Archived Target's Newest Designer - Lilly Pulitzer

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Meh, I doubt this is gonna hurt guest loyalty to be honest. We have to take into the same account that the same people who were complaining and planning to boycott l4t were the same ones in the line first thing. And also the same people that shop at target everyday and are complaining about us running out of stock are the same people who flipped shit during the breach, yet, here they are still at Target!
We got additional decor stuff today, then it all disappeared. I bought some mugs (a gift for a Lilly fan I know) and only got them because I took my break right after they were put out.
I haven't heard of the brand until today when I was assisting a couple fellow TMs in finding the home for one of her brand's beach towels in seasonal (I'm Electronics, so I'm obviously in the area 😛), and one of the TMs was telling us that she heard people were actually doing this. Then, she and I were halfway looking at the other products in the Lilly line in Seasonal (stuff like bottle openers and wine stoppers) and shook our heads/laughed at how tacky and expensive her stuff is compared to other brands.

Yep. This is why these pieces aren't being "snapped up" as soon as we reshelve them. One of the dresses I put back on Monday night hung on a rack on a very prominent part of the racetrack, across from the checklanes for nearly an entire day before it was bought. Once people get over the hype and actually take a look at this stuff, I think they're finding the stuff to be quite ugly for women.

We did get a girl's outfit back yesterday that was cute...though overpriced for what we sell for children's clothing. And again, it sat in the same prominent spot all evening and not one person even looked at it.
The thought I had when we started de trashing it all was, "This stuff is cute for little girls, but that's a whole lot of print on adult sizes." Does anyone else think the tube top pant suit/jumper thing looks like it's made for an old granny who's really comfortable showing some skin?
We still have 2 hammock stands and an umbrella stand that have been sitting here since Sunday.
I am 90% that is exactly what we have left too. And isn't the umbrella stand just plain white or something? I can get the appeal of the fabric-based product but those just seem like a lazy cash-in attempt.
The stuff from last night went to someone who grabbed it all without concern to what it was or sizes or anything...hoping for eBay? We had some more girl's items come back today...since a couple of them were the same item, same size, etc, it makes me think it was more failed eBay stuff. Good. Keep bringing it back. Let's end this silly amateur resale hour.
the other day I was working GS and a lady returned a whole bunch of LP stuff. a lady behind her saw the stuff and asked me if she could see what I had. well as long as she does not make a mess I am cool with it.
The real kicker?
The stuff ends up doing poorly & the Lilly snobs just don't see that the unwashed masses have better taste than to follow a label simply because it was made by 'one of their own.'
Kinda makes me glad I'm poor.
We've been staring at one of those God awful ugly poufs for nearly a week now. Clearly this crap isn't going to sell. When is it going clearance?
Our stuff goes shortly after it arrives. I met a lady the other day and she was buying things for her daughter who was in some sort of trading group. The size we had in something was the size someone in the group has... And that person happened to have the size guest's daughter needs. I thought that was a cool way to get the things they wanted.

I'm happy ebayers are failing. Even if I don't like most of the stuff, I don't think it's fair that the people who actually genuinely wanted stuff didn't get a chance because some assholes wanted to make a quick buck.
Can somebody PLEASE come take away the last of our Lilly stuff?! I don't like the way they look and they just give me a headache remembering the hassle that people first made the day the collection became available to get what they wanted... But the hype has settled down because we live in a small town, so now we have about 20 pieces of Lilly just hanging by their lonesome and leftover decor in seasonal. It bothers me.
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