And what I mean by work is going to get overloaded, I mean with not enough team members zoning isles each night, the isles are going to get worse and worse and not catched up on. It's already happening where we don't get every department zoned each night. We sometimes are rushed and there's nothing we can do about it but do a fake zone.There's going to be more and more isles that are going to be needed to be deep zoned. So Team members are important. And I think we should get more hours. Without more hours & not enough people working in the store means that guest service rates will go lower
Not enough can I help you find something & more guest walk outs
Honestly, the zone is not *that* important. Everything doesn't have to be 100% zoned to planogram every second of the day.
Have you been to a Wal-Mart recently? Their idea of a clearance section is about 10 baskets stuck in a random aisle with tons of random clearance product thrown in them for people to hunt through.
Take a look at wal-marts aisles sometime on a busy weekend..... sh** is all over the place. Yet, they do just fine.
The fact is, even with payroll cut to the bones aisles *will* be zoned. Will they all be zoned perfectly every single day? Nope. It might be a day or two or even three before an aisle gets a good zone. But honestly, unless product is just thrown all over the damn place (pretty rare on most aisles), it isn't going to really be a problem other than not "looking" good.... and honestly, who (guests) give a damn?
In all my years working retail, I honestly can't even think of one instance of a guest complaining about the zone to me. Never once. I have never had a guest come up to me and say "Hey, I want to complain because the zone could look better at your store"
Now, I have had guests complain to me about tons of silly crap. I've had guests complain to me that there were too many people on the store on previous black Fridays. I've had guests complain to me that we won't personally drive to another store, get an item for them, and come back to our store with it. I've had guests complain that they walked under an air duct and didn't like the AC blowing on them for 3 seconds. Fu**, I've even had a guest complain to me that it was too hot walking through the parking lot. But a complaint about the zone? Honestly, it has never happened.