Archived So Today a Sales Floor TM asked me why the BR/Flow Team Members are so dirty.

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...and this is yet another reason why flow gets a bad rap... people who've never been in their shoes making ridiculous insulting comments.
I've worked everything in overnight logistics (flow/backroom/truck, etc)...and I shower daily and wear deodorant.
We have some stinky people on our crew and that happens sometimes with hard physical labor.
Just because you see dirty, stinky people sometimes....don't stereotype us all.
Maybe thank them for all their hard work in a position at Target you choose not to do.
Why be so condescending? Are you always perfect? Do you never sweat when doing physical labor?
Have you ever gotten dirty and sweaty performing a task outside of work? Maybe in sports, working out, etc.?

Should I find some way to insult you or your work center?
Should I stereotype you in some way?
Should I make snide, condescending comments about you or you cleanliness habits?

Naa... I wouldn't want to be THAT person....

To be fair, I don't care if flow smells bad, I'd just like it if they did their goddamn jobs correctly.
^and I want the person who drops a pog to actually set the table, cause now I have a location on the my device, that I borrowed, but surprise surprise after shooting every freaking table, it was not set. I wish they would do their job! Thank you from your dirty hot sweaty flow tm
You don't realize how much dirt and grime I get on me when I'm jumping on the mound of trash flow throws in and jams the compactor with.
Nor the dirt and grime the baler makes when I'm making the bale that backroom won't make.
Or the goop that drips on me when I'm emptying the QMOS bin that FDC Logistics didn't empty.
Or the pile of sugar that flow didn't sweep up when they ripped open a bag.
And I definitely don't sweat when bringing in carts because we don't have the payroll to have a CA before 2pm.
And I come out smelling like roses when I have to scrub the cooler floors even though backroom is the one that drops cartons of milk and containers of yogurt.

I absolutely loved throwing truck.. I consider it a delight compared to my usual SF duties.
just want to say at my store the baler has nothing to do with backroom duties... its all on the lod... idk if thats like it at other stores or not. but we almost always end up doing it since the lod is often doing other things and rarely shows face in the backroom except to yell at us for the fire lane having tubs in it (which the sf always delightfully leaves there with backstock and trash still on it)
^and I want the person who drops a pog to actually set the table, cause now I have a location on the my device, that I borrowed, but surprise surprise after shooting every freaking table, it was not set. I wish they would do their job! Thank you from your dirty hot sweaty flow tm

Was the location "TD X65" or "X56"? Anything with a prefix like TD is a pre tie. Not assuming you know or don't know that.

We tie and drop pogs to pull overnight to set next day sometimes stuff crosses over.
^and I want the person who drops a pog to actually set the table, cause now I have a location on the my device, that I borrowed, but surprise surprise after shooting every freaking table, it was not set. I wish they would do their job! Thank you from your dirty hot sweaty flow tm

isn't softlines like 99% flex anyways
I have had the honor of unloading a shipping container (which is a truck pretty much) chalk full of 1 foot by 1 foot boxes at 1:00pm in the middle of July, completely alone, so I have a fair hint about what flow is like, thankfully you guys can do it at night. I like being a PA because I feel we are as close as you can get to a Logistics/SFTM.....

If they are a good PA anyway.

You guys are as dirty as me and swear just as much, which is why I like working with Flow. I will bitch and moan tho if u don't FIFO the Yogurt.
Easy answer. Unload a truck. Or a hundred. Or a thousand. How many doubles? Flow. And proud of it. Outta my way.
I'm dirty, I'm sweaty, I'm smelly, but at least I'm doing my job. At least I'm one of like 2 people who dont bitch about backroom or backstocking FDCs (And who can keep up for that matter..). I wish we had more people appreciative about Flow, but I get that many Flow teams suck ass, whether corporate is too blame or there are too many lazy TMs..

