it was fully secured.
At my wits end.
At my wits end.