Archived Target Has Made Moms Happy

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Do I think women should cover their legs? Are you serious with that question? Anyways, I will play your game and answer no. They don't have to cover their legs for my sake.

You have to realize that people like me exist in this world and there's nothing you can do about it. Disagreement is a part of life. Got to learn how to handle and deal with it. I'm not gonna bow down to anyone. I'm not gonna bow down to any special interest groups, minority groups, trendy groups, or uppity white people groups. I bow to no man(human kind in general).

My opinion is shitty to you because you don't like it.

I may disagree with your opinion but I did not call your opinion shitty. Just saying.
Now listen here.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion! They're like assholes, everyone has one.

Yes, I can see how breastfeeding in public can be a problem (People considering it gross and googly-eyed teens aside), but at Target, they are encouraged to breastfeed in public, whether you (General, not anyone) like it or not. You suck it up and deal with it, even if you (Again, general) believe you are paid too little (...or just enough.) to deal with it.

Personally, I dont care if mama starts feeding her baby next to the vacuums (..Or anywhere else for that matter..) Kid's gotta eat when a kid's gotta eat, right?
Now listen here.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion! They're like assholes, everyone has one.

Yes, I can see how breastfeeding in public can be a problem (People considering it gross and googly-eyed teens aside), but at Target, they are encouraged to breastfeed in public, whether you (General, not anyone) like it or not. You suck it up and deal with it, even if you (Again, general) believe you are paid too little (...or just enough.) to deal with it.

Personally, I dont care if mama starts feeding her baby next to the vacuums (..Or anywhere else for that matter..) Kid's gotta eat when a kid's gotta eat, right?

Some people are born with an imperforate anus.
I dont want to see it either i think those women do it for attention. Just go sit in the bathroom or your car
And i have never heard a man say there is anything remotely erotic or sexual, so dont worry Moms, no one is getting excited by ogling you and your kid
Really its ugly imo
I think they do it bc they want someone to get offended and they can yell at them
It reminds me if the early 70s yuck
On a related note, I had to stop going to the $1.99 dry cleaners bc the woman didnt shave her underarms . It was hideous
My parents had this book Joy of Sex, we would look at it and be disgusted! In all the drawings, the women had hairy underarms. I think they did it to discourage kids from having sex
My parents had this large medical handbook that was full of articles of various health conditions. It had a section full of symptom checkers, and then references to the diagnosis's throughout the book. Sort of like WebMD, in book form. I remember when I was a kid, I would "secretly" read the reproductive health sections because it was both fascinating AND full of drawings of naked people. Fast forward to age 15, I started taking Life Drawing classes at a local art college. (part of some program for highschool students) In that class, I learned what a "taint" the tender age of 15.

ANYWAY, so because of that background, I've never been very squeamish of the human body. Thus, technically speaking, breast feeding doesn't bother me. However I do question the need/practicality of doing it in public. Maybe I'm biased because I don't have kids, but it seems like poor planning to not pump at home and have bottles ready for when you go out. Isn't it inconvenient to breast feed in public? Why WOULDN'T you want to have premade bottles? Also, the conditional social norms over breasts bother me a lot. The same moms that go on and on about their right to breast feed, are probably the same moms that get pissed when there's a nip slip on live TV.

I'm all for the normalization of the human body. Context matters. Nudity does not equal sexual. But I think it's egotistical and selfish to force this on everyone and to not at LEAST cover up, when you know that breasts are still highly sexualized in our society. That's basically like going to any other different culture, and doing something inappropriate there. Social changes aren't night and day. You have to wait for all the old generations to die out, dammit!
Did you know humans are the only mammals with permanently swollen breasts. Other mammals only have enlarged breasts when lactating.

I was literally just thinking about this at work the other day. I was meaning to look up why that is, but I keep forgetting to do so.
Hey Loki, et al...
I asked my husband what he thought of this topic, and i will quote him; " Hey i like to go to strip clubs, but i dont want to see some lady whip out her ti@#ie in public and start bf her kid"
I asked him why men use that phrase and he said, " cuz thats what they do" like they are thrilled to do it.
When you look the subject up in Wikipedia for most European countries there is the note 'The practice is widespread and uncontroversial."
Also the the words 'legal' and 'legally protected' spring up a lot.
It's not till you hit countries like Saudi Arabia where it says women are forced to be discreet.
Surely the US isn't like Saudi?
Surely the people here aren't that squeed out by the sight of a woman feeding a baby?
Breastfeeding is normal, but how about going to the bathroom in public? If we are talking about what's natural, I see no difference.

Comparing breastfeeding to showing legs is hardly the same thing. People choose to have babies. People choose to bring babies in public. People choose to feed babies in public. People didn't choose to have legs.

This whole topic is silly. Some men look at women that they find attractive. Some women do the same for men. This doesn't necessarily mean you're treating them like objects or pieces of meat.
Breastfeeding is normal, but how about going to the bathroom in public? If we are talking about what's natural, I see no difference.

Comparing breastfeeding to showing legs is hardly the same thing. People choose to have babies. People choose to bring babies in public. People choose to feed babies in public. People didn't choose to have legs.

This whole topic is silly. Some men look at women that they find attractive. Some women do the same for men. This doesn't necessarily mean you're treating them like objects or pieces of meat.

Would you want to eat your dinner in the bathroom?
Sit down on the toilet and eat your sandwich?
if the bathroom is sterile, sure.

Irrelevant, though. As someone who does not have kids, I will never know the apparent war against mothers.

I'm fine with breastfeeding, as I said earlier. I'm also fine with people like Jack who are going to either be offended or attracted to the act of breastfeeding. Neither side can be to blame, as its nature.
I dont want to see it either i think those women do it for attention. Just go sit in the bathroom or your car
And i have never heard a man say there is anything remotely erotic or sexual, so dont worry Moms, no one is getting excited by ogling you and your kid

You go sit in the disgusting bathroom or the overly hot/freezing cold car to eat your food. That's all the baby is doing is eating. It isn't hungry because Mom wants attention. It's hungry because it needs to eat!
if the bathroom is sterile, sure.

Irrelevant, though. As someone who does not have kids, I will never know the apparent war against mothers.

I'm fine with breastfeeding, as I said earlier. I'm also fine with people like Jack who are going to either be offended or attracted to the act of breastfeeding. Neither side can be to blame, as its nature.

If the bathroom is sterile? I'm not going to ask when the last time you were in a public bathroom.
If the bathroom is sterile? I'm not going to ask when the last time you were in a public bathroom.

That's a problem because of other people. Our bathrooms are pretty clean until the church crowd comes in. Again, arguing a silly topic. I never said anyone should eat in a bathroom, I merely compared two natural acts.
That's a problem because of other people. Our bathrooms are pretty clean until the church crowd comes in. Again, arguing a silly topic. I never said anyone should eat in a bathroom, I merely compared two natural acts.

But you did say someone should eat in the bathroom. Babies.

Breastfeeding is normal, but how about going to the bathroom in public? If we are talking about what's natural, I see no difference.
No, you're misunderstanding. That's my fault with how it's worded. Im saying both acts are natural, yet breast feeding is being so accepted.
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