Archived Target Has Made Moms Happy

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Isn't it inconvenient to breast feed in public? Why WOULDN'T you want to have premade bottles?
because unless you're using formula and have access to warm water or a way to heat up a bottle, this would mean you have to carry a cooler or insulated lunch box to the ton of stuff you already have to carry when you're out and about with a baby (and their siblings).
So having food and it's dispensing mechanism as a part of your body is pretty damn convenient. When was the last time you forgot to pack your chest because you were in a hurry?
Would you eat in a bathroom?

Edit: sorry. I see this argument has been raised lololol
Especially the women's room at Target. We've had 4 separate instances this year where someone has missed the toilet when taking care of their business.
Edit:I felt the need to clarify. It was puke once. Diarrhea the other 3 times.
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Bf doesnt offend me at all, i couldnt care less. Militant Moms offend me, and I felt like saying what I really thought today. I knew it would upset people, but today I dont care. It is amazing -i sprnd SO much energy worrying about other peoples feelings. I always try so hard to understand everyone elses point of view. Somedays I wonder what it would feel like to not worry all day long about being nice and considerate of other s. Today I just dont care.
I dont have kids, i have a cat.
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She is, however, a very gifted cat who is enrolled in many special gifted cat activities. Also, as you can see , she is quite lovely and we have to work very hard so that she wont rely on her beauty to get by in life. So as you can see, I am not immune to the problems of being a Modern Mom.
because unless you're using formula and have access to warm water or a way to heat up a bottle, this would mean you have to carry a cooler or insulated lunch box to the ton of stuff you already have to carry when you're out and about with a baby (and their siblings).
So having food and it's dispensing mechanism as a part of your body is pretty damn convenient. When was the last time you forgot to pack your chest because you were in a hurry?

Yeah. If only there was some way to harness the ingenuity of the human mind, to find some way to extract breast milk from a breast, and then somehow store it for future use.

Just to clarify, I support the breast feeding in public. I just question the method of choosing to do so despite modern conveniences making that way easier.
Use a blanket or towel to cover your breasts up. I don't show my dick in public so don't show me your milk filled boobs. It's called manners. I say manners and people say "fuck off you hater of women".
Had a mom in these parts asked to get out of the public swimming pool while she was breastfeeding. In the water.
She was enraged, the pool manager apologized & she raised a big stink in the news.
We've had several cases of public pools being shut down because of bacteria/fecal levels yet this mom thought it was more important for her to 'take a stand'.
Like the mom in TX a few yrs ago who was asked by a SLTM to move to a safer area to breastfeed because she was sitting on a filthy floor between clothing racks where she was almost run over by other guests' carts.
I'm all for BF but it pisses me off to no end when moms don't use common sense &, when it's pointed out, they scream oppression.
I don't have a problem with women taking care of their kids. I'm a woman, I dont have kids, dont really want them at this point in my life.

All I ask is that women be courteous about it, maybe have a cover or a blanket or something...

...Because I did have one lady start feeding her child as I was helping her at the service desk one day. I stayed professional, but felt internally awkward.
Had a mom in these parts asked to get out of the public swimming pool while she was breastfeeding. In the water.
She was enraged, the pool manager apologized & she raised a big stink in the news.
We've had several cases of public pools being shut down because of bacteria/fecal levels yet this mom thought it was more important for her to 'take a stand'.
Like the mom in TX a few yrs ago who was asked by a SLTM to move to a safer area to breastfeed because she was sitting on a filthy floor between clothing racks where she was almost run over by other guests' carts.
I'm all for BF but it pisses me off to no end when moms don't use common sense &, when it's pointed out, they scream oppression.

Yep. It's like they claim a desire to normalize something completely over-glorifying it way out of proportion thus no longer making it "normal."

If I ever spawned a litter of humans, I would never breast feed in public unless there was some bizarre circumstance where I HAD to. Like if I didn't pre-pump and prepare bottles of milk for my lil' xenomorph in advance like a responsible adult would. Assuming I didn't have some ulterior motive, then I just don't see it as being practical. Fiddling with a jiggly mound of flesh, that's constricted in a bra, and trying to find a good place to feed my baby, or somehow just walking around with a baby hanging off me and somehow managing to perform some other task at the same time. Those seem like the actions of a crazy person to me. It's like people who eat food they haven't purchased yet while they shop. Is that really necessary? How chaotic is your life that you have to dig into food you haven't bought yet or else you'll apparently starve to death? And how chaotic is your life that if you don't feed your baby right this second while you shop for fucking Crock Pots, it will die? You really can't take 5 minutes to get your life in order?

