Starbucks Team Leaders

Anyone know how I could order this sink grate piece?

I just ordered one of these a couple months ago. I don’t have the order number but I submitted a mySupport through the help/chat bot app and attached a photo of my broken one. They answered quick and I used that number in goCart.
I just ordered one of these a couple months ago. I don’t have the order number but I submitted a mySupport through the help/chat bot app and attached a photo of my broken one. They answered quick and I used that number in goCart.
Ah okay... I'm at a different licensee now so no more mysupport. I'll email the LSR tmmrw with a pic I'm sure they can help.
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The holiday addendum said the palette of holiday mugs should have been in by today. Anyone else not have theirs yet?
Istore says I'll be getting mine next week. The addendum is wrong, although most stores probably received theirs already.
Found out today my store is getting a replacement Mastrena... Mastrena II that is!! Our Mastrena is 10 years old, still “running” but given the fact we have gone from literally losing our license (like Target not renewing the license) to comping 40%, we tired our luck at a FSR to get it replaced and they approved it! Talk about a pretty penny though...

i spent my whole shift in starbucks today trying to get them prepared for our DM visit. we’re so close to getting shut down and i’m literally the only leader who gives a fuck lmao.

First off, I’m sorry you’re having to deal with that.
You guys already on a NNC? If the store doesn’t give a crap about the area you have to let it fail because it is the ONLY way to get them to pull their head out of their ass. My store luckily wasn’t failing because store leadership didn’t care, they just didn’t have anyone who knew how to run the business.
Used iStore for the first time and it only shows my regular order.
Make sure you filter it so it shows all orders within the last 90 days or so. Autoshipments are sometimes placed a couple months in advance. You won't need to click on every single one, you should see about a dozen promo orders with the same delivery date.
i did some digging on ITGT and i’m almost 100% sure that the target circle prompt isn’t ever gonna be removed from the starbucks pos (or cvs either)
Why would it be removed from Starbucks POS? We are apart of Target too. Yes it's annoying but it's a reminder to the rest of the store, we are apart of the team too.😭
Why would it be removed from Starbucks POS? We are apart of Target too. Yes it's annoying but it's a reminder to the rest of the store, we are apart of the team too.😭
I submitted a mysupport and they wrote back that they are working on removing it and it should be updated (or at least have a override option for us at the register instead of the guest having to do it)within a month or so
I submitted a mysupport and they wrote back that they are working on removing it and it should be updated within a month or so
Why would they remove it? Granted, I would love for it to be removed, it really slows down every transaction, but I don't expect corporate to see it that way.
I submitted a mysupport and they wrote back that they are working on removing it and it should be updated (or at least have a override option for us at the register instead of the guest having to do it)within a month or so
Or just simply allow the transaction to continue without them hitting anything...

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