MEGATHREAD Target myDevices

Well alerts were never reliable with the PDAs until redwire showed up, then it took hours for it to auto logoff (although I've noticed this seems to have decreased a bit). The only way for these to have effective alerts is for it to be like a phone call, it keeps making the noise at max volume until you dismiss it. Or for a vibrate feature to magically appear in the iPods (yes I know they don't have the hardware to support this 🙁).
I always got alerts on the PDA and right that instant, too. I mean every once in a while they would ding and crash out the PDA, but still. I missed like 4 meal alerts today. And I'm like what in the world. No, I'm not a LOD, but with the new update it lets me log in as one mainly so that I can assist with alerts. Because sometimes I will get FF alerts and no one else will so I call it out.
I always got alerts on the PDA and right that instant, too. I mean every once in a while they would ding and crash out the PDA, but still. I missed like 4 meal alerts today. And I'm like what in the world. No, I'm not a LOD, but with the new update it lets me log in as one mainly so that I can assist with alerts. Because sometimes I will get FF alerts and no one else will so I call it out.
I meant the logoff timeout on the PDAs was much shorter when alerts were integrated. Sometimes it was as low as 15 minutes. I guess it isn't an issue if you're constantly using a PDA or you remember to click on something every so often to keep it logged in. Redwire stays logged in the background for a lot longer, and I haven't noticed any issues with reliability of alerts (although that may differ with your store's wifi network, you may have some dead zones).
I meant the logoff timeout on the PDAs was much shorter when alerts were integrated. Sometimes it was as low as 15 minutes. I guess it isn't an issue if you're constantly using a PDA or you remember to click on something every so often to keep it logged in. Redwire stays logged in the background for a lot longer, and I haven't noticed any issues with reliability of alerts (although that may differ with your store's wifi network, you may have some dead zones).
It's possible, REDwire doesn't log out like 2 seconds after opening the app like it used to. We need better network reliability.
I'm surprised there isn't a way to change sales floor capacities in Store Applications. From what I understand, access to the majority of the Store Applications is restricted to ETLs and higher (in stores other than mine).

Hey @OtherGuy or @UIguy, do know member @Saraklet, too? They had help us on the portable printers.
Thanks for all your help on the my devices!

@Sarakiel is her username. She used to post sporadically about tech-related things.
Question.. How does the software know which POG I am scanning in? I can do a fill for an endcap salesplan, and the batch will only pull for instance 4 slow cookers for an whole endcap. The 4 would have filled the home, but the salesplan needed 12. With the old stand alone applications on the PDA/LPDA you either scanned the pog# or told how many you needed if in EXF.
With my device you scan the item then hit fill. It shows every location the item is in. You scroll horizontally to the one you are in, tell it how many you see and it will tell you how many will pull to fill capacity. You then scroll to the next location and do the same, it will give you the total number being pulled for both locations. Takes a bit, but it's not too horrible.
With my device you scan the item then hit fill. It shows every location the item is in. You scroll horizontally to the one you are in, tell it how many you see and it will tell you how many will pull to fill capacity. You then scroll to the next location and do the same, it will give you the total number being pulled for both locations. Takes a bit, but it's not too horrible.

Not for me. It does not list multi locations. The only app that lists multi location is research.
Not for me. It does not list multi locations. The only app that lists multi location is research.
I'm sorry, but yes; the MyDevices do show multiple locations. And the 'app' being used is MyWork; there is no 'research' app separate from MyWork on the MyDevices.

If you are thinking of PDAs, then yes you do have to toggle to view other locations. But on the MyDevices, all locations are listed horizontally across the screen underneath the product name.
I'm sorry, but yes; the MyDevices do show multiple locations. And the 'app' being used is MyWork; there is no 'research' app separate from MyWork on the MyDevices.

If you are thinking of PDAs, then yes you do have to toggle to view other locations. But on the MyDevices, all locations are listed horizontally across the screen underneath the product name.

Research is in the MyDevice. Tap the person icon and choose research. That option lists multi locations when an item is scanned. So, you must have a different software build, because as of now, I don't have a multi location option. Fill from stockroom defaults to the home location.... Understand??
Multi-Location has been in there since basically the beginning. It should show you the location, then an "Add" button to create a salesfloor location.

If the location is within the same pog, you can tap the "1 more" right below the location to show the next location. Other than that, every other POG location should be shown on that horizontal strip.

Alternatively, if you click the description of the item and go to the item details, at the very bottom it'll give you every POG associated with that item, whether it's tied or not.

And speaking of that, thank you @UIguy and @OtherGuy for that. Makes looking into new items a lot easier. If possible, I'd like to be able to tap on the POG to pull it up as well, to tie or print signs or whatever. Sure I can type it, but I'm lazy sometimes 😉
Research is in the MyDevice. Tap the person icon and choose research. That option lists multi locations when an item is scanned. So, you must have a different software build, because as of now, I don't have a multi location option. Fill from stockroom defaults to the home location.... Understand??
The app I was describing was my work. Not all our devices had research added to them.

