Archived Stupid things people have been fired for at your store?

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I hope nobody minds if I break the rules and talk about previous employers, but I've had some good ones.

Store manager took a photo of his penis on the digital camera used for taking Passport photos and left it on there.
Assistant manager had his third strike for sexual harrassment, one time including rubbing an employee's shoulders on camera obviously against her wishes. He was finally termed for talking about an employee's breasts to her face. After being termed the court awarded him unemployment.
Forging a signature for a safe, again on camera.
An overnight pharmacist would sleep on the clock in the pharmacy for hours at a time. The district would refuse to fire him because district supervision never personally caught him. Though every manager and many patients witnessed it for literally a few years, nothing could be done. The camera's could prove it but district supervision claimed "that's not what the camera's are for" even though it was time theft. Eventually district "caught" him and forced his retire.
Cart attendant called in bomb threats (two times) so he wouldn't have to call out of work. Store was force evacuated.
Guy convinced himself he had played enough of a video game that he inherited the stealth traits of a character and tried to hide a video game console in his pants. He was a skinny guy with well fitting pants.
Woman claimed she couldn't lift more than 5 pounds and needed LOA, while filling out paper work she held her 3 year old in one arm for more than ten minutes. LOA was denied, and she never returned.
Employee who had a medical claim that she couldn't use a ladder took photos of herself and others in lawn chairs on top of the risers (overstock shelves, for those who don't know) playfully "lounging around".
If I remember correctly, we had a GSA termed for telling hr that they refused to do a cashier shift. The guy was a massive dick so it was likely the last straw telling that to our mama-bear hr rep.😵
There was a BRTM that always made me feel uncomfortable, like a neighbourhood creeper that all the people try to avoid. During one shift, I needed an item pulled and he started saying the weirdest, most personal things to me. It was an extremely unprofessional conversation. I said in a serious, leave-me-alone tone, "Okay if I could just get that item, that would be great." I never saw him again. A few weeks later, there was a new team member getting trained for backroom. He came to the fitting room and asked if we had an item on the Z-Rack that he needed. We gave him the item and then he left. The FRO eventually told me the other BRTM had gotten fired for sexual harrassment.

We had a GSA fired for stealing. I don't know much more about that. He left in December. We also had a GSA who just said "I don't want to work here anymore" and never showed up again. Eventually he showed up to officially resign from his position and they fired him instead so he would be marked as non-rehireable. On the bright side, one of my favourite cashiers ended up getting pushed to cover his shifts whenever he was NCNSing and now she's completely changed to be a GSA fully.
There was a BRTM that always made me feel uncomfortable, like a neighbourhood creeper that all the people try to avoid. During one shift, I needed an item pulled and he started saying the weirdest, most personal things to me. It was an extremely unprofessional conversation. I said in a serious, leave-me-alone tone, "Okay if I could just get that item, that would be great." I never saw him again. A few weeks later, there was a new team member getting trained for backroom. He came to the fitting room and asked if we had an item on the Z-Rack that he needed. We gave him the item and then he left. The FRO eventually told me the other BRTM had gotten fired for sexual harrassment.

We had a GSA fired for stealing. I don't know much more about that. He left in December. We also had a GSA who just said "I don't want to work here anymore" and never showed up again. Eventually he showed up to officially resign from his position and they fired him instead so he would be marked as non-rehireable. On the bright side, one of my favourite cashiers ended up getting pushed to cover his shifts whenever he was NCNSing and now she's completely changed to be a GSA fully.
Awesome! Good for her.😀
Some young kid got hired onto flow last summer. He was a great fit starting out, worked fast, kept up throwing the truck, did his work and stayed when needed. Slowly he became too comfortable and starting having issues. 1 month in the cops show up and take him out in handcuffs, he had been stealing tons of boxes of "crest white strips" from the nook. Lol and was caught on camera using the deoderant and putting it back. Not even exaggerating.
TPS was caught...pleasuring the AP office. He was termed immediately and it took forever for anyone to get the true story of what happened to him out of store leadership, they were tight lipped about the whole thing. He was a creep, I wasn't surprised.

If my AP guy at my store did that I would go in and fuck the shit out of him.. He's very sexy.
But wait theres more! Another kid around last year BTS was fired for walking around using facetime talking to his girlfriend. And ANOTHER was fired on his first day for smoking weed in the bathroom and falling asleep next to the toilet. I swear I'm not making this stuff up. Lol only at our store man, we get some real characters.
One of our GSAs would make a game of seeing if he could go to the bar a block away, do three shots and get back to continue working... during his 15.

He probably would have gotten away with it, except he also used every chance possible to tell people he routinely did this. Things like
"There's a change request on lane 8"
"Well, I'll definitely be able to get that change request, because I'm three shots of vodka into my day!!!"
One of our GSAs would make a game of seeing if he could go to the bar a block away, do three shots and get back to continue working... during his 15.

He probably would have gotten away with it, except he also used every chance possible to tell people he routinely did this. Things like
"There's a change request on lane 8"
"Well, I'll definitely be able to get that change request, because I'm three shots of vodka into my day!!!"

Hahaha too funny. I can't understand how people can drink that much and still function normally. If I had three shots during my work day I'd start passing out free gift cards to all of the wonderful guests in line, hugging the angry ones at the service desk, and performing a provocative dance routine for every redcard.

Actually, come to think of it...
Oh forgot about the new hires that were texting through their computer training and even after being told to put the phones away kept texting and surfing FB. Our computers are in a bullpen like area so everyone who walks by can see what you are doing. Yep one was sent home and told "don't bother coming back" when she gave the GSTL attitude about using her phone during training.
Hahaha too funny. I can't understand how people can drink that much and still function normally. If I had three shots during my work day I'd start passing out free gift cards to all of the wonderful guests in line, hugging the angry ones at the service desk, and performing a provocative dance routine for every redcard.

Actually, come to think of it...

Years ago I had a cashier who would bring a cab to work cuz she'd be drunk and couldn't drive, once she asked guest service for money to pay the cab she had running out front.

She was never termed for being drunk at work, but ironically lost her job as she couldn't function when not drinking. Her shakes were so bad she couldn't perform even simple job functions.
I had a FATL last from Thanksgiving to Chirstmas one year that was termed for stealing food and money from FA.

My last store had a mother and 3 daughters work at the store, and the youngest was just busted for stealing over $2000.
Had a flow TM who's been with the store for 10 years get fired/walked out/arrested for eating some candy that was damaged instead of defecting it out.
As of today a newbie in the backroom being coached 4x in one day and the kicker being pissing off the STL who came to help you pull the caf round. She put the hit out on him.. She doesn't want to see him back in the store.
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