Store Paygrades

Welcome to the board! In general terms, yes that describes most ETLS to a T. Of course there are always outliers and congratulations on your hard work! I try not to judge anyone based on background but based on performance, attitude, work ethic , treatment of others etc. I may pick up a VIBE from someone when first meeting them and I am usually correct but I have been wrong. I will not jump to the conclusion someone is a useless POS until it has been demonstrated, but sadly many will have a bad impression of someone in your situation from the get go. Keep your head up and I'm sure you will be an asset.
Wow, is that seriously what people think of ETL's? What do people think of the ETL interns?
Asking out of curiosity because I am going to be one this summer and I did not come from a middle class family, I am paying my own way through school through working and student loans and I have been working since I was 16 from retail, restaurants, preschools, and now a building manager for my University. Mommy and daddy are not footing anything for me.....

I hope that didn't come off in a bad way or anything, I would just rather not have people jumping to that kind of conclusion about me when I start my internship or maybe afterwards get a position there.
Edit: I've been a lurker for a few months now and finally decided to make an account!
About being an intern, most of those are complete jokes and are a huge waste of space, but there are exceptions. A big part of the intern problem is they are not given enough of the an overview before jumping into a project etc.
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To warrant this long post being in this thread, let me say that interns and EITs are the highest hourly pay grades to my knowledge. I'm not sure what the actual paygrade is because I don't think there's anything higher than an N17 for hourly TMs. Buts most make more than a starting SrTL would make.

As far as interns go I will say this: some are great, most are at or below average, and there are more terrible ones than great ones. I think a lot of the problem is the quality of hires that our staffing teams attain.

Five years ago my store had three interns and they were all awful. They didn't even try to cultivate working relationships with anyone in the store other than the STL and their mentor ETL. They didn't ask for input and just expected buy in on their projects from the team. Not a one of them was offered a position after the summer.

Four years ago we had two interns that probably couldn't even spell their name right 9 times out of 10.
Nice people with just no common sense or business sense.

Three years ago my store had one intern who just couldn't get it. She was not cut out for AP. Somehow she ended up with an offer, but has done decent in a different workcenter from what I've heard.

Two years ago we had two interns. One of them had worked for target for a few years and one had no experience. The one who worked for target did a good job of maintaining a working relationship with the team. She had the benefit of just having to learn the things specific to her role, not all of Target. The other one was a relentless cheerleader (hadn't had time to see behind the curtain), but she also gave it her all and worked her butt off for her workcenter. They both got well deserved offers and actually stayed on as extended interns until they graduated. The one who had previous target experience left the company shortly after and the other has done okay as an ETL-HR. She's started to notice that all that glitters ain't gold.

Last year we had one intern who was very bright. Very inquisitive, smart, logical, and displayed high critical thinking skills. She was the dream intern. Asked awesome questions, valued everyone's experience, would ask questions of everyone in the store she came across. Went out of her way to be trained in all processes to really understand how all the systems and processes work together. My only regret for her is that she interned at my, what was at the time, shit show of a store. She is doing amazing as an ETL now and her team loves her.

I think the internship experience is more realistic now than it was a few years back. Interns are now supposed to basically train for about a quarter of their internship on all things Target, half of their internship for their role, and spend the last quarter running their workcenter with their mentor ETL overseeing things. Not necessarily how it works out, but it's much more realistic than having them follow around the exec team for most of the summer then work on a project they dreamed up for a few weeks near the end and slap together a presentation for the STLs and district team on their last day.

By and large many interns and new ETLs have no clue what they are doing. This is to be expected. A willingness to learn, treating people with respect, common sense, solid work ethic, and a dash of humility will take you far and earn you the respect of your peers and TMs.

Sadly a lot of new ETLs and interns see the word "executive" and understandably assume that they'll be working in an office writing and reviewing reports and never having to do grunt work. Then they get to their new store as an ETL with no clue how to actually run things and don't realize they have a team who is wont to trust a brand new leader when they've lost count of all the fresh eyed executives who have run screaming into the night.

It's not an easy gig, but I also don't think Target does a fair job of providing support and realistic expectations to their interns and new ETLs. Unfortunately for the company, Target has a historically systemic problem with poor leadership from the top down.

still tl;dr
Good luck and treat your team with respect.
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Welcome to The Break Room @goldbond

It's not fair that ETLs get lumped together in the straight-out-of-college-have-no-experience stereotype but the problem is there are so many of them that it's easy to do.
I've found that once an ETL proves themselves not to be of that ilk (and it doesn't take long) the team are ready and willing to work with them

Which is exactly why Target should promote from within, especially keeping people in the same store... I realize that there could be conflicts of interest, but I have always thought that people work harder for people they have a history/have worked hard with. Rather than some random guy that has a title.

The one thing I try to maintain (even though I am just a PA i am expected to be the "team lead") in market when my TL isn't there (which is never). I work hard with my TMs and usually take the grunt work onto myself (pushing a full blat of milk a half mile to our cooler/filling turkeys/stuff that sucks but I know builds respect). Having done this I honestly am now looked at by them as the REAL leader in market and will understand why I ask them to do something.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to get very far with my ETLs
Thank you everyone for your responses! It helps to really hear information/advice from people who work there that are not just recruiters/pulse blogs etc.
Yeah they got rid of brand TM but bringing them back.'problem is if your already in a 50 cent bump up spot its a lateral move
Thanks, @RetailWorld
PG 11 - New TL
PG 13 - "Established TL", about +1.25. After being PG11 for a year, you can promote into this without an interview
PG 15 - "Expert" TL - Set number per district. Another +1-2 per hour. Might have to interview for this, depends on district. Usually you're in position for 3 years
PG 17 - "Sr. TL" - LOD duties. Each store has a set amount. Usually another dollar above PG15. Can move from PG13 to PG17 skipping PG15. Definitely interview for this.
Are there any official or unofficial limits to what a tm can make per hour? Are longer term employees who don't have managerial aspirations viewed negatively? Asants just curious.
Do we go up to $10 next year when Walmart raisez starti g pay to $10?

My STL told me that that wouldn't be decided until next year. Guess it depends on how many TM Target loses or how much pressure Target gets from the public.
I work in a Super Target. I was the Meat Department Food Assistant and was promoted to Team Lead in May. My Pay Grade is listed as: N15. What does the N stand for?
Would anyone know what a new planno tm makes? I work in dist. 300 and have no clue.. I'm on flow atm.

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