Archived solid color pants

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I wore camel pants (I'm calling them dark khaki) to work a few days ago. I hadn't done laundry lol. I was self-conscious the whole shift, but no one said anything.
we have a gsa and gstl who wear gray pants all the time but otherwise i've never seen anyone else wear a different color.
Goodness, I wish I had known this when I was still working back at FA. Would have saved me a couple pairs of khakis if I had worn black...would have cut down on the icky grease stains showing too! 😛 Oh well. I don't need any new work pants at the moment but if I find some good black ones, I'll buy them and put them in rotation. NO ONE else at my store wears anything besides khaki but I'm willing to buck the trend. 😉 I even wore skirts to cashier; oh such a rebel! 😉
Accepted policy or not, our HRTM would throw a fit if a cashier showed up in a skirt...even if it were longer than knee length and khaki.
We used to have this one girl who wore skirts as a cashier every now and then(past the knee). No one really said anything because she was quite attractive in them. Except for a few jealous girls lol
Accepted policy or not, our HRTM would throw a fit if a cashier showed up in a skirt...even if it were longer than knee length and khaki.

We've had a couple of tms who wore skirts for religious reasons. And some of our cashiers would wear skirts every now and them but noone ever said anything about it. I would've worn them when I was cashiering but never found one with pockets that I liked.
If it were for religious reasons, so they were doing it every day, the HRTM would have to suck it up. But to keep cool in the summer? Not gonna happen.
Accepted policy or not, our HRTM would throw a fit if a cashier showed up in a skirt...even if it were longer than knee length and khaki.

I don't see the issue with a cashier wearing a skirt, provided it at least touches the knee. Flow or backroom.....yeah, you might want to wear pants.
We wear white pants, gray pants, tan, light brown, dark brown, etc. I don't understand khaki... is there REALLY just ONE shade of khaki? If so... how boring! As far as the logo goes... did they remove that requirement that we can't have a logo, etc?
If it's in the handbook they can't tell you you can't wear skirts. I never considered it before but after seeing a couple cashiers in them i'm totally going to rock one in the summer. It's so unbearably hot in our store!
You absolutely can wear skirts. The handbook does say no mini-skirts, but everything is is fine. Now, I would advise caution and common sense. I'm not sure I would wear a pencil skirt out on the sales floor because it's not so good for the bending and lifting, but a full skirt that was at least knee length, sure. As long as you make sure your skirt covers your butt and a significant portion of your thighs when you bend over, there's nooooooooo way HR can ask you to change based on indecent exposure. 😛

Get around the shorts ban; wear a skirt! 😉

Get around the shorts ban; wear a skirt! 😉[/QUOTE]

Guys, what do you think?? Would you wear a skirt??
What about shoes? It says no open-toed shoes or flip flops. What about the 6 inch high heels? What color shoes? Red, white, black, bright yellow???
I wouldnt complain if the chick in softlines i like rocked a skirt and heels lol its just the shes married part i have to talk to hr about its unfair jk jk
What about shoes? It says no open-toed shoes or flip flops. What about the 6 inch high heels? What color shoes? Red, white, black, bright yellow???

Considering the neon colors that Nikes come in these days, I don't see how they could tell you to change out of your expensive tennies because they're the wrong color. We have people with hot pink and yellow shoes that they wear and it's fine.

And if you showed up to work in six in heels; wore it an entire shift and did not complain once or have them hinder you in any way, see if I would care if you wore them. 😉
I've seen a few of the dayside backroom TMs at my store wear black pants. Frankly if I worked in the backroom I'd want to wear black too considering how dirty my khakis have gotten just working back there for pricing. I haven't seen anything but khakis on the salesfloor, though definitely some interesting "red" shirts for cashiers. And by "red" I mean pink and orange.
Guys, what do you think?? Would you wear a skirt??

It's called a kilt and I have on a number of occasions, even gone commando.
With a kilt the whole idea is to go commando. That's why they always joke about what's "worn beneath the kilt"....nothing!!
About a year ago we actually had a guest in the store in a khaki kilt.
When we had a Highlander piper's corp in town, we saw PLENTY of kilts.
When the wind picked up, we saw plenty else.

*So the lady asks the burly Scotsman if it was true that they wore nothing under their kilts.
He replied, "Madam, I am a man of few words. Give me your hand."
Somebody would probably say something, but they can not send you home. 🙂

On black friday one of our cashiers was sent home for wearing black pants. We had a brand new ETL who didn't know the dress code very well who made the decision.
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