MEGATHREAD Target myDevices

If this actually applies to my store, this will make my ETL-GE, electronics, and many others very happy. Especially the scanner issue. I'm not going to trust that until we actually get the update, corporate loves giving my store the shaft and delaying stuff (update to 2280 system delayed 6 times, anyone?)
One gripe I have about these is they don't have a scan button on the top like the LPDAs do. It makes scanning things more awkward and it's harder to grip the case like that. If the issue with sleds is gonna be fixed then maybe an update could come with a scan button built into the MyWork app near the bottom right and left of the screen (for both right and left handed people).
These things are horrendous and are nowhere near being ready to roll out to the stores. Other then the hipster apple lovers everyone leaves them and use the older scanners.
These things are horrendous and are nowhere near being ready to roll out to the stores. Other then the hipster apple lovers everyone leaves them and use the older scanners.
They really aren't that bad, everything they were designed for works just fine. There's a few bugs; Scanner sometimes doesn't work (but there's a simple fix for it, just unplug the phone from the holder), Sometimes it will freeze and you will have to restart the Phone, which compared to a PDA, takes like 1/8th of the time. But what they do: You can pull and backstock items with less complications then the old PDAs (How many times do you try to backstock in RF apps and your PDA freezes? Like 100000 times) You can search items easily and it gives you pictures, you can search it in half the time it takes you to search something in your PDA and you get better, more accurate results. You can tie/set pogs easily, and it automatically drops in a pogfill for you. You can print all different kinds of labels without having to switch between 2 RF apps and the label printing app. When you scan an item it shows you ALL of the locations right away, rather then having to click on sales floor on item search, or press up and down on RF apps(which will probably freeze).
You're just not giving them a chance.

But QMOS Sucks on them, it takes everything off the sales floor and comes back out on a pull. But I'm sure target will change that within the next decade.
One gripe I have about these is they don't have a scan button on the top like the LPDAs do. It makes scanning things more awkward and it's harder to grip the case like that. If the issue with sleds is gonna be fixed then maybe an update could come with a scan button built into the MyWork app near the bottom right and left of the screen (for both right and left handed people).
I hate that button on the top. To me that's awkward. I use the buttons on the side to scan, haha.

Edit: there is a empty space at the bottom of the myWork app that they could eventually develop to put a virtual button in, so, not a bad idea.
They really aren't that bad, everything they were designed for works just fine. There's a few bugs; Scanner sometimes doesn't work (but there's a simple fix for it, just unplug the phone from the holder), Sometimes it will freeze and you will have to restart the Phone, which compared to a PDA, takes like 1/8th of the time. But what they do: You can pull and backstock items with less complications then the old PDAs (How many times do you try to backstock in RF apps and your PDA freezes? Like 100000 times) You can search items easily and it gives you pictures, you can search it in half the time it takes you to search something in your PDA and you get better, more accurate results. You can tie/set pogs easily, and it automatically drops in a pogfill for you. You can print all different kinds of labels without having to switch between 2 RF apps and the label printing app. When you scan an item it shows you ALL of the locations right away, rather then having to click on sales floor on item search, or press up and down on RF apps(which will probably freeze).
You're just not giving them a chance.

But QMOS Sucks on them, it takes everything off the sales floor and comes back out on a pull. But I'm sure target will change that within the next decade.
I like them, but for what I have to do, the PDA wins most of the time. Or I either carry both but I don't like to hog devices though.
Does anyone else have myDevices that just WILL NOT connect to TCWireless? We have 3 that just will not connect no matter what. We've tried rebooting, reinstalling myWork, connecting to guest wifi, calling CSC (HA!!!!), my ETL-GE has done a voodoo rain dance, nothing. The bastards just WILL. NOT. CONNECT. And CSC just continually closes out our cases by saying "educated client"
Does anyone else have myDevices that just WILL NOT connect to TCWireless? We have 3 that just will not connect no matter what. We've tried rebooting, reinstalling myWork, connecting to guest wifi, calling CSC (HA!!!!), my ETL-GE has done a voodoo rain dance, nothing. The bastards just WILL. NOT. CONNECT. And CSC just continually closes out our cases by saying "educated client"

