Target Gets Worse

Jun 13, 2016
Hey are all Targets like this? Current new in role team leader here for Beaumont TX area. My HR sites in her office 98% of the time with the Style ETL. The only time we see them is during a visit and no one feels safe talking to them because they share confidential information all the time. Last week my HR took 2 week vacation then comes back and talks about blackout days. The stle etl no one knows what she does because she's always late or hiding in HR office. The schedules are horrible lucky to have 2 team members closing. I have been at this store for couple of years now but it's going down hill. The few that actually cared have left. I think my question is why does Target keep lazy managers so long? We had visit last week from regional off HR and my etl HR pretends like she walks the floor daily. She cannot even set a pog and too overweight to assist in OPU or ship from store. Please target do better when hiring!!!

Our district leaders come every other week but you can tell they just come out of routine bc thet refuse to provide help. The GM ETL I fear won't make it bc the way we see how HR and Style ETL treat her is horrible. She is only leader in store getting things done but receives little to no help. The HR changes everyone schedules so that she can meet some deadline on Wednesday and forgets to tell anyone.

We have loss so many good leaders due to the Laziness of HR and Style and nothing is ever done. What is best way to report my HR and Style bc what I fear is if I call the 1-800 line they will basically pin point the conversation and I'll be let go next. Target did use to be this way. I feel like this leaders that are not doing anything are basically getting a free ride and no one cares.

Can we ask our bosses boss to come visit the store?
The HR changes everyone schedules so that she can meet some deadline on Wednesday and forgets to tell anyone.
At my store it was the ETL-LOG, and I don’t think that particular individual forgot to tell anyone. Just didn’t care how much chaos they caused as long as they looked good and someone else got the blame. Sometimes I think dumping on other leaders was just a bonus for them.
what I fear is if I call the 1-800 line they will basically pin point the conversation and I'll be let go next.
Yes, that could very well happen. It seemed like discovering who blew the whistle was the priority over actually fixing a problem, which rarely if ever happened, and as far as District management goes, who is to say how much they know and are turning a blind eye to. Good luck and try to stay off their radar.
Your district leadership is visiting that frequently? Wow. Not sure what assistance they can provide during a visit, but it seems like they know things aren't good and might be working on figuring exactly what's going on. Considering how long it takes Target to terminate a regular TM, it probably takes way longer to terminate an ETL.
If you do call the hotline, stick to the facts and don't insert any of your personal feelings. I'd even write down a few notes so I keep on point. For sure, HR sharing confidential information is a big no-no and should be reported. That's not just morally wrong - there could well be legal implications.
And if they do figure out who the whistleblower is, well, it sounds like your store is a pretty awful place to work right now. Do you really want to stay there?
Hey are all Targets like this? Current new in role team leader here for Beaumont TX area. My HR sites in her office 98% of the time with the Style ETL. The only time we see them is during a visit and no one feels safe talking to them because they share confidential information all the time. Last week my HR took 2 week vacation then comes back and talks about blackout days. The stle etl no one knows what she does because she's always late or hiding in HR office. The schedules are horrible lucky to have 2 team members closing. I have been at this store for couple of years now but it's going down hill. The few that actually cared have left. I think my question is why does Target keep lazy managers so long? We had visit last week from regional off HR and my etl HR pretends like she walks the floor daily. She cannot even set a pog and too overweight to assist in OPU or ship from store. Please target do better when hiring!!!

Our district leaders come every other week but you can tell they just come out of routine bc thet refuse to provide help. The GM ETL I fear won't make it bc the way we see how HR and Style ETL treat her is horrible. She is only leader in store getting things done but receives little to no help. The HR changes everyone schedules so that she can meet some deadline on Wednesday and forgets to tell anyone.

We have loss so many good leaders due to the Laziness of HR and Style and nothing is ever done. What is best way to report my HR and Style bc what I fear is if I call the 1-800 line they will basically pin point the conversation and I'll be let go next. Target did use to be this way. I feel like this leaders that are not doing anything are basically getting a free ride and no one cares.

