Archived Target's Newest Designer - Lilly Pulitzer

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I feel a bit guilty but I had to be firm with some guests who asked if we had anymore at 1pm I said "we are sold out" just said it in a confidant sure tone and "I cant promise you anything if we are going to get anything it but we could just call ahead and ask"
This is beyond ridiculous !
It is a brand , not a life saving device !
It is on ebay ? You don't like it ? Don't buy it !!!
I was stopped by 17 guests this morning while doing flow softline , and asked me where I will put the Lilly stuff today ? Or , if we had any in the back ....
Enough already !
No , we do not have any left , no we are not getting any more !
No I am not ashamed with target and no , I don't have to be nice to you ....
And to the FRO from hell , stop telling guests on the phone that we might get some on the truck !are you out of your mind ????
We told you when you started your shift that we were not getting anything !
I feel a bit guilty but I had to be firm with some guests who asked if we had anymore at 1pm I said "we are sold out" just said it in a confidant sure tone and "I cant promise you anything if we are going to get anything it but we could just call ahead and ask"
What were you supposed to say? From what I'm reading on here, many team members weren't filled in with many details. Many of my team members didn't even know this was going to take place. Don't blame yourself, blame poor planning.
i read someplace stores were suposed to implimate a 3 item limit. if i was an stl or etl i would have had the gstl gsa and cashiers refuse to ring up lily for target if they looked like they were purchasing for resale.

also a poster on facebook posted her local store still had some items in stock including plus sizes but i know for a fact plus sizes are an online exclusive only so her story sounds fishy
Well the problem is Target promoted the hell out of this thing and it was over moments after the store was opened. Having run into this problem before (barely any product, heavy promotion and resellers buying the little product sent) and getting blasted with negative reactions from shoppers most people would assume Target had done some thing to fix the problem. Limit numbers of items that can be bought, staggering releases through out the day, having resupply over the next couple of days etc. And Target took what the learned from other events and did nothing. Making it even worse failed yet again. These are very basic, easy things to fix and yet Target failed yet again and is getting heat from its main demographic. It is almost like they have no idea what is happening in the stores.
We had a couple of toddler and girls stuff left when I came in this afternoon, but now the clothing is gone. There are a few other pieces floating around the store, but pretty much not anything that anyone is really interested in.
I saw a commercial for it late late last night. I was thinking to myself I bet if someone saw it they would probably want to throw a shoe at the TV and and say stupid store I wanted that dress!!! I am boycotting you!!
I saw a commercial for it late late last night. I was thinking to myself I bet if someone saw it they would probably want to throw a shoe at the TV and and say stupid store I wanted that dress!!! I am boycotting you!!
It's still on the tvs in electronics...
Well, Spot misses the "target" again.
While they sold out of the product and made their money....they sure pissed off a lot more guests.....wonder who the winner is in this situation? At least we clearly know that Target lost.

So, we'll all be told to "Vibe with the guests" and do whatever they want.

I'm wondering what our new CEO has to say about this!

Speaking of advertising SNAFUs....April is two times the credit for getting a prescription this month. The first advertising I saw was in this past Sunday's ad.
How do they expect to get people to the pharmacy when they first advertise over half-way thru April??

This past week I had a guest ask me about the designer that we were supposed to have in the store....I thought "What designer?...."It's probably not Target." I told the guest to go over to guest services to ask about the designer.....and the next thing I hear is that we sold out in no time at all. I'm still wondering about Lilly Pulitzer. Well, not to be too nasty....but if she's passed away then she won't be designing for Target any more!!!!!
Yikes!!! I have never seen any of the designers like this before ( nope never never) I have only been at Target for 6 years but it has never been crazy...... Missoni wasn't even crazy. I remember we sold out of a few things but we still had things. This designer definitely took the cake!!

The Missoni stuff wasn't crazy because it was ugly as sin.
Tonight. "Excuse me Miss, where's your Lilly Pulitzer section?"


I love how people keep saying it failed, um they sold out for Target thats a win.
yes this was a total homerun for Target! I still think we could have had more product or spaced it out more but hey it was still a win for Target!
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