We have a few that do that, it happened after some evil sumbitch switched off wifi on random devices. ETL-GE felt so dumb when he called CSC and they told him to turn the wifi on, and then he was angry that someone did that.
Umm diagnostic 101, check basics. Check network settings. But we have one that won't connect either, two smashed and one missing that we never got. Original shipment of 10, 9 in the box.
Does anyone else have myDevices that just WILL NOT connect to TCWireless? We have 3 that just will not connect no matter what. We've tried rebooting, reinstalling myWork, connecting to guest wifi, calling CSC (HA!!!!), my ETL-GE has done a voodoo rain dance, nothing. The bastards just WILL. NOT. CONNECT. And CSC just continually closes out our cases by saying "educated client"
We had two. Called CSC and they are working again. Took all day & multiple calls but they are back in service.
I chunked mine again today. Slipped out of my hand and went flying. Those damn things make the loudest contact-to-floor sound ever.
Keep calling CSC. There are a couple of people there who actually know how to fix the disconnect with wifi problem. We had six and all six are working well now. It took about 45 minutes on the phone but as we all know, 45 minutes with CSC to reach a successful end is AMAZING! (sorry, couldn't resist the targetspeak)

It involves connecting to Target guest wifi, then syncing the device with Airwatch while the tech at CSC rebuilds the profile. Perhaps you could help the help desk get through the steps.
Keep calling CSC. There are a couple of people there who actually know how to fix the disconnect with wifi problem. We had six and all six are working well now. It took about 45 minutes on the phone but as we all know, 45 minutes with CSC to reach a successful end is AMAZING! (sorry, couldn't resist the targetspeak)

It involves connecting to Target guest wifi, then syncing the device with Airwatch while the tech at CSC rebuilds the profile. Perhaps you could help the help desk get through the steps.
Shouldnt really need to call the CSC if you follow those steps, at least i didnt have to. Follow those steps exactly and it should work. If it doesnt connect to Tcwireless still, try again and it works. Typically it will say cannot connect again after re synching, but, second time it connects.
I dropped one in front of 5 guests and another TM and we all just stared at it like it was a damn bomb or something.
Not to mention the top part of the case pops open, too. I swear one day the iPod is going to slip out and fly across the floor.

Yep screen smashed broken. Dropped. The holsters are the worst. They only work one way? Cheap crap. Meaning the device must be put in the holster one way. Which happens to be against my natural grip. And who puts a scanner a scanner up? Stupid.
Yep screen smashed broken. Dropped. The holsters are the worst. They only work one way? Cheap crap. Meaning the device must be put in the holster one way. Which happens to be against my natural grip. And who puts a scanner a scanner up? Stupid.
I put mine in upside down so the speaker faces up. I don't have a issue with not going either way... hmmm.
Shouldnt really need to call the CSC if you follow those steps, at least i didnt have to. Follow those steps exactly and it should work. If it doesnt connect to Tcwireless still, try again and it works. Typically it will say cannot connect again after re synching, but, second time it connects.
One of ours had been offline for over a month

If that's the case, here are the exact steps:

Settings - Wifi - Select Target Guest WiFi. Depending on how long the device has been offline, it may take a couple of tries or try going to another part of the store to find a stronger signal.
When connected to Target WiFi, click on Airwatch icon. Click on the green arrow next to Device Enabled. Then you can "Sync device". As Elandora said, it may take a couple tries.

I don't know when you're scheduled to get the update (our date keeps changing, but now we set for next week) but you'll have to have the devices online in order to receive the update. From what I've read, the updates are gonna help with productivity.

Good luck!

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