Can we ask our bosses boss to come visit the store?
Yes. You can also email your bosses’ boss. You can email your ETL HR’s boss. They love the feedback.
I'm wondering at this point should I resign as TL from this location in Beaumont or ask for transfer bc just found the Store Manager has left and Style ETL may not be coming back.
Well, the Style ETL is part of the problem, right? And your SD is as well, given that it's their responsibility for how the store's leadership team functions, so they've been part of the problem too.
Doesn't mean your store will be getting better any time soon, but it could mean much-needed changes are, finally, in the works.
There's a store in my area that had some pretty bad problems for quite a while. Don't know what they were, just that they had a ton of turn-over, far more than usual for the industry, including the whole truck team leaving in short order. ETLs and TMs from my store went there for multiple shifts (not as transfers) to help them get caught up on huge backlogs of truck push, back stock, sets, etc. and my store's SD actually transferred there at the district's request. (We were fortunate that a good ETL already at our store was promoted to our new SD.) My point is that it took a while for the needed changes to happen - a company invests a lot in hiring and training TLs and ETLs and doesn't want to shove them out the door if there's some possibility of turning things around with them still in their same jobs (or maybe with some minor shifting around).
So it might be that your district leadership has been trying to get your store's leadership to do what needed to be done and has finally come to realize that it's not going to. (Seems like your HR ETL ought to be leaving soon too - ?) I'd try to hold on for a few more months, see if good leadership is brought on board. In the meantime, keep your head down and don't engage in gossip about what's going on. New leadership doesn't need anyone spreading rumors.
I'm wondering at this point should I resign as TL from this location in Beaumont or ask for transfer bc just found the Store Manager has left and Style ETL may not be coming back.
If your district management is coming that often things are going to change. At this point you mine as well wait it out and hope for the best.
Echoing what everyone else here has said, if the store is getting visits that often then they must know something is wrong (my store gets a visit like once every 3 months it seems, haven't kept track though). My store isn't like this at all though; our GM TL sometimes just sits in the TL office with the HR TL but that's only if there is nothing happening at all. My store got a new HR person sorta recently and they do their job just fine (certainly no sharing of confidential info and are very accommodating), they just aren't great at reaching out to TMs
We just told by ETL HR that we are a red store and needed to improve but then she tells others that she going to Sam's Club during working hours to go look around for 4th of July decor SMH.
Hey are all Targets like this? Current new in role team leader here for Beaumont TX area. My HR sites in her office 98% of the time with the Style ETL. The only time we see them is during a visit and no one feels safe talking to them because they share confidential information all the time. Last week my HR took 2 week vacation then comes back and talks about blackout days. The stle etl no one knows what she does because she's always late or hiding in HR office. The schedules are horrible lucky to have 2 team members closing. I have been at this store for couple of years now but it's going down hill. The few that actually cared have left. I think my question is why does Target keep lazy managers so long? We had visit last week from regional off HR and my etl HR pretends like she walks the floor daily. She cannot even set a pog and too overweight to assist in OPU or ship from store. Please target do better when hiring!!!

Our district leaders come every other week but you can tell they just come out of routine bc thet refuse to provide help. The GM ETL I fear won't make it bc the way we see how HR and Style ETL treat her is horrible. She is only leader in store getting things done but receives little to no help. The HR changes everyone schedules so that she can meet some deadline on Wednesday and forgets to tell anyone.

We have loss so many good leaders due to the Laziness of HR and Style and nothing is ever done. What is best way to report my HR and Style bc what I fear is if I call the 1-800 line they will basically pin point the conversation and I'll be let go next. Target did use to be this way. I feel like this leaders that are not doing anything are basically getting a free ride and no one cares.

Can we ask our bosses boss to come visit the store?
I completely feel you on this... We are dealing with the same at our store, the HR ETL basically hides in the office all day long, I've worked at other Targets too, never seen anything close to like this... My 2 previous were fantastic, always out and about checking on the team members, dressing up TSC or break room for whatever is going on during the month... I have to admit, the HR ETL has done nothing out of the way to warrant a compliant, but the team has definitely complained about other leaders in the building and we think the HR ETL are just covering for them, because they hang out in that office often with them.

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