Stuff stolen from locker

Oct 28, 2019
All my things including my laptop were taken from my locker, which was locked by the way. An LOD said there wasn’t much they could do about it. Isn’t there some kind of rule against this? Especially if your belongings were in a locked locker?

UPDATE: our security dude was nice enough to unlock them all for me, found it in a completely different locker ? Kind of suspicious but just glad I got it. Thanks anyways
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All my things including my laptop were taken from my locker, which was locked by the way. An LOD said there wasn’t much they could do about it. Isn’t there some kind of rule against this? Especially if your belongings were in a locked locker?
Target is not liable for any personal belongings as you choose to bring them in to work. You can talk to your AP and see if they has coverage of the lockers but unfortunately if they don’t there’s not much you can do
A little background info needed. How long have you been there? Someone knew you had a laptop and where you kept it. It's an inside job. Any bad blood between you and anyone else? Unfortunately you may be shit out of luck. They will claim they had no proof the locker was locked. Even if it was they're probably not liable. Not being negative just realistic. Some Target employees really blow.
Lockers are so easy to open. I personally don't use the lockers because of this.
Isn't there cameras there? So a TL could look at the video?
Tell AP. They may not recover your items, but they can check video for the day your items were stolen to see if the theft was recorded, and watch the area in case it happens again. I’d file a police report. Getting your laptop back may be a long shot, but if the police recover it and you haven’t filed a report, they won’t know who to return it to. Serial numbers and pictures will help if you have them. If you have homeowners insurance, you might want to check if your laptop is covered. Good luck.
Our AP can (and has) used the video to tell TMs which locker is theirs, so I'm sure they'd be able to pull footage of theft.

Glad to hear you found your stuff, OP.
All my things including my laptop were taken from my locker, which was locked by the way. An LOD said there wasn’t much they could do about it. Isn’t there some kind of rule against this? Especially if your belongings were in a locked locker?

UPDATE: our security dude was nice enough to unlock them all for me, found it in a completely different locker ? Kind of suspicious but just glad I got it. Thanks anyways
Are you sorry for spreading false rumors?
Wrong locker? Shit happens. We all forget things, next time write the number on a little piece of scrap paper and stick it in your pocket. Solved.
I never bothered with the *TLs when I lost shit at work because APTL can find it in 30 seconds with his Skynet vision and he was always either lurking in electronics or lounging in his office in Spongebob pajamas. I lost my coat at work once and all I had to do was text him and say "Lost my coat, it's a black and gray North Face with a hood" and around the corner he comes less than 8 minutes later carrying it. Another TM had a similar one and got them mixed up/wore mine outside to break. Ya know, because he can scrub back to any timeframe in the Skynet dashboard thingy. AP wants to be busy and is crying out for things to do that don't involve getting knifed or shot at, so never be shy about hitting them up!
Glad you found your stuff. I did that once had to have ap look on camera and found me putting my stufd in a different locker. I legit didnt remember doing it but my memory is crap anyway. Glad we have cameras on our lockers.
Yep the camera's are supposed to be good over the lockers. We have had a few idiots fired and arrested for stealing from the lockers. And yeah every once in a while someone forgets, why AP checks cameras before freaking out.

I would get pissed when we had the electric lockers would try every fucking one several times and locked everyone out of theirs and they would swear up and down #45 was mine and it turns out it was 17.. Now everyone has to wait for the LOD to pop every fucking one for every one and nothing would be said to the first person. And worse they do it every fucking time they work.. Can't remember your locker number? Call the LOD before you lock out every fucking locker!
In the cold weather I'd wear my favorite Eddie Bauer black ski jacket. Everyone had black jackets. I would identify mine by simple wrapping a gray Walmart plastic shopping bag over the top of the coat hanger. Easy to spot. Solved.
In the cold weather I'd wear my favorite Eddie Bauer black ski jacket. Everyone had black jackets. I would identify mine by simple wrapping a gray Walmart plastic shopping bag over the top of the coat hanger. Easy to spot. Solved.

One of our TM's flips his inside out. still black but different and easy to spot.. I had to admire that move..
That works! Never reports of locker theft at Neptune, for awhile some lunch stealing. We had one asshole who would take excessive amounts of stuff from the break room. Donut day he'd fill his pockets. Our HRTM nailed him once, she was relentless and let him have it! She moved on to another job, everyone liked her.
Happens at the gym where I go but very few guys lock their stuff with a padlock. Then they wonder why stuff gets stolen. Idiots.
I'm not great a remembering my locker number, so I have a set of three numbers I turn it to that helps me identify which is mine.

This works until someone else forgets which locker is theirs and all of the lockers have their combo, but it hasn't been too much of an issue.
The op is the same person who lost their wallet at spot.

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