Archived Taking stuff home

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Ive heard of people getting CCAd over it on here, but always remember: ASANTS.

Yeah, honestly, be really careful with that. Especially with taking the apology coupons. I could imagine one getting termed over that really easily.

Will definitely start letting them go straight to the trash from now on then. I definitely know not to take the apology coupons, someone at my store had been termed over that fairly recently.
Will definitely start letting them go straight to the trash from now on then. I definitely know not to take the apology coupons, someone at my store had been termed over that fairly recently.

Good thinking. A few extra bucks off a purchase isnt worth your job. If you want to save some money and youre a starbucks drinker like myself, instead of taking the coupons and going for the fancy frap or something, just grab a regular ass coffee. Its cheap and the best part ever is that refills are only 50 cents (for a venti, idk about other sizes).
I have three red walkies and two black AP Walkies and a charging dock. Would post them all, but don't feel like digging through an attic at the moment.

What can I say, I'm forgetful. And... I certainly can't return them now.

I have three red walkies and two black AP Walkies and a charging dock. Would post them all, but don't feel like digging through an attic at the moment.

What can I say, I'm forgetful. And... I certainly can't return them now.

How do you forget you have a charging dock in your hands?
How do you forget you have a charging dock in your hands?

I was given a walkie & charging dock, to take everywhere. I never remembered to return it, unfortunately. The others... well, I don't really have a excuse. They we're belt clipped to me, and I forgot to return them 😛
So I'm the only person here who's accidentally taken a MyDevice home? Twice?

I didn't fess up, of course. Just quietly brought it back at the start of my next shift.

This was before my store got a lot more serious about people signing out their equipment.
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