Next batch of stores are currently getting theirs to join the pilot, and later in the quarter all stores will lose the older 9060/90's and transition over to the new devices (92's that is) once the final production fusion client is ready to be pushed out. Ideally everyone should have the new guns by the beginning of 4th quarter unless some drastic unforeseen event unfolds; current build is at 131.1.7 right now.
Here's a couple tips for those who are already in pilot or soon to join, or for further down the road when everyone transitions over:
You can control how the imager behaves in scanning barcodes. The device by default is set in Cross-Scan mode, which means it will only scan/register barcodes that are in the middle of the cross-hair or ' + '. This is mode is great for accuracy and tasks like sign take down for your resets. If this mode needs to be re-enabled, first press the Blue Function key and then the Green Key. A Windows message will pop-up to alert you that this mode has been enabled.
The 2nd mode is having cross-scan mode disabled which drastically changes how the imager now behaves. So with this feature disabled, the first barcode that is readable and in range of the scanner will be picked up. This mode is great for speed and for reading scuffed location barcodes for the backroom shelves. The downside obviously is that if you have two barcodes sitting side by side in proximity of the imager when you start scanning, it will most likely scan the incorrect one (DC Labels would be the best example for this, as it will usually try to read the DC barcode first due to its much larger size.) The trick around this is to scan more off to the side of the barcode that you want it to read to avoid it picking up any other close proximity barcodes. To disable cross-scan mode, first press the Blue Function key and then the Red Key, and a Windows message will pop-up prompting you that Cross-Scan Mode has been disabled.
You can freely switch back and forth between the different modes in any application at anytime, and WebApp's and RFAPP's will have separate sessions of the modes (meaning if you disable cross-scan mode in RFAPP's, it will still be enabled in WebApp's until you disable it there too.) Cross-Scan mode will always default back to being 'ON' after a COLD BOOT, so be warned you may pick up a device that was previously used by another team member that had the imager in a different setting if the PDA was never cold booted from one team member to another.
The one exception is the PUSH application, Cross-Scan mode is DISABLED by default for this application for the larger barcodes, but can enabled if desired.
Sometimes the WebApp pages won't load properly and hang (like browsing a site online.) By pressing CTRL and 5 (basically an F5/refresh function), the PDA will emit a short chirp and you will force the page to refresh and it should load. Pressing the 'Toggle' button will sometimes work as well.
RFAPP's freeze on you again? Here's a feature that actually was added to the recent 131 update that even the older 9060/9090 devices have and you can currently use. When RFAPP's becomes unresponsive, press Ctrl and the Blue Function Key twice in a row ( Ctrl, Blue Key, Ctrl, Blue Key ). A window will pop up in the upper left hand corner with several options: 'HELP' 'ABOUT 'EXIT'. Select 'EXIT' and the RF application will force close back to the Main wrapper screen. This is a great way to avoid rebooting your devices and to get back to being able to using the application. Please note, this will not force log you out of any CAF/Autofill batches that you may be in as that is server controlled, so a 'ghost' user will still be in the batch. Again, this feature terminates sessions, closes and logs you out of everything, so you will have to log back in through the WebApp main screen and start over. Sadly, it cannot be used to drop associations with O'Neil printers as again, that is something controlled on the server side.
Forgot to mention, no more rotating the PDA's to scan things as it can capture the barcodes at any facing/direction/angle.