Archived Spill the beans!

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Should have been since last year but the inbound team. Every uboats is supposed to be supper sorted off the line since sort and stock
What exactly is super sorted because then right below it it says to work the repacks from the cage.
What exactly is super sorted because then right below it it says to work the repacks from the cage.
Zone 9 comes in white repacks and that should be handled by electronics directly from the cage as Zone 9 is all the lock up stuff. Anything for electronics or entertainment that’s not in a white repack, basic phone cases, pop figures, chargers and things come in case packs off the truck like every thing else. Anything not in a white repack should be sorted on the uboat for what ever custom block electronics is in your store. Example: Aisle 1-4 bottom shelf 5-6 middle 7-10 top. The inbound team should be keeping sections together so you can push front to back on the uboat and just go down the aisle. I know that’s still a stretch for a lot of stores but that’s what SHOULD be happening
I've done the 9-5 computer all day job. Stable, yes. But hell on your body and BOOOOOOOOOOOORING.

Yep I did that for 10 years and wanted to kill myself. People think that gossip and rumors and favoritism are bad in a retail store? yeah no. The infighting between managers was way worse and we who did the work couldn't do anything but watch it happen. There was no escape cause you were stuck at a desk all day long, at least in retail for those of us on the floor or backroom we get left alone in some respect cause managers can't sit over us, to much ground they have to cover.

Not to mention office work destroyed both my hands, and was horrible for my back. Walking all day might hurt like a bitch but it is much better than sitting in a chair. Also no gym needed.
Zone 9 comes in white repacks and that should be handled by electronics directly from the cage as Zone 9 is all the lock up stuff. Anything for electronics or entertainment that’s not in a white repack, basic phone cases, pop figures, chargers and things come in case packs off the truck like every thing else. Anything not in a white repack should be sorted on the uboat for what ever custom block electronics is in your store. Example: Aisle 1-4 bottom shelf 5-6 middle 7-10 top. The inbound team should be keeping sections together so you can push front to back on the uboat and just go down the aisle. I know that’s still a stretch for a lot of stores but that’s what SHOULD be happening

I'd love to see a poll of how many stores sort the electronics the way you state. I'd wager less than 1%.
I'd love to see a poll of how many stores sort the electronics the way you state. I'd wager less than 1%.

We just chuck all of the electronics boxes on the floor in a neat pile using the logic that they have a smart cart and u-boat in the lock up they can use when there ready to work it
Is there anything in there about off-cycle pay increases or bonuses for PG45? Or for rollout of the paygrade changes? Can we see the sample store leadership chart, and the sample leadership schedule? Thanks!
I'd love to see a poll of how many stores sort the electronics the way you state. I'd wager less than 1%.
How could they expect separation of electronics that is at the front of the line in receiving when inbound doesn't even do the separation for consumables that is at the end of the line. All this sorting would have been easier if they just, in my case, start it and do it continuously with consumables two years ago.

I get a laugh every time I see "make sure you have your uboat within two to three steps of where you are stocking". Sure after I sort out the four aisles that are mixed together on a single uboat. Even if I am lucky with a single aisle for a uboat, product in no way is dropped into sections for easier pushing to meet this "2-3 step idealism". When confronted, logistics says they need to get the truck done as quickly as possible so their 4 hour shift TMs can push something.
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How could they expect separation of electronics that is at the front of the line in receiving when inbound doesn't even do the separation for consumables that is at the end of the line. All this sorting would have been easier if they just, in my case, start it and do it continuously with consumables two years ago.

I get a laugh every time I see "make sure you have your uboat within two to three steps of where you are stocking". Sure after I sort out the four aisles that are mixed together on a single uboat. Even if I am lucky with a single aisle for a uboat, product in no way is dropped into sections for easier pushing to meet this "2-3 step idealism". When confronted, logistics says they need to get the truck done as quickly as possible so their 4 hour shift TMs can push something.

The retrofit of the DC's should have happened first. If the product at least came on presorted pallets, it would help efficiency immensely. But that's not happening anytime soon if ever. I have a thread on this topic in the DC group.
I get a laugh every time I see "make sure you have your uboat within two to three steps of where you are stocking". Sure after I sort out the four aisles that are mixed together on a single uboat. Even if I am lucky with a single aisle for a uboat, product in no way is dropped into sections for easier pushing to meet this "2-3 step idealism". When confronted, logistics says they need to get the truck done as quickly as possible so their 4 hour shift TMs can push something.

I know, right? I'll move the Uboat to wherever the paper on the end says it's supposed to go. Say, C1-10. Oh, look, 5 boxes that go to D. Or some random thing that looks like it goes in C, but actually goes in B or A because the line was in a hurry.

