I'm Lost! Team lead on drugs!?

I would document 2-3 instances of such conversations and make an anonymous call to the Hotline. Last thing you want is to be fingered as the snitch; especially if other TMs may be involved or associated.

If you are in one of the legal states, I believe its enforced like alcohol. Its ok to partake but not on the job.
Don't worry about it. In many states it is legal now. And really if you work retail and don't do some kind of drug you're a sociopath
I think the term you are looking for is masochist.

As far as the OP, use your words. Too much of society is "I'm offended so I'm going to go through formal channels that will fuck up everyone's life rather than just tell the person outright to their face 'don't tell me this.'"
Whether or not the recreational use of marijuana is legal in any state, the company can still use it as a subject for termination/no hire. Any type of drug use, not prescribed, can be used for termination. You consented to be drug tested during the application you filled out online. I would suggest asking this Team Lead to not discuss that at work with you, and if it continues speak with your STL, ETL-HR, or Asset Protection about it. You have the right to a comfortable work environment.
Wow....lots of opinions here.....it doesn't matter if the drug is legal or not....if it is being used without a doctors consent and without a prescription it is inappropriate to be using.

My guess is if the TM is "sharing" or selling any drug then the TM, more than likely, doesn't have the proper paperwork to be using.

Target is a drug-free environment. Marijuana is a drug. Using an illegal substance is still using an illegal substance.
Target does take drug use VERY seriously and will terminate a TM who is using drugs. Using drugs while on the job is as f***ing stupid as you can get and can put others at risk.....no just TMs but guests as well.

My advice is consistent with those TMs who suggest you move forward and take a stand on the use of drugs.

It seems, from your earlier posts, that the person using has "friends" in management. So speaking with some members of store management may be uncomfortable and may not get you very far. The best way to go forward on this is to talk with Assets Protection. This person has a different level of responsibility than the ETLs and answers to individuals outside of the store.

I would suggest that you do not talk to the TM who is using......this will cause you problems on many levels and with several TMs in the store.

Document at least two specific incidents (date, time, TMs involved...what you witnessed) and then talk to AP or call the Integrity Hotline.

There are some instances where, looking the other way, will only cause problems in the end.....and I believe that this is one of those instances.

If you were to decide not to do anything and said TM gets caught you may have to answer questions arriving from the investigation...you too could end up getting in trouble.

Thank you for bringing your concerns and this issue to us here at the breakroom....this is one of the things we are here to do....help TMs with different issues and questions. Please make sure to keep us informed on what you decide to do.

I am here to support you....and so are many others.
One more thing to think about.....while marijuana may be legal in some states.....it is still against the law according to the government.....a federal law is higher than the state law in regard to this......that's why, in the states where the use is legal, all transactions are done in cash and that is why banks won't allow these businesses to open any accounts.

So, looking the other way can possibly lead to issues that you don't even want to consider.
One more thing to think about.....while marijuana may be legal in some states.....it is still against the law according to the government.....a federal law is higher than the state law in regard to this......that's why, in the states where the use is legal, all transactions are done in cash and that is why banks won't allow these businesses to open any accounts.
Yeah this. People seem to want to ignore this fact when they talk about how marijuana is legal in some states now. Doesn't matter what the states say when federal law holds the cards. Brushing along politics, the last presidential administration decriminalized it, in the sense that the laws stayed on the books but enforcement of those laws were openly discouraged, but the current administration has ended that policy and arrests and prosecutions are ramping up. Marijuana is illegal in any place that the federal government has decided it owns.

Now I personally still feel that far too many people skip talking directly to a person when that person is doing something to aggravate them and a simple "Dude I really don't want to hear that" could solve the problem that you are having (which is listening to this stuff), but the rest of @pellinore 's advice is sound. You are not playing police informant at this time but should you wish to do so, (s)he's got the right steps to keeping yourself safe.
It's a plant, like a tomato - or a flower. You smell a rose, eat a tomato, vape marijuana - all three give you pleasure.
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Legal or not it's unprofessional and immature to talk about at work. If you feel comfortable you could offer this life advice. If not, you could ask HR for advice on how to handle the situation not saying who you mean if you feel you might targeted.

I would feel exactly the same way as you do. I know of at least a few tms who partake but it was casual mentions and they don't talk about it regularly and I don't even think about it. But if my TL talked like that I'd have a problem, too. Let us know what happens!
It's a plant, like a tomato - or a flower.
Okay, flower. What about foxglove? That's a pretty flower. It's also a drug, works on the heart. Poppies. Pretty flowers, very pretty flowers, nice to think of when you are given the dehydrated liquid squeezed out of them....codeine and morphine. Hey, what about that cigar, that nice tobacco leaf all squished up inside the outer paper? Hey, got a headache? What do you think aspirin is? It's bark off the willow tree. There's a cancer drug that's a flower, the Madagascar periwinkle.

And that's just plants. Snake spit is used for heart problems and brain problems. Before we had any clue how to make it, diabetes drugs came straight out of a pig. I'm currently taking an ordinary salt for my brain problem, literally. I could go outside and dig it out of the ground and put it in my salt shaker.

So no, "drug" and "comes straight from the ground" are not mutually exclusive.

Edit: Forgot the obvious. Penicillin and cyclosporins, antibiotics, are nothing more than mold.
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While it is true that marijuana is not a drug Tetrahydrocannabinol, abbreviated THC, is one of at least 113 cannabinoids identified in cannabis.
So there are drugs that can be extracted from the marijuana plant.
Just like there are drugs that can be extracted from the coca leaf, namely cocaine.

The entire argument about federal law superseding state law is moot since the feds almost never charge people with minor possession.
They usually only go after the big dealers.
Most of the people doing time for possession are in under state laws.

The biggie here is store policy and if he is smoking at the store then he's going to eventually get fired.
But does the OP want to get in the middle of that?

Simple enough to ask not to be included in the conversations.
Saying you are uncomfortable with them is a fair approach and if he continues, approaching HR about that seems appropriate.
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Speaking for my store unless you caused an accident or were smoking on the clock or on lunch we wouldn't care. Is it inappropriate to talk about it like that? Yeah but there are bigger fish to fry
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