They really aren't that bad, everything they were designed for works just fine. There's a few bugs; Scanner sometimes doesn't work (but there's a simple fix for it, just unplug the phone from the holder), Sometimes it will freeze and you will have to restart the Phone, which compared to a PDA, takes like 1/8th of the time. But what they do: You can pull and backstock items with less complications then the old PDAs (How many times do you try to backstock in RF apps and your PDA freezes? Like 100000 times) You can search items easily and it gives you pictures, you can search it in half the time it takes you to search something in your PDA and you get better, more accurate results. You can tie/set pogs easily, and it automatically drops in a pogfill for you. You can print all different kinds of labels without having to switch between 2 RF apps and the label printing app. When you scan an item it shows you ALL of the locations right away, rather then having to click on sales floor on item search, or press up and down on RF apps(which will probably freeze).
You're just not giving them a chance.
But QMOS Sucks on them, it takes everything off the sales floor and comes back out on a pull. But I'm sure target will change that within the next decade.