TL;DR: Smelly man likes his job.
I was dirty, sweaty & smelly but my hands were always clean.
And that's all you needed for me to make your drink.
'Cause I never promised you a rose garden 😉
^and I want the person who drops a pog to actually set the table, cause now I have a location on the my device, that I borrowed, but surprise surprise after shooting every freaking table, it was not set. I wish they would do their job! Thank you from your dirty hot sweaty flow tm
Ugh, I've had pogs fucking up all week. Not pre-tied, standard, but the strips don't match where the mydevice scans for location. My poor flow team comes asking what to do...
Not tables, they have actual locations and facings initially anyway.
So 98%, i remember when i was taught soft lines process from flow.
I was dirty, sweaty & smelly but my hands were always clean.
And that's all you needed for me to make your drink.
'Cause I never promised you a rose garden 😉
Want the dirtiest hands ever push all of checklanes candy in an hour because our cashiers are too busy to ever stock it assuming we have cashiers.
I have had the honor of unloading a shipping container (which is a truck pretty much) chalk full of 1 foot by 1 foot boxes at 1:00pm in the middle of July, completely alone, so I have a fair hint about what flow is like, thankfully you guys can do it at night. I like being a PA because I feel we are as close as you can get to a Logistics/SFTM.....

If they are a good PA anyway.

You guys are as dirty as me and swear just as much, which is why I like working with Flow. I will bitch and moan tho if u don't FIFO the Yogurt.

I throw yogurt at people's heads if they don't FIFO.

One expired yogurt for each word I say as I yell at them for not FIFOing.
You would think so.. My store won't fork over more payroll than absolutely necessary so anything they can say to make them hurry, they will.
...and this is yet another reason why flow gets a bad rap... people who've never been in their shoes making ridiculous insulting comments.
I've worked everything in overnight logistics (flow/backroom/truck, etc)...and I shower daily and wear deodorant.
We have some stinky people on our crew and that happens sometimes with hard physical labor.
Just because you see dirty, stinky people sometimes....don't stereotype us all.
Maybe thank them for all their hard work in a position at Target you choose not to do.
Why be so condescending? Are you always perfect? Do you never sweat when doing physical labor?
Have you ever gotten dirty and sweaty performing a task outside of work? Maybe in sports, working out, etc.?

Should I find some way to insult you or your work center?
Should I stereotype you in some way?
Should I make snide, condescending comments about you or you cleanliness habits?

Naa... I wouldn't want to be THAT person....

There is a difference between sweating at work and never bathing. Flow team at all of the stores I have ever worked at crosses that line frequently. I shouldn't be able to smell you from 15 feet away.
You would think so.. My store won't fork over more payroll than absolutely necessary so anything they can say to make them hurry, they will.

Yep..Me ETL logs says we are too slow yet they have cut hours from the C&S push and expect them to backstock and monarch label full cases too. OH and they moved the push to the busiest part of the Pfresh day...3:30-7 or so
Yogurt, I agree. Especially on the friggin Yoplait where you need Helen Keller to decipher the Braille that it's written in on top.

Finally got a scour pad requisitioned and cleaned the congealed milk on the milk shelves.

Christ that was disgusting

Theres alot that needs cleaned at my store it would prob take a whole week worths of shifts. Hey they cant complain to me about it. Give me more hours and I will clean
Was the location "TD X65" or "X56"? Anything with a prefix like TD is a pre tie. Not assuming you know or don't know that.

We tie and drop pogs to pull overnight to set next day sometimes stuff crosses over.

No it wasn't.
Yeah, handle dusty dirty boxes for hours and hours every week and we'll see how squeaky clean you look. Not to mention the grease on the equipment (esp the baler) that always manages to get on you.

Still, there are some people in logistics who never showered, I swear. I know that you get sweaty working the truck, or running around an inadequately cooled backroom. But if you shower every day and wear deodorant, you should not be smelling like the compactor on a hot day, unless you have some kind of glandular problem or something.
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