Archived T-A-T 2017

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The Rock tree table is just so... flimsy. It seems like they just took money from the TAT budget and dumped it into Amp. Gifting.
Is it one table or 2. We're still not sure yet since we haven't built it. The map makes me think 2.
It's 1 table, there's just a boatload of shippers to build and slap around it. We had to shift the nearby gondolas just so there'd be enough space for shopping carts to get through.
My store looks awful in seasonal. They maybe not make 48 days let alone 48 hours. 4 overnights so far? Maybe only 2 or 3 people showed because it’s empty as empty can be
Building TAT was annoying.
Placement of power poles this year became stressful as ever.

My plano team started setting Monday and Tuesday. So we had it done "on time".
They were setting Hearth and Hand and the Amplified Gift things on Friday.
We got rear done in 48hrs and 90% pushed. Plus amplified gifting in one night, filled the next. Last night was hearth&hand finishing touches. Store needs work, but we usually do way worse and we didn't finish our remodel til last thurs.
Rear is set but empty all week. New kids they ask to push are overwhelmed I guess? Glad we are all making the same amount of money.
When I left on Friday, we had all but the Rock Table built. None of the 4 ornament bins were filled and the display trees were about 75% set (none were put on the bins by that time). My TL was scheduled early Sunday for H&H and stayed to finish the Rock Table. I'll find out how much they were able to complete when I head in this morning. Pressure from STL/DTL were unbearable and all the extra push help we were given were all NEW Seasonal Flow TMs. That was on top of the time spent condensing Halloween to make room for TAT. This year was a complete circus of poor decisions from corporate. It didn't help that our team has been pushed non-stop since P62 reset.
We didn't get any pressure from anyone this year. It was awesome! Our new DTL told us to let the guests do the work and only set what was empty. So our seasonal is about half set and mini is 100% done. About damn time we got someone in a leadership position that understands how to work smarter not harder.
We didn't get any pressure from anyone this year. It was awesome! Our new DTL told us to let the guests do the work and only set what was empty. So our seasonal is about half set and mini is 100% done. About damn time we got someone in a leadership position that understands how to work smarter not harder.

I'd be cool with that. Except the hours weren't setup that way at our store. Priority was to set everything at once. But I dream of leadership like that everyday I come to work.

I liked how the instructions say you need a gondola endpiece to secure the focal to... but the adjacency just has it detached.

It wasn't until I opened a box marked Misc rear seasonal did I find the weird faux backpanel.

They didn't even point that out on the early set notes! Bunch of jackasses.
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