This isn't about exercising a practical need for breastfeeding in public. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's 100% okay already, as long as you have some fucking manners and a decent sense of what germs and sanitation is. This movement is about an egotistical need for validation. Everyone thinks their own personal desires overstep the rights of others, yet no one can ever do the same to them.
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I definitely see the egostical need and attention seeking for validation movement in this. I've got a leg and foot fetish but I don't go around demanding that people accept it nor do I promote it. It's just a stupid unimportant thing about me.
This is all about American culture being basically behind most countries when it comes to just dealing with basic matters of human needs.
The US is made up of the remnants of Puritans and criminals from Europe so we have this mix that can't decide if we want to sell hamburgers using sex or shame woman for feeding their babies in public.
No wonder other countries think we're nuts.
I am no criminal or Puritan. Public breastfeeding is trendy right now so if you don't support it, you're a bigot and must be shamed and shunned by society. I think it's gross so of course trend followers and hipsters are going to hunt me down for not following the trend. It's gross. Plain and simple. Am I going to go up to a mom and say "cover up your boobs"? No. Am I going to think in my mind that it's gross? Fuck yeah. According to some, I am not allowed to think it's gross in my mind.
This is all about American culture being basically behind most countries when it comes to just dealing with basic matters of human needs.
The US is made up of the remnants of Puritans and criminals from Europe so we have this mix that can't decide if we want to sell hamburgers using sex or shame woman for feeding their babies in public.
No wonder other countries think we're nuts.

That's probably pretty accurate. We're a pretty young country, and our culture is based on something literally almost no one these days can actually relate to. We're a spoiled generation that has no idea why and thus can't appreciate why a "land of the free" was so important.
Thinking something is gross is not shaming. It's about having class and manners. Some people still believe in class and manners. Others don't. Exposing boobs while breastfeeding in a PUBLIC place is gross and not cool. How would these breastfeeding moms like it if I flossed my teeth around them? If they can show their boobs while I'm eating then I can floss my teeth after I eat food in public. If I can't floss then you're against my dental hygiene and could be charged with being a bigot toward flossing.
I shouldn't have to walk away at the place I work. People should have damn manners and think "yeah I'm either gonna wait to breastfeed at home or use a towel or blanket to cover my boobs". So if I get some dental floss and start flossing my teeth and flicking food debris from my mouth onto people, it's okay?
Lol... Idgaf. It's perfectly possible to floss without flicking food but then again I'm actually a unicorn so that's probably why I'm capable of doing that. I'm also not sure if you're flossing your whole mouth in this hypothetical or not. I'm assuming you have a few popcorn kernels stuck. I also don't get how food flicking is an equivalent, but it doesn't matter because I regret replying but doing it anyway because yolo.

When exactly is the last time you saw a titty out in the open (without the nursing invisibility cloak) at work?? Whennnnn? If it hasn't happened yet, it's probably not going to. And if you shouldn't have to blah blah blah at work, then why not work somewhere that shares your values?


Don't be so dense and argue over stupid semantics. Replace "flossing" with any other rude behavior.
I didn't miss that point, guy. I erased the sentence where I said I was being a butthole but apparently should've left it in because tone is hard on the internet. I think you missed my point, but I admit I was a biiit cryptic. I'll spell it out...

Rudeness is subjective. Period. That's it.

My name is not "Guy!" Also, I hope you don't sprain your neck with all this back pedaling that you're doing. But yes, I agree, rudeness is subjective. Generally speaking, quickly tugging at your pants to pull your panties out of your ass while no one is looking is a lot more kosher than yelling "Hey look at me!" and then pulling down your pants so you can completely redress yourself. That's called an analogy. If you're going to breast feed in public, then awesome. Good for you. If you're not being a dumbass about it, then I will gladly back you up if anyone gives you trouble. But if you're making no efforts to cover yourself, in a public space, and are possibly even invading onto others. (like in the pool example) then you open the door to others being totally justified in telling you something.

In other news, this thread contains the most curses I've ever seen in a single thread on here.

Fuck, shit, bitch, poopy! Grow up.
I just want people to have some manners, common sense, and class in public. That is all. Apparently, wanting those things is bad.

Thankfully, I have never seen any exposed breasts from a breastfeeding mom at Target during my sentence. The moms that come to the Target I work at have class and use a towel/blanket when breastfeeding.
Idc about curses. I thought it was an unspoken rule to not curse much here. Tldr to the rest of that.

I always enjoy the irony behind someone putting effort into showing how much they "dgaf."
Nah, but you're clearly attacking me.

Well you're just going to have to get over that and get back to talking about boobs.
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