On another note, will printing monarch labels be added to my work? That and the backroom sda are the last two things not accounted for that I need.
Sorry to still disagree, but the fill from stockroom option does not allow you to choose which location you want to fill. Maybe one of these programmer guys are here can quantify why. I still want the scanner problem that has been here since day 1 to get fixed.
We got hit with the update that pulled the In-Stocks function off the PDAs.. Half the PDAs and all but two printers also FUBAR'd in the update..

We shall see how trial by fire for us works.. It is really a sad state when people look to me for My Device instruction.. Cause I have tried not to know anything I don't have to, but I got us up and running and helped out a few others get stuff done with them.

Price change was down to two printers one of which got stolen for Flexible orders.. Glad I had a short day.
Sorry to still disagree, but the fill from stockroom option does not allow you to choose which location you want to fill. Maybe one of these programmer guys are here can quantify why. I still want the scanner problem that has been here since day 1 to get fixed.

2015-02-26 16.25.49.jpg 2015-02-26 16.26.12.jpg 2015-02-26 16.27.57.jpg
First image is home location. Second is secondary location, accessed by sweeping to left. Third is generic get more, which allows for more units pulled without a location picked. All under my work.
Do mydevices have Find My iPhone on them? It would be a great way to find lost equipment.
It's Find My iPod, but the iPods don't have Apple IDs associated with them though and if I'm not mistaken thats what you have to have to use that feature.
It's Find My iPod, but the iPods don't have Apple IDs associated with them though and if I'm not mistaken thats what you have to have to use that feature.
I'm sure their MDM solution has something like this built in, what I'd be more concerned about is how easy it would be to just reset the iPod and...have a new iPod. Unless the MDM activates apple's activation lock, there isn't really anything stopping someone from doing that.
Yeah, I figured that would be the case. I wish apple catered to the corporate world a little more.
Their devices weren't meant for corporate use, they had to adapt to corporations wanting to use their devices. They were never built for retail or logistics work as they are being used here. The reason the company went with windows CE is because that's a good platform for the work that was being done (the overall design of webapps sucks though, rendering a webpage instead of having it as native software is much slower).
omg @thatcashierdude did you hear that big whooshing sound? That was your post flying way the hell over my head 😛
So that's what that draft was...I am a bit of a computer nerd sometimes, although I don't have any actual skills that would allow me to get into the field (and it's not my preferred field of work anyway).
From another thread: member @Ajax11 :

One big issue if you haven't noticed it yet. If you use a MyDevice to tie an aisle that has been pre-tied as reverse, the MyDevice will ALWAYS tie the POG as standard. So if you use a MyDevice to tie your pre-tied POGs on reverse aisles you always need to either re-tie and select reverse, or break the pre-tie before tieing the aisle so that you get the standard/reverse prompt.

An aisle being mis-tied as standard when you use the reverse side label strips is one of the most common reasons for schematic information to be 1 location off, it is always the first thing I look at when there is a schematic discrepancy.
I'm sure their MDM solution has something like this built in, what I'd be more concerned about is how easy it would be to just reset the iPod and...have a new iPod. Unless the MDM activates apple's activation lock, there isn't really anything stopping someone from doing that.

Their devices weren't meant for corporate use, they had to adapt to corporations wanting to use their devices. They were never built for retail or logistics work as they are being used here. The reason the company went with windows CE is because that's a good platform for the work that was being done (the overall design of webapps sucks though, rendering a webpage instead of having it as native software is much slower).
Every time I visit friends at home depot I get angrier and angrier that target is forcing their piece of crap ipods on us.

Nice looking case? Phone that rings for that department? Not for us. But they have it on their androids. Not sure about the walkie, but it was on their old lpdas so my guess is yes. No more three things to do your job, one if which you have to run to since you can't carry a red phone...
Every time I visit friends at home depot I get angrier and angrier that target is forcing their piece of crap ipods on us.

Nice looking case? Phone that rings for that department? Not for us. But they have it on their androids. Not sure about the walkie, but it was on their old lpdas so my guess is yes. No more three things to do your job, one if which you have to run to since you can't carry a red phone...
They have their PDA, walkie, and phone combined? It's almost like they got those MC40 androids and...actually used all the our LPDAs have (they could be used as a phone if they didn't suck so much). So yeah, this is what you get when cheap > efficiency/usefulness (which would save money in the long run, but spot doesn't know about that 😛).
They have their PDA, walkie, and phone combined? It's almost like they got those MC40 androids and...actually used all the our LPDAs have (they could be used as a phone if they didn't suck so much). So yeah, this is what you get when cheap > efficiency/usefulness (which would save money in the long run, but spot doesn't know about that 😛).
Not sure on the new androids but the Motorola lpda they replaced had it all. I was a vendor when they got them and I had to learn how to turn the phone and walkie off if I didn't want then calling me constantly.

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