MEGATHREAD Target myDevices

Does anyone know how to adjust or fix incorrect time on my device. Its says it on Pacific standard but shows a random time. Reboots haven't changed it

If you find out let me know. I currently have 6 mydevices like this and CSC has been no help. They honestly expect me to pull all 6 from the floor while we wait days for them to get back to us. Mydevices are in short supply...I'm not taking them off the floor just because the times are off.
If the device is on DGE or tcwireless you can hit Device Reset in mysetting ONCE per day.
If the device isn't on a network you can also attempt that as it should get it on DGE and re-stage itself. If it's on no network and reapplying the wireless profiles and attempting the reset doesn't get it back on the network/work you have to send the device into zebra.
On the staging page, hit stage & put in the charger. Unit will connect to WiFi from charger. Wait 20 mins, unit stays in charger. Reboot unit in charger & you are good to go. My friend from another spot & TBR, helped out with info.
If you find out let me know. I currently have 6 mydevices like this and CSC has been no help. They honestly expect me to pull all 6 from the floor while we wait days for them to get back to us. Mydevices are in short supply...I'm not taking them off the floor just because the times are off.
Have you tried settings?
Hey so I have noticed that there is a Receive app on the myDevice but when trying to select Ship to Store from the drop down as the type it gives me a red bar saying that it is disabled for my store? How do I get this to work? What does my store need to do to enable it? I’ve been having to do Ship to Store with the Receive app on the PDA and would prefer the myDevice for it.
Hey so I have noticed that there is a Receive app on the myDevice but when trying to select Ship to Store from the drop down as the type it gives me a red bar saying that it is disabled for my store? How do I get this to work? What does my store need to do to enable it? I’ve been having to do Ship to Store with the Receive app on the PDA and would prefer the myDevice for it.
Nothing you can do. It will be enabled when it’s enabled 🙂
Is there a way to reveal hidden apps on the MyDevice/Zebra? Some of the MyDevices in my store supposedly have MyWork 2.0 (and ePick and P&S2.0) according to Workbenchs Equipment Control page but I can’t find it. It looked like 5 of them have MyWork 2.0 and I got one of them but it still show MyWork 1.0.

@mizl If you found one of those MyWork2.0 MyDevices, it’s probabaly hidden.
One of my stores has one that has myWork 2.0 installed, Sweep installed & myComm installed. It’s AP myDevice and locked up in the AP office. Can’t get to it. I took one to another store for support help and it downloaded myDriveUp which my store doesn’t have, and we get their arrival and on-the-way notifications still.
Is there a way to reveal hidden apps on the MyDevice/Zebra? Some of the MyDevices in my store supposedly have MyWork 2.0 (and ePick and P&S2.0) according to Workbenchs Equipment Control page but I can’t find it. It looked like 5 of them have MyWork 2.0 and I got one of them but it still show MyWork 1.0.

@mizl If you found one of those MyWork2.0 MyDevices, it’s probabaly hidden.

I had a feeling it was something like that, maybe the app is on there but that "profile" isn't active. I went through and poked in AirWatch before I left to see if I could force them to update, since apparently our PDAs are finally popping up with "don't use these anymore" screens. Maybe in the morning they'll magically be updated.
Is there a way to reveal hidden apps on the MyDevice/Zebra? Some of the MyDevices in my store supposedly have MyWork 2.0 (and ePick and P&S2.0) according to Workbenchs Equipment Control page but I can’t find it. It looked like 5 of them have MyWork 2.0 and I got one of them but it still show MyWork 1.0.

@mizl If you found one of those MyWork2.0 MyDevices, it’s probabaly hidden.

Check in with CSC. If you're actually supposed to have that app then they can re-push it to the device so that it'll appear.

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