Archived Target Has Made Moms Happy

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This thread caught on fire since the last time I viewed it.


Seriously though, back on topic. Have there ever actually been any legitimate cases where a breast feeding mother was apprehended? At least within, i dunno, the past 20 years? I don't know what the laws are for this per state. But it seems like any time I read an article about this, it's usually because the breastfeeding mother was being inappropriate in some way. Basically I don't know where this complaining comes from because at least in this area, people leave breast feeding mothers alone anyway. It seems like a non-issue.
You go sit in the disgusting bathroom or the overly hot/freezing cold car to eat your food. That's all the baby is doing is eating. It isn't hungry because Mom wants attention. It's hungry because it needs to eat!

Except there are the Moms who will breast feed for attention. Back when I first started, they brought this up and the policy was to sent them to the fitting room. Now it's let them do it wherever. Clearly some attention seekers were whining
Why dont they use the family FR? This woman marched right up to fr and asked if Target had " a problem with her feeding her child". The kid could walk and talk ! She could barely lift it, but she didnt use the Fr . She had to paw throgh all the clearance racks while bf and she had quite a scowl and an attitude. Where are all the beatific mothers bf like in religious paintings? This is what got me on this side of the fence. Same in restaurants where I have seen bf.
You are right. Generaliztions can have very bad consequences. At 55, i have noticed i have a tendency to do that, based on the sum of my experiences. My husband and I talk sbout this a lot. I am trying to stop this. He points it out when I am doing it, and I appreciate the heads from you too. I dont want to become a bitter old woman.
The sad part is that it takes the militant moms that so many of you dislike to make it possible for the more discrete moms to even function in this country.
If they weren't out there getting in peoples faces and being jerks about their rights, the businesses that would much rather push the whole thing out of sight in order to keep anyone from being offended would keep banishing them.
Hi commie! I know this is off topic, but since i think of you as a kind of modern day Atticus Finch, what do you think of this literary hot potato?
Hi commie! I know this is off topic, but since i think of you as a kind of modern day Atticus Finch, what do you think of this literary hot potato?

I tried to read it as a separate book since she wrote it first and her editor asked for a book that was based on Scouts memories as a child.
The fact is that people contain multitudes and sometimes when you get old things get twisted.
Aspects of your character that you repressed when you were younger come out while things that you cared about once get pressed to the bottom.
I know that when I had two daughters it radicalized me even more because I realized this world was not the best place for woman.
Atticus Finch is a great character in Mockingbird and he is an interesting character in Watchman.
I think it could have used some better editing, it seems like they were afraid to touch it and she isn't in any shape to do serious rewrites but as a curio from its time and a view of where Mockingbird came from, Watchman is worth the read.
Thanks , I will do it. You are right, people change and we all have so many layers. I tend to see things all one way or all the other. Wish we had a TBR book club. Have a great week!
The sad part is that it takes the militant moms that so many of you dislike to make it possible for the more discrete moms to even function in this country.
If they weren't out there getting in peoples faces and being jerks about their rights, the businesses that would much rather push the whole thing out of sight in order to keep anyone from being offended would keep banishing them.

And then the militant moms go too far and complain too much
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