Archived Target to remove Gender Based Labeling?

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I don't want more work. That's the only thing I'm concerned. When I'm at Target working, politics mean nothing. It's all about clocking in and out and trying to accomplish that with the least amount of stress and anxiety. This means more work so this is a stupid idea and I hope it backfires big time.
This thread reminds me of this episode

My youngest son will play dolls and kitchen with my daughter.

He plays with either Avengers or Princess dolls. He doesn't care which.

My daughter loves to play with cars.

I enjoyed playing with cars more than barbies as a kid. I'm sure it had something to do with the fact that i was the only girl out of 5 kids.
How does removing a sign and some paper make more work? Was more than that changed?

The difference (as far as I'm aware. Still haven't seen it) is before the signs were basically "hey this is where the ~girly~ stuff is" and now they're like "hey, this is where dolls and house cleaning items are. If you like dolls and cleaning, this is the place for you!"
How that led to outrage, I just don't understand.
I don't like this move. Its not that I think boys shouldn't play with Barbies or any of that. I don't like it because Target is once again giving in to a small minority of people who have nothing better to do than complain about the color of the backer paper in the toy section at Target. I worked in Electronics for years and never had one guest complain about the backer paper or signing. I really hope Trump has started an 'anti PC' movement because we are going down a path where people will be afraid to say anything or do anything that might offend 1 person. People need to stop looking for a reason to be offended. You're not important - none of us are.

One more thing. How many men write and email corporations about how they are portrayed as morons and lazy bafoons while their wife fixes everything in TV commercials? That's correct. Zero. Got better things to do and the thought of being offended never occurred to us. I remember the commercial that played in electronics for TGTtech where the guy blinds himself with the camera flash because he can't figure out how to operate a camera (or a printer and a TV). Meanwhile the wife grins with a look that says "I married an idiot." Thats right Target, your average adult male guest has no idea how to use electronics. Yup.
Why is this such an issue, all that changed is signing, and aisle colouring. dolls are still on one end, action figures on another. All that changed was we no longer have asinine signs like "Girls' Building Sets", and we no longer pink-wash the dolls. This is not a big deal at all, and it's something every chain is gradually gravitating towards. People are acting like we stuck Barbie next to Hot Wheels. This was going to happen eventually, and the movement behind it is a lot bigger than you think. With every new generation of parents, we get closer and closer to breaking down those barriers. In the end, they're just toys, and kids should be able to play with what they want, without the store, or manufacterers telling them otherwise.

That's a bad comparison. It's called feminine care because there are items that deal with issues with a vagina, not a penis.

Some men have vaginas, some women have penises. Most places refer to those aisles under "personal care".

I swear if they mixed those fake ass Lego Friends set with the REAL Lego sets

I like the concept behind Lego Friends, my only gripe is, the sets lack the same complexity and amount of pieces as all the other Lego lines at the same price points. Lego needs to either get their act together with it, or lower the prices.
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I don't like this move. Its not that I think boys shouldn't play with Barbies or any of that. I don't like it because Target is once again giving in to a small minority of people who have nothing better to do than complain about the color of the backer paper in the toy section at Target.

Sounds about right.

Some men have vaginas, some women have penises. Most places refer to those aisles under "personal care".

"Most places" call them feminine care.
How was it more work? This was part of the toy reset. Which happens this time every year. Signs get swapped out, backing paper gets swapped out. It's the same work POG does every year around this time.

Because the Toys backer paper hasn't changed from the current color scheme / same paper in about 4 years, and was not supposed to change again this year according to Transition Communication / Early Set Notes.

So by requiring a backer paper change aisles that had almost no change went from a 2 hour set to being stripped 100% and a 5 hour set.
It's just another dumb change that's designed to fail and cause team members trouble. I don't like it. Don't create unnecessary work for Target minions just to prove a political point.
I just don't understand why people feel so limited from buying a toy based on its color or location. If you look on Target's FB, you'll tons of people thanking Target for allowing their kids to buy a toy whether they're a boy or a girl. Um, you always had that option and if this really changes things, then you had the problem.
Because the Toys backer paper hasn't changed from the current color scheme / same paper in about 4 years, and was not supposed to change again this year according to Transition Communication / Early Set Notes.

So by requiring a backer paper change aisles that had almost no change went from a 2 hour set to being stripped 100% and a 5 hour set.
Got that right. Hot wheels pegged sections. All that has to be said.
I just don't understand why people feel so limited from buying a toy based on its color or location. If you look on Target's FB, you'll tons of people thanking Target for allowing their kids to buy a toy whether they're a boy or a girl. Um, you always had that option and if this really changes things, then you had the problem.

Because the Toys backer paper hasn't changed from the current color scheme / same paper in about 4 years, and was not supposed to change again this year according to Transition Communication / Early Set Notes.

So by requiring a backer paper change aisles that had almost no change went from a 2 hour set to being stripped 100% and a 5 hour set.
I feel like it changed after I started, and long enough after that I was working POG shifts, so thats under 4yrs for my location. My brain distantly remembers grey or yellow backer paper with cute print of toys and girl/boy figures....can't recall how old it was though.

I agree though, backer paper changes for the 4th quarter toy set feels normal to me. Maybe it takes more time, but this is the time to gussy up toys to impact sales. Signing, displays, etc. Heck, I've got trainees running around trying to learn in the midst of this chaos. Nobody has died yet.
Overheard a little boy a few days ago say"Mommy this is a really cool toy, can I have it?" and she goes "No you can't have that, that is a girls toy" ....why cant we just let kids play with what they want to play with?!
Nope. Had a little boy have his dad threaten to spank him is he ever asked for a "sissy" toy again....he wanted a pull apart olaf. FFS. And it was on clearance for $5.
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