Archived Target's Newest Designer - Lilly Pulitzer

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It's right next to the Shopkins!
The signing guy took down all the Lilly signing yesterday morning because our store is not getting anything replenished. It was up a whopping 24 hours.
Lilly Pulitzer it seems is giving away a "mystery gift" to those who order from them to stem the rage from its product becoming Lilly for Ebay instead of Lilly for Target. It seems it is just going to get worse as is slowly letting people know things they ordered were just glitches and they are getting nothing.

So what did Target get out of all this? They sold everything but, that is barely a drop in bucket to daily sales. They have some happy Ebay buyers who took everything as the store opened and are reselling it. And then you have Targets every day shopper who is angry because they got nothing after waiting in line at store or stayed up to use which of course was a disaster. You also have the new shoppers Target wanted to lure in with this entire thing who are also angry.
We killed our sales goal by $70,000 on Sunday. So while I'm not sure it was worth the chaos and disappointment for guests who didn't get any, it was a bit more than a drop in the bucket for our daily sales. That $70k alone is going to flex us up some payroll hours.
We made sales on Sunday due to this. BUT we had to massively make it up on Monday by having people stay late due to all the leftover push and reshop that didn't get done. Not worth it.
Guests are still calling the store , I am the one who answers the damn phone !
And they ask if we got any returns , how horrible it is when I announce to them that we are not getting any more !
If I took a shot of tequilla each time a guest asked me about Lilly , I would be drunk by 9 am !
Guests are still calling the store , I am the one who answers the damn phone !
And they ask if we got any returns , how horrible it is when I announce to them that we are not getting any more !
If I took a shot of tequilla each time a guest asked me about Lilly , I would be drunk by 9 am !

It doesn't help that Target is still running ads.
Well the problem is Target promoted the hell out of this thing and it was over moments after the store was opened. Having run into this problem before (barely any product, heavy promotion and resellers buying the little product sent) and getting blasted with negative reactions from shoppers most people would assume Target had done some thing to fix the problem. Limit numbers of items that can be bought, staggering releases through out the day, having resupply over the next couple of days etc. And Target took what the learned from other events and did nothing. Making it even worse failed yet again. These are very basic, easy things to fix and yet Target failed yet again and is getting heat from its main demographic. It is almost like they have no idea what is happening in the stores.
Ummm... they don't know...
Lilly Pulitzer it seems is giving away a "mystery gift" to those who order from them to stem the rage from its product becoming Lilly for Ebay instead of Lilly for Target. It seems it is just going to get worse as is slowly letting people know things they ordered were just glitches and they are getting nothing.

So what did Target get out of all this? They sold everything but, that is barely a drop in bucket to daily sales. They have some happy Ebay buyers who took everything as the store opened and are reselling it. And then you have Targets every day shopper who is angry because they got nothing after waiting in line at store or stayed up to use which of course was a disaster. You also have the new shoppers Target wanted to lure in with this entire thing who are also angry.
Product may have sold out fast, but it brought people through the doors all day.

We hit double the sales goal on Sunday, and I haven't heard of any angry guests yet. Everyone has been pretty understanding when they are told what's left is on the table back in rear seasonal and that's where the returns will go as well.

Our ETL-AP (LOD on Sunday) actually had guests calling him out on Twitter to thank him for the great organization and customer service.
I just had to create a small rack space in RTW for some failed eBay stuff already. You know it's eBay when none of the pieces were the same size. The lady even made her husband return the stuff. Good grief. So we'll see how long they last. The two wristlets I also put back are a bit more hidden, so whoever finds those can feel really special.
My front lanes PTZ captured the Lilly racks perfectly, I was dying of laughter in the AP office as I watched people go crazy with the clothing. Nothing but empty racks after around four minutes of opening.
I used to be a baseball collector who got autographs and I'd see these guys who you knew weren't baseball fans trying to get the ballplayers with tons of baseballs, bats,etc and I knew what they were doing with them ( selling them on ebay) which brings me back to Lily people thinking they can make a quick buck and essentially ruining it for people ( some ball players refused to sign because of the so-called autograph hounds) and now have these people the guests who bought all the lily merch and have ruined it for all the guests who wanted it. Stupid ebay people making a quick buck.....
What about the planters? We still have those... no one seems to care about putting their plants in a Lilly.... lol
I haven't seen those. Must've sold them. We also still have an umbrella stand left. It looks like any ordinary plastic umbrella stand you can buy for $10
Thank God I had church that morning.

If I heard correctly, we limited quantities and did not hold any LP merchandise no matter what.
Product may have sold out fast, but it brought people through the doors all day.

We hit double the sales goal on Sunday, and I haven't heard of any angry guests yet. Everyone has been pretty understanding when they are told what's left is on the table back in rear seasonal and that's where the returns will go as well.

Our ETL-AP (LOD on Sunday) actually had guests calling him out on Twitter to thank him for the great organization and customer service.

To quote Targets facebook page "We know you're frustrated & we're sorry. We appreciate your patience." People are very upset just read and social media outlet. This is one of those things that is good for sales for a day but, bad for the company as upset shopper will less and less bother with or other Target special events. You take this and toss in Targets failures in Pfresh, Canada and the data leak and Target looks like a company that is failing in the eyes of the public. When 4th quarter comes and all the people who were screwed over by this time shop online, do you really thing they are going back to use it then? Short term thinking has been Targets biggest failure. They had the same issues before and did nothing to correct them.
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