Starbucks Team Leaders

@Xanatos: do you have the DPCI for the pastry case paper sheets? We're almost out & I haven't seen them on the last couple of order guides.
We were still using the white ones from the holidays (had a TON) but I thought we were supposed to be going to either the beige or pink paper?
I had the same problem, but I was able to find them on the order guide recently. Probably on the last page (sorted by DPCI). There are two sizes, and neither one fits any pastry case I've seen, so I'm going to stick to ordering the small ones (it almost fits the top shelf in one dimension, but waaaay too long in the other) and cutting them with a large paper cutter we have in TSC.
Yeh, SBTL ordered what he THOUGHT they were & we got a box of little squares of parchment-type paper (9" sq?).
Take a lot of those to cover the case.
Yeh, SBTL ordered what he THOUGHT they were & we got a box of little squares of parchment-type paper (9" sq?).
Take a lot of those to cover the case.
That sounds like the paper used in warming stores with the Turbo Chef oven. The parchment paper you seek should be on the last page or 2 of the special projects order guide.
🙁Ok guys so tonight I totally got non compliance. They scheduled me 3:30-9:15 with no overlap whatsoever. I got out at 10:17. Since I'm fairly new ill prob just get a talk from my etl hr. But honestly all this is doing is giving me reason #359 as to why I don't want to work for spot anymore. On top of dealing with my tms who are crying over each other. Apparently one tm complained about the other and got the etl to take pictures. Well it went down from there. I'm a manager at another company and its extremely fast paced and whatnot but spot and sbtl is driving me crazy. It was my first close since my sham of training and I had to clean everything. The pumps were never cleaned or taken apart n the maestro machine hadn't been cleaned in ages. No one even know how to empty the espresso beans n put the cleaning tablet out. I feel punk'd everyday I come to work. 🙁😕😳😵
Dont give up. Take pictures of your progress before & after. Clean everything, order stuff & then watch how your team works. Don't let them control you!
@redeye58 , I had this problem with the pastry case liner. I mysupported it and got the DPCi's. I don't remember the DPCi, but I highly recommend mysupport.

@Ladida0905 , be careful with meal compliance. A lot of stores take it really seriously. And, I feel your pain on the grungy stuff. When I first took over as SBTL, we had so many healthcode violations... I literally had to choke back vomit. My first order of business was to clean it too to bottom.
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SBTL mySupported it but hasn't heard back yet.
Used the last sheets this morning.
Until we get the proper paper in, we'll use all those itty bitty squares. lol
Sometimes they take a while. Ugh. We used the Starbucks gift tissue (and tons of it), while temporarily out of liner.
@redeye58 "FOOD SERVICE SMLL CSTM SHLF LNR 250 260-06-0093". It's on the last page when sorted by DPCI. Those are the ones I'm using - two for the bottom shelf, and one for the top shelf (once I cut it down to size). There's also a larger one that ends in 0082.
So today was many horrible days until it gets better?..I did my first order last week and it came in today. I was sent tons of tumblers I didn't order and coffee that I thought was a big bag but was the small 1 lb bags. On top of that we ran out of vanilla bean powder and apparently I tried asking my stl to get it from another store. Well he chewed me out saying if the backroom was organized the way he had it organized (absolutely horrible with boxes everywhere) then we would have vanilla bean powder. He ranted on for like 10 min..yet failing to answer if we could get the powder from another store. End result he is getting it from my "trainer's" (remember that one) store. Both etls failed to tell him I'm still training and I still have 10 hours of computer training left. It was my first order and my training was a sham. All while I worked 11 hours today because the closer called out once again with a creative excuse. Please tell me why not to put in my two weeks when everytime I try to make the store better, I'm getting chastised or told to do nothing. I feel like I am paid to the a sb scapegoat for all bAd things vs a team lead.
I worked restaurants for twenty years and there is a term for when you are buried in tickets, it's called in the weeds.
You've got a wheel full, the grill is full, the wait staff is yelling for their stuff because they won't be making tips, the head chef is screaming at you in nine different languages and no matter how fast you put things out it isn't fast enough.

You are permanently in the weeds because of how far behind things are already.
You are going to be the reason every thing is wrong even though you had nothing to do with it.
Is it right?
Not in the slightest.

So my suggestion is to stand up for yourself in those situations.
Don't let them walk on you.
If you are considering giving your two weeks it won't hurt to tell them to back off and let you do your job.
Someone who has nothing to loose is a lot more likely to win.
Don't take their shit.
You don't have to.
Thank you. I've been trying to keep going and stand up for myself but when the stl starts taking pictures of your backroom and the etl who gave me the ok to organize it, suddenly gets amnesia to that part...I'm beginning to feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Here's the kicker..ready for it?!..they've been through more than 3 team leads in a year and a new etl each month..the etl that I'm supposed to work with!! my new etl boss has only been there 3 months!!!..I'm sure Ashton is coming around the corner to tell me I'm punk'd.😱 I'm beginning to realize why people from my training store told me this store was the worse in the district. I'd love to hear what other sbtl or even TL from other dept would do in my situation, because I'm sure "sticking in there" is the last thought coming to your mind.
I would recommend, since you are still in the training stage, combining a couple techniques.
The first is the classic 'Please Use Your Genius To Guide Me' method.
This is where the minute they start railing on you for not doing something right, you ask them to instruct you in how they would have done it correctly.
This works really well for timed and organizational projects that usually they have no idea how to accomplish.
Keep a notebook handy to write down anything they say like it is gospel and so that if they insist you didn't do it, you can point to the notebook to prove them wrong.

The notebook and recording your daily interaction is just a good idea in general.

The other thing you want to work on is developing this look.


Sure it's a bit degrading at first there are no save points against that and if you walk into the STLs office with that look, you will walk out with whatever you need.
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We have the numbers to several of our closest sister stores (w/SB) & have gotten to know the SBTLs.
One store's SBTL trained with us long ago when I first moved to SB.
He called us a LOT when he was first getting settled in but finally got his feet under him.
He's called a few times for things he's run out of but we've always been able to reciprocate; sometimes we'll do a swap. "Yeh, we've got plenty of grande hot cups! Can you spare a couple bottles of vanilla syrup?"
So I finally got to meet my sbdm and she's awesome. Too bad she's leaving for 6 months. I'm supposed to be ast trained but I have no coach. I swear my sbtl life sucks. Plus trying to make a schedule with no one to really make it. Is hard. The team has call outs or no call no shows weekly. It's too much guys. I have no support
@Ladida0905 , I feel you. My ETL never supported me. The bottom performers with attendance and performance issues were always allowed to slide by unharmed. But, my top performers were supposed to be held accountable for the smallest mistakes. I strived to treat them all equally, but my ETL had favorites. And the Food Ave TL wanted my position, so they were no help at all.
Wear a black polo if you don't have one already, khakis (clean & neat - no food stains), clean apron (even tho you won't be wearing it during the interview).
If you're sitting, sit near the edge & make good eye contact.
Think before you answer; don't blurt out responses & take a deep breath to collect your thoughts if necessary.
Answer short & sweet unless they ask you to elaborate.
You've got this now make it yours.
Good luck.
Wear a black polo if you don't have one already, khakis (clean & neat - no food stains), clean apron (even tho you won't be wearing it during the interview).
If you're sitting, sit near the edge & make good eye contact.
Think before you answer; don't blurt out responses & take a deep breath to collect your thoughts if necessary.
Answer short & sweet unless they ask you to elaborate.
You've got this now make it yours.
Good luck.
Thanks so much @redeye58 !!! 🙂

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