It's SUPPOSED to be sorted to make it better to sort but that's just not a thing that's happened.
As I look over all these org. charts and job descriptions, I can't help but think "Really?"

Some of the job descriptions are just not going to happen. You might get bits and pieces, but not all of it. We are not that good over all as a company to expect these type of results. Nor will $15.00/hr attract talent to fill such jobs when attrition occurs.

The knowledge base the current experienced Team Members have will get them to a point until they move on. The ones that can't, well I feel sorry for them come peak times.

But some of that nonsense I read is just asking/creating a mountain of problems. This will just drive inexperienced Team Members to say, "Screw this shit. I'm outta here." when some over zealous TL/STL starts questioning their efforts.

I also don't doubt the 90 day probation period either since whoever involved in this would also think that would be a "motivational tool".

Calling someone a DBO when it's just a J O B is just stupid.

There will be an exodus out of Target before the 90 days is even close.
The retrofit of the DC's should have happened first. If the product at least came on presorted pallets, it would help efficiency immensely. But that's not happening anytime soon if ever. I have a thread on this topic in the DC group.
It happens for Small Formats. This was supposed to happen to all stores but it never happened. That’s why they had to come up with this new unload process because they weren’t able to implement it company wide.
This will just drive inexperienced Team Members to say, "Screw this shit. I'm outta here." when some over zealous TL/STL starts questioning their efforts.

I also don't doubt the 90 day probation period either since whoever involved in this would also think that would be a "motivational tool".


Me, if my store ever informs me that we're going to a 90 day probation period.
Correct which has screwed the stores over. Which than they place blame on TMs. That's how they can say this process works because if it doesn't it's just inefficient team members that need to be replaced. What happens when everyone is replaced and it still doesn't work?

When Target got rid of the VIBE, our DTL told us in a TL meeting and laughed "you guys remember the vibe? what a joke, no one liked the vibe", when 2 months earlier they were harping on about how important the vibe was. I'm predicting a similar thing in a couple years unless Target decides to actually listen to feedback and make this process more realistic
When Target got rid of the VIBE, our DTL told us in a TL meeting and laughed "you guys remember the vibe? what a joke, no one liked the vibe", when 2 months earlier they were harping on about how important the vibe was. I'm predicting a similar thing in a couple years unless Target decides to actually listen to feedback and make this process more realistic

I don't think we could sustain a couple of years under this thing.
Lol I feel that's me right now just being at Target with all these changes. I'm all for change but when no one knows what's going on and their answer to make it work is to fire people and hire much better people that's not the answer.

All jobs in this world should work even with inefficient workers it just might work better with better workers. At Target though it completely fails unless EVERYONE is the most amazing worker in every position and knows everything.

Picture an NFL team, some teams have amazing quarterbacks, in Target world anyone on that team should be able to jump in and be the quarterback and be just as good as that "star". Likewise that star quarterback should be able to play defense as good as the 300 pound linemen. The reason places hire for certain positions is that people can be GREAT at certain things but you will never be GREAT at everything. It's not how humans were made or can be molded. Unless we are robots this cannot work.

I have a degree in economics. One of the earliest concepts taught in intro microeconomics is comparative advantage. It describes how when people who specialize in what they're good at, and don't do the thing they're bad at, and then trade with other people makes everyone better off. You should always take the route where opportunity cost is lowest.

To put this in Target-speak, imagine you have two team members. One is a rockstar GSA, the other is an average perfoming hardlines TM. In this world the GSA is better at both roles. If placed in either role, the GSA performs better than the hardlines TM. BUT, the GSA is better at doing GSA stuff than hardlines stuff. It makes much more sense to put the GSA in a GSA role than the hardlines role. Let the excellent performers do what they're best at, and let the average performers do what they're best at GIVEN where everybody else is best at.

This idea that everyone can do everything flies in the face of what economists have known for the past 300 years.
I have a degree in economics. One of the earliest concepts taught in intro microeconomics is comparative advantage. It describes how when people who specialize in what they're good at, and don't do the thing they're bad at, and then trade with other people makes everyone better off. You should always take the route where opportunity cost is lowest.

To put this in Target-speak, imagine you have two team members. One is a rockstar GSA, the other is an average perfoming hardlines TM. In this world the GSA is better at both roles. If placed in either role, the GSA performs better than the hardlines TM. BUT, the GSA is better at doing GSA stuff than hardlines stuff. It makes much more sense to put the GSA in a GSA role than the hardlines role. Let the excellent performers do what they're best at, and let the average performers do what they're best at GIVEN where everybody else is best at.

This idea that everyone can do everything flies in the face of what economists have known for the past 300 years.
I'm gonna remember this analogy! It's a good one.
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