The only complaint I have is when the myWork app is running and the device locks after the two minute of non-activity, the scanner will not work, therefore you have to reboot the device. The only remedy I have found is to exit to the homescreen and then lock the device and then relaunch the app when you have to scan something. That is my only complaint. I also have minor ones, say as in when I scan a POG head to say print POG labels or REV labels, it doesn't give me that option, but the PDAs do. <---This is good when I have to print from a hip printer. I would also like to see more label options as in short or cosmetic size, not just generic or regular size. One more is when we tie something, there is no option drop a batch of price accuracy or revision peg labels as in RF apps on the PDA. Ok, one more I would also like to see a option print a item barcode on the white adhesive labels as well. The only way to these are currently under BCODE in RF apps. That's all for now.