Archived Taking a photo of another TM

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You have to make a policy that prepares for the worst

If a team member came to the fitting room and took pictures of minors it would be an issue. It's easier just to have a policy that says don't take pictures of people without their permission.

Hardlines master is also correct that the info security training says you are not allowed to take pics without permission. Everyone in the company is supposed to take the training but some only mention it at huddle or just key it since most of the rules are common sense.
Even so my store uploads tons of pics of tms "working" on twitter and tweets the DTL with stupid shit like #owningthezone #moments and other nonsense

I randomly searched my store number a few months found that a TL tweet a pic of me on a ladder with a item on my shoulder with #hardworkers #guestpulls and I had no fucking idea.

I mean, it was annoying but nothing to complain over.
Even so my store uploads tons of pics of tms "working" on twitter and tweets the DTL with stupid shit like #owningthezone #moments and other nonsense

I randomly searched my store number a few months found that a TL tweet a pic of me on a ladder with a item on my shoulder with #hardworkers #guestpulls and I had no fucking idea.

I mean, it was annoying but nothing to complain over.

Yeah I fall into the same category as you. It's whatever but not everyone feels that way.

My old store had a tm in a domestic situation hiding from an abusive husband and she didn't want her photo up at all. I get it...
Yeah I fall into the same category as you. It's whatever but not everyone feels that way.

My old store had a tm in a domestic situation hiding from an abusive husband and she didn't want her photo up at all. I get it...
Its never ok to post that crap without permission. As stated you never know that persons story. As a navy brat I still have opsec engraved on my soul.

And if some tl ever tweeted or snapcrapped a pic of me and I found out I'd push for termination.
Thanks for the responses guys!! I totally understand the issue if it were uploaded to social media. However, in this case it was not, therefore I'm not sure how much more or less severe the issue is.
Be sure to update us if they ever bring it up again.
I understand the complaint of the original individuals, I do. Seeing as how a lot of people at my store Snapchat and post pictures of other TMs (including said people, whom I follow on social media) and even guests at times (which I think is worse btw) on other social media platforms without permission I didn't see the big deal, especially with it not being posted. I apologized for my behavior and said it won't happen again, and I feel that should be the end of it. As someone trying to move up in the company and haven't had issues before, I don't want something like this preventing that.
OMG really? Why do those girls who went whining to HR because they felt uncomfortable in a picture on someone's iphone playing around with hats while they should have been zoning, and they were probably on snapchat taking selfies in those hats. Give me a break. Here in LA Target all you see is iphones and people snapping their going abouts in Target, tweeting funny stuff they see and instagraming that cute outfit they just tried on, all while making videos on their snapchat of the funny and/or other people they see which might or might not include an employee. Y'all store's stiff af.
You were inside a target & that's private property, not a public area. You were aware of the pictures policy with the new social policy that all tm's had to sign off on, recently.
Also, had you been a non-employee guest, then nothing really would have happened. I would suggest that you were found out not by those SL tms but who you sent it too.
Even so my store uploads tons of pics of tms "working" on twitter and tweets the DTL with stupid shit like #owningthezone #moments and other nonsense

I randomly searched my store number a few months found that a TL tweet a pic of me on a ladder with a item on my shoulder with #hardworkers #guestpulls and I had no fucking idea.

I mean, it was annoying but nothing to complain over.
The actual hashtag is #targetstyle
Thanks for the responses guys!! I totally understand the issue if it were uploaded to social media. However, in this case it was not, therefore I'm not sure how much more or less severe the issue is.
You have no control over what the person you sent it to does with it. If they are not a tm they are not under the policy to not share to social media, etc. Nor do they likely have to interact with those tm or consider how it would impact their lives.

Will it effect moving up in the company? Maybe not. Your ability to understand why it's an issue speaks to possible bigger picture understanding issues though. Leaders see a bigger picture than "it's not fair I got yelled at, everyone does it "
You have no control over what the person you sent it to does with it. If they are not a tm they are not under the policy to not share to social media, etc. Nor do they likely have to interact with those tm or consider how it would impact their lives.

Will it effect moving up in the company? Maybe not. Your ability to understand why it's an issue speaks to possible bigger picture understanding issues though. Leaders see a bigger picture than "it's not fair I got yelled at, everyone does it "

The person I sent it to is another TL in another Target near me.

I do understand the issue as far as them feeling uncomfortable and for that I apologized and will do so to the TMs in the photo when I see them next. What I disagree with is the possible disciplinary actions that may come of it. I agree with coaching, but a corrective action, PDD, or termination is something I believe isn't warranted.
The person I sent it to is another TL in another Target near me.

