And the vibe? Are you %#% kidding me. Cut hours left and right and expect team members to just go all out and guest service, which even if we wanted to do, we cant, because we have the same workload with half the hours. Target is big on presentation and brand, and those, in my opinion will keep declining if they keep cutting to the bare minimum to just get by in a day.
^^^^ This. I don't understand it, but then I guess that's the whole idea of it, I don't think there's supposed to be any rationality involved. Those who do nothing but yapyapyap about things they don't even understand just assume there's not limit to production by human beings. "I mean, because, what? Are they going to quit? Pft, we could probably charge people to work here because we're just that hip."
I'm doing 10-14hr planograms(on avg) by myself on a regular basis and we're still always behind. Part of that is due to people quiting left and right because of the crap that corporate is pulling and the resulting treatment of tm's by leaders and etl's. Honestly, I read the above posts, but I still don't understand how Target stays in business.
I'm fairly certain there isn't another corporation out there that knows how to waste so much time on stupid crap that often doesn't even have anything to do with profit, and in fact, even hurts it. Which, you know, I'd be all about if it improved quality in the work place, but it does the opposite. People are stressed and worn to the max, tired of working 2x the workload that they should be, while, IRONICALLY being told how much Target cares about their safety, and then in the long run being treated like what they do is never enough.
Oh, and a shotty shotty pay to boot. The frickin gas station down the road pays more than this circus. Oh, and don't take me as a newb, been here for over 5yrs. It just gets worse and worse. Some things
kind of get better, but then those things just fade like a fad. They just keep starving the engine that drives profits because they assume someone will always be willing to work for them no matter how badly they're treated. I look at my Target and I see that the roster is mostly comprised of married wives and people on social security or retirement or kids that live off the their parents fat, because anyone who needs to make enough to cover the cost of living leaves within a few days, if they don't walk out of the interview beforehand.
Target is so interested in their appeal to the community, but they don't seem to understand that their employees are their best advertisement AND loyal customers. You treat an employee bad and everyone and their cousin's boyfriend's mother is going to hear about it, especially when it involves some of the dumbest shot that this company likes to slap their tm's with.