Team lead bonus

My store doesn't use this code. All the closers are scheduled under GM and a&a.
I made sure when the details on the bonus program came out that HR keyed someone in as a closing expert for this exact reason. Also, in the hopes that only they count towards your payroll, I picked someone who only works 2 days a week in the event they we’re lucky enough the payroll bonus is specific to workcenter lol
Confirmed with my SD and HRBP - Closing lead falls into the "no team" position so they will not receive the bonus. APL, PML, VM, & CL are on their own. Only difference is CL partners with store leadership/SD instead of a BP.
We’re only getting $500, which is interesting we made payroll 11/12 months and for the year overall, and comped positive. Must mean they were either requiring us to beat goal, or make payroll all 12 months since we were thinking we were good to get $1000
I thought closing experts fell under closing TL which means they have a team? I guess we’ll find out when bonuses hit
If you made sure to have your closers keyed in as closing experts and they aren’t just GM team members working closing expert shifts, I’m pretty sure you’re fine. If you have no direct reports according to workday, I’m unsure
We’re only getting $500, which is interesting we made payroll 11/12 months and for the year overall, and comped positive. Must mean they were either requiring us to beat goal, or make payroll all 12 months since we were thinking we were good to get $1000
I don’t think sales was just comping. I think you had to hit your forecast goal
Guys just to give you a heads up. I’m an overnight exec and we get a $1000 bonus every quarter. I’m not lying to you when I say they take all that and more in tax. When my bonus hits I’m taxed over the amount of my bonus. So I’m just being honest when I say these One time “bonuses” aren’t worth the stress.
Do you think we’ll still get the bonus or could they possibly come out with a statement about how at this time they need to delay it or something?
For the performance TL bonus does anyone know how much it was? At my store, I know who got it, but I don’t want them to feel weird if I ask how much it was.
13 closers? Say what? Do you mean the entire team that closes no matter what work center? I only have 3 closing experts. Anyone else that closes is keyed in the dept they work like tech, style, beauty etc.

13 GM closers. I have 7 with me on the weekdays and 9 -10 on the weekends with the ETLs. I generally have 3 market closers, 8 A&A, 1-2 beauty 1-2 electronics and the front end.

I am responsible for the reviews for the 13 GMs..
13 GM closers. I have 7 with me on the weekdays and 9 -10 on the weekends with the ETLs. I generally have 3 market closers, 8 A&A, 1-2 beauty 1-2 electronics and the front end.

I am responsible for the reviews for the 13 GMs..
OK- that makes more sense. I have a bigger team if I count all of them as closers. I only write the reviews for my actual closing experts however. I wouldn’t want to write the reviews for the others. While I may oversee them in the evening most of them work different shifts so I am just partnering with their lead to give any feedback I have on them.
Our closing lead, because they have only been in the position for 7 months, got a percentage of the percentage which came to a $125 bonus. Also, because of the good job they've done, a .45 cent merit raise. On the whole, they were not pleased.

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