Known and fixed issue, your store is probably running 131_1_6 with the older fusion client. The next update should be coming out very soon which will return it to a much higher volume. It turned out another team was tinkering around with the Naurtech server which resulted in the lower volume. Oh, and the initial 'Beep' that emits when the PDA acknowledges that it scanned something was also adjusted to be louder again (but not as loud as before for those that had the pleasure an earlier version that would make your ears bleed from it.)
As far as the disconnects, a very well known issue and still trying to reach a solution to meet or exceed the reliability of the 60's/90's.
The 9200 image above shows an email address to report issues, but the name indicates it's for the pilot. Is there a general bug report email address or Workbench page for the current PDAs (and for Workbench itself too)? I have a list of a few bugs for each that have been around since I started 5 years ago. I doubt anyone in my store would know of any such place to report these things.
I also have a few minor RF Apps interface suggestions (minor change, but enormous productivity impact), but that's a different subject. My ETL is going to get me in touch with my group's operations person for that.
Also, do you know anything about:
1) 3-5 second lag between every scan in STO? My store has been like this for over a year now, not sure if it's just mine or company wide. Happens in other RF Apps functions too, but STO is the worst.
2) Randomly booted from various functions in RF Apps (in a function, booted back out to a main menu; e.g. in SUBT, then suddenly booted to main Replenishment menu)? It is not happening due to the ~ 5 minute timeout, it's usually less than 15-30 seconds of inactivity, and then suddenly I'm booted out of a function, back to a menu. If I have two sessions going via shift-7, both functions get booted to their respective menus. It's uncommon, only happening about 3-4 times per week; so I'm not sure how to duplicate.