Archived Target to remove Gender Based Labeling?

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look how well changing the backer paper and the signs did!!!!!1111

Give it time.
Americans are notoriously slow learners.
Look how long it's taken them to figure out the metric system or how to have a decent health care system.
Little changes do help though.
When people don't have it constantly driven into their heads that things have to be a certain way when they loosen up a bit and things get better.
"Most places" call them feminine care.
The difference between a physical store and what you linked is that the aisles usually have condoms and incontinence products that wouldn't fit into the 'feminine care' online category. I feel like 'Personal Care' is more descriptive in this case. IMO, this has nothing to do with gender neutrality.
My little sister had an Easy Bake oven (plastic/metal box w/a bulb).
I had the Incredible Edibles set. It was a small round hot plate with a lid.
You squeezed flavored liquid gel into molds & baked them.
Sister did cakes; I did edible insects 😀
my husband had that incredible edible thing!
We laugh about it all the time.
No, we dont like when people capitulate to the whining middleaged mothers who have nothing better to do with their time

I'm not a whining middle-aged mother and I fully support this. Like I said in my first post, it's time we as a society rejected these notions of what makes someone a "real man" or "real woman." If your son wants to play with Barbie dolls or your daughter wants to play with action figures, that doesn't mean they're going to grow up to be gay or transgender or whatever the fear is. And really, so what if they do? There is nothing wrong with that. We need to respect people for who they are, not what we want them to be.
This change has so little to do with the toys I purchase for my kids that I have a hard time caring. My kids have their preferences and I generally go along with them as long as it doesn't lead to anything physically harmful.

As far as I'm concerned, this is just a change in signing and backer paper in some areas. If memory serves, most backer paper tends to follow the color scheme of the product brand packaging anyways so unless they want the aisles to look like crap, I doubt they will be taking down the blue backer paper on Hot Wheels or the pink backer paper on Barbies. Also, half the toy transitions like to move entire aisles around so there's a good chance the backer paper was going to change regardless.

There are far more important things to complain about than this.
I'm not a whining middle-aged mother and I fully support this. Like I said in my first post, it's time we as a society rejected these notions of what makes someone a "real man" or "real woman." If your son wants to play with Barbie dolls or your daughter wants to play with action figures, that doesn't mean they're going to grow up to be gay or transgender or whatever the fear is. And really, so what if they do? There is nothing wrong with that. We need to respect people for who they are, not what we want them to be.

Ok. And is changing the backer paper and not labelling them "girl's building sets" anymore going to change the minds of adults who already have their preconceived notions of what is a boy toy and what is a girl toy? No, its not. All this is is a move to appease the handful of whiny people who honestly think this is going to change anything
I mean, the majority of people are just gonna hang the "mission accomplished" banner, pretend like they've solved the issue, and move on to whine about something else. If people really cared, if they really wanted to change the idea of boy and girl toys, they'd be pushing Target to do an ad campaign or something over Christmas trying to advertise gender neutral toys or something. They'd be pestering Walmart and Toys R Us for the same thing.

But they won't. The people complaining about the signage at Target are just a bunch of people who want to feel like they've accomplished some sort of social change by sitting on their ass and complaining on Facebook and Twitter.
Like I said in Europe the national chains have been doing this for quite some time and in general it works out fine.
They also have gender nutral baby clothes but I'm sure that would cause all kinds off freak outs.
They also have gender nutral baby clothes but I'm sure that would cause all kinds off freak outs.
Yeh, had some friends who'd gone to see family in South Korea & they brought back an outfit for my first son. It was cute, green & pink.
He wore it at home until we passed it off to a cousin.
I'm not a whining middle-aged mother and I fully support this. Like I said in my first post, it's time we as a society rejected these notions of what makes someone a "real man" or "real woman." If your son wants to play with Barbie dolls or your daughter wants to play with action figures, that doesn't mean they're going to grow up to be gay or transgender or whatever the fear is. And really, so what if they do? There is nothing wrong with that. We need to respect people for who they are, not what we want them to be.

