Style Double Truck

Aug 7, 2018
Hey friends-

curious as to how your stores schedule for double trucks in speciality sales.
Obviously we need to be there during the day for guests- but I need vehicles clear sooner than store open.
do you stores have TMs coming in an hour after breakout team and push all the Z racks for the first truck, maybe a couple metros, then leaving? And then DBOs for style come in? We are struggling with completing truck on double days.

basically I’m asking what you guys schedule for double trucks when we are required more often than GM team to be there for guests.
You can look at the trailer detail and see how much you get from those 2 trucks. Just because it’s a double doesn’t mean you get more than usual . Right now your truck should pretty much be p2 . Why? Because every salesplaners for p2 is resets for week 12/26 . Also you are resting mini and rear . So double truck doesn’t mean your breakout will be more than your one truck maybe 2-3 hours more if that . So you can keep the schedule as is . Or you can see which style department gets hit and bring that dbo in early .
2 to 3 people breaking out overnight. 1-2 breaking out during the day. If overnight needs to they push full racks and z's. Weve stopped keeping dbos for areas and have just have tms push whats needed.
I sit down with whatever Specialty Leaders are in the building the day before when I have all the truck info and we look at the schedule. We make adjustments if possible based on the volume of repacks style is getting for processing. We try to get people in about an hour after the truck starts unloading. Sometimes I've had 2, which is my minimum for double trucks mostly, sometimes I've had 4 when we are getting hundreds of repacks. If I can somehow add more I do it when we get hundreds cause we don't want their repacks clogging up back there.
We have 1-2 style breakout overnight (if a Z or metro gets too filled one will push while the other continues to sort. While they wait for a metro/Z to clear they put those items in repacks on their own and continue to sort through when they can. When that metro clears off then they go back to those repacks they sorted to then quickly sort them onto the metro/Z.

The first style TM comes in around 4am. It's not usually a DBO, I think it's a seasonal hire most of the time. They grab whatever the sorter tells them they need cleared off first. Another comes in at 6, another at 7, and another at 8. During the day we usually only have 1 person finishing up breakout but sometimes another will go in and help out if there is a lot left.

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