I do understand the issue as far as them feeling uncomfortable and for that I apologized and will do so to the TMs in the photo when I see them next. What I disagree with is the possible disciplinary actions that may come of it. I agree with coaching, but a corrective action, PDD, or termination is something I believe isn't warranted.
And again, your inability to understand why this policy comes with disciplinary action up to and including termination is the biggest thing standing in the way of promoting. You don't think like a team leader, you think like a tm blaming their punishment on bad rules. Those possible disciplines were there at all times, you're only issue is them now applying to you.
And again, your inability to understand why this policy comes with disciplinary action up to and including termination is the biggest thing standing in the way of promoting. You don't think like a team leader, you think like a tm blaming their punishment on bad rules. Those possible disciplines were there at all times, you're only issue is them now applying to you.
That seems ridiculous based on the store culture described, where everyone is constantly taking pictures are videos and posting to Facebook, Snapchat, twitter, instagram, etc. The closing team at my store has a similar culture and I would find it pretty ridiculous for someone to get in trouble for something that everyone does every day.
And again, your inability to understand why this policy comes with disciplinary action up to and including termination is the biggest thing standing in the way of promoting. You don't think like a team leader, you think like a tm blaming their punishment on bad rules. Those possible disciplines were there at all times, you're only issue is them now applying to you.

Given the context of the situation, your response is ridiculous. You're emotional investment is stopping you from understanding that those punishments are there to fix and prevent problems, not scold people like a dog or satisfy some need for revenge. If there's no issue to fix, then following up with arbitrary actions, is totally useless. I sure hope YOU aren't a team lead, if you're that petty.
This is one of those issues that make people hate "zero tolerance" in public schools. There are degrees of taking pictures that run from "no big deal, once in a lifetime moment" to "whoa, wildly inappropriate and hostile workplace". That's why sensible places of employment have a range of options for dealing with a problem that has an equally large range of inappropriateness.

That being said, how hard is it to open one's mouth and say, "I love the hats, mind if I take a picture?" and after the picture is taken, open one's mouth again and say, "So-and-so will love this, mind if I send him a copy?" Is there some kind of significant generational divide that makes *asking permission* occur to us old fogeys but not the barely adult crowd?
That seems ridiculous based on the store culture described, where everyone is constantly taking pictures are videos and posting to Facebook, Snapchat, twitter, instagram, etc. The closing team at my store has a similar culture and I would find it pretty ridiculous for someone to get in trouble for something that everyone does every day.

Given the context of the situation, your response is ridiculous. You're emotional investment is stopping you from understanding that those punishments are there to fix and prevent problems, not scold people like a dog or satisfy some need for revenge. If there's no issue to fix, then following up with arbitrary actions, is totally useless. I sure hope YOU aren't a team lead, if you're that petty.
The beauty of how target writes these is "up to and including terminating" which gives them the flexibility to have a seek to understand conversation and tailor the punishment to fit the reality. It's not a zero tolerance, you must get fired first offense rule. But great job reading. But apparently if everyone is doing it then it must be ok.... everyone jumps off a cliff...
Our leadership was all about the twitter-verse & taking pics of TMs & zones until several complaints popped up:
A couple were from TMs who had stalkers/exes that were trying to stay off social media, a few girls whose culture didn't approve, some who complained that 'only the attractive ones' got snapped in their dept, some (like me) who flat-out don't like having their pic posted.
Rather than ask TMs if they'd mind being in a pic, they quietly killed it & - frankly - no one misses it.
The beauty of how target writes these is "up to and including terminating" which gives them the flexibility to have a seek to understand conversation and tailor the punishment to fit the reality. It's not a zero tolerance, you must get fired first offense rule. But great job reading. But apparently if everyone is doing it then it must be ok.... everyone jumps off a cliff...

Jesus, what a bunch of whiny baby talk.
OMG really? Why do those girls who went whining to HR because they felt uncomfortable in a picture on someone's iphone playing around with hats while they should have been zoning, and they were probably on snapchat taking selfies in those hats. Give me a break. Here in LA Target all you see is iphones and people snapping their going abouts in Target, tweeting funny stuff they see and instagraming that cute outfit they just tried on, all while making videos on their snapchat of the funny and/or other people they see which might or might not include an employee. Y'all store's stiff af.
And you are in an entirely different culture. Its ok. We love the fact Angie is pissed you all don't sell hot dogs because the vegan diet almost killed her.
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