im quoting this just cause they wont let me like it more than once
yoobi endcap i finally agree with you, be you lol 😛
This is an epic fail. Put aside the politics of it and just think of how frustrating this will be for guests. They will be bugging sales floor team members even more. Guests want to be able to find things that they want to buy with ease. This just makes it more difficult for everyone.
And there's already a backlash brewing for this exact reason. People are complaining because they won't be able to find things as easily. If they're looking for toys for a "girly girl" who likes the frilly stuff like My Little Pony and Barbie and Princess or anything PINK, they aren't going to want to have to look through the entire fricking toy section to find the "girly" stuff....and the same for boys interested in guns and cars and transformers.
And there's already a backlash brewing for this exact reason. People are complaining because they won't be able to find things as easily. If they're looking for toys for a "girly girl" who likes the frilly stuff like My Little Pony and Barbie and Princess or anything PINK, they aren't going to want to have to look through the entire fricking toy section to find the "girly" stuff....and the same for boys interested in guns and cars and transformers.

Except all that changed was the "gender-specific" signing, like "Girls' Building Sets". Everything is pretty much exactly where it was. People are losing it over nothing. My Little Pony isn't suddenly next to the Transformers.
Except all that changed was the "gender-specific" signing, like "Girls' Building Sets". Everything is pretty much exactly where it was. People are losing it over nothing. My Little Pony isn't suddenly next to the Transformers.
I understand that, but people would specifically look for the "gender specific signing," particularly if they weren't 100% familiar with the store. I don't have young kids and mine are all one gender, so if I were looking for something for a relative of the opposite gender, I wouldn't necessarily know where to look. Personally, I have no issue just wandering the aisles, but some people, particularly those with mobility issues, might. And, let's be honest, with the hours being slashed like they are, there's not always someone readily available to show someone exactly where they might find the Hello Kitty items or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toys....
I understand that, but people would specifically look for the "gender specific signing,"

No they don't. The signing still tells them where dolls, etc. are. It's just not needlessly gendering things anymore.

Seriously, walk through toys, and tell me how hard it is to find these toys now.
(Hint: it's not)

If you've ever regularly worked in toys, especially during the holidays, parents asked us where items were, the signs were dumb and did nothing to help. Half the guests complaining now were the people who didn't even know we had signing like that to begin with
If you see a sign that says "Building Sets" followed by "Girls' Building Sets" and you find that signage to be absolutely A-OK, then you are blind and are a part of the problem. Nevermind that it's gendered -- the fact that the boys' building sets are just regular ol' building sets & the girls' are their own distinct category is disturbing to me. Why can't girls play with the boys' building sets and vice versa? Again, I fail to see the issue with this change that the opponents see. A simple change of signage to simply "Building Sets" appropriately resolves our concerns. No one's talking about putting the Hello Kitty next to the Ninja Turtles. Or even the blue building sets next to the pink ones. There's just no need to gender these toys. It makes parents & children alike feel ashamed when they want to stray from convention and play with the toys traditionally for the opposite sex.

Once we all come to learn that our differences bring us together rather than divide us -- and this is a step in the right direction, albeit a small one -- we will stop arguing about seemingly petty things like this. But for now, this is a conversation we must have.
As I have said numerous times before, this does NOTHING. It may make the kids not gender toys but it does NOTHING to change the parent's minds
As I have said numerous times before, this does NOTHING. It may make the kids not gender toys but it does NOTHING to change the parent's minds
If it helps any kid, then it's a good thing. Think about it from their perspective: they see a toy they want but it's in an area signed for the opposite gender. They think to themselves "is something wrong with me for wanting that?"
As far as changing parents minds, you're probably right, it won't help.
Toy sets are still going to be stocked separately and the companies are certainly going to keep decorating the boxes for gender. 😕

Smart move Target, you saved money with less signage which can be used for other things in the store while also appealing to the progressives.
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