Archived Team leader breakdown

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Can't you identify the useless ones in their first 90 days and get rid of them easily?

My store was/is desperate for bodies they couldn't term them cause even half speed was better than nothing, now we are stuck with a bunch of these kids who seem to think that showing up deserves a trophy, when they fucking show up. Then have four of your TL's quit within two weeks of each other and you are almost no floor coverage or anyone to write up these zombies and the cycle starts over.

That is actually what killed us, the shuffling of the TL's cause one would start a file on someone then get shuffled and the next TL would start over with them, quit, new TL and start over again. That and our ETL leadership is lazy AF and doesn't want to do the paperwork.
Seems your scheduling may need some readjusting. 2 department owners per department, 4-6 hr shifts each. You shouldnt have to push much but bounce around to your team members and be able to hold them accountable to their productivity. Filling the floor should always be #1 priority for one of those TMs, the other focus in PC and Revisions, SPL etc.

I've learned that this process is a 100% win of executed properly but it takes some hard ass work to get there and you cant get every department up and running efficiently all at once. Each department has to be interpreted differently as the tasks per department differ in size/workload. We've sort of bent the guide a little bit and are doing things, being innovative and it's truly showing its benefits.

I dont have many answers due to being in a different location but shoot me a PM, maybe I can assist.

I swear I didnt rest my brain for 1 entire month, all i did was stress about the crap happening but its slowly sliding into place, the most important thing is "ROUTINE ROUTINE ROUTINE" There needs to be an established routine amongst the departments and as I mentioned above, each department is dif. What works for one does not work for all!
Can you come to my store and tell that to my leadership?! I keep on trying to get them to understand that most of the areas I have with the exception of 1 is extremely busy as soon as the store opens. I need my DBO in their areas at the same time the truck is unloading. Trying to get them to understand all departments are not the same (ADANTS) is like pulling teeth.
I'm constantly trying to fine tune routines and schedules. My brain is getting tired.
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Can you come to my store and tell that to my leadership?! I keep on trying to get them to understand that most of the areas I have with the exception of 1 is extremely busy as soon as the store opens. I need my DBO in their areas at the same time the truck is unloading. Trying to get them to understand all departments are not the same (ADANTS) is like pulling teeth.
I'm constantly trying to fine tune routines and schedules. My brain is getting tired.
YES agree 100%, when DBOs get 4 hour shifts only on truck days, it is impossible for them to come clean. My ETLs & SD always come to me about how I need to performance them out but I can’t even get some of the departments clean with freight, repacks, pricing, 32 endcaps & 10 revisions for one section alone in a 16 hour week
Oh is that what this is about? Team Leaders doing freight?

You would have gone crazy in my dept. For the three years I was in Frozen Dairy my teamleader pushed every single day, almost his entire shift. Got a new TL in January before I left and she was pushing the entire shift too.

Team leaders who do the peasant work are the ones I respect the most. You never saw Kings do it, but the ones who did had the biggest loyal following amongst his civilians.
I have a lot of respect for leaders that do grunt work. During a district visit, I saw the DTL and the STL on register when we were really busy first thing in the morning.
Can you come to my store and tell that to my leadership?! I keep on trying to get them to understand that most of the areas I have with the exception of 1 is extremely busy as soon as the store opens. I need my DBO in their areas at the same time the truck is unloading. Trying to get them to understand all departments are not the same (ADANTS) is like pulling teeth.
I'm constantly trying to fine tune routines and schedules. My brain is getting tired.

That is what they are told is that it works and if it doesn't its the people. And since we have had every ETL who had a brain quit or fired in the last year or so, we get these idiots who are the soldiers who do exactly as told and if they are like the two we have up front? They are all for their bonus and will do exactly as told cause that is the prize. Not a store that is full or making sales, green metrics are all they give a shit about anything else is to be written up and fired if you get in the way of that bonus.
That is what they are told is that it works and if it doesn't its the people. And since we have had every ETL who had a brain quit or fired in the last year or so, we get these idiots who are the soldiers who do exactly as told and if they are like the two we have up front? They are all for their bonus and will do exactly as told cause that is the prize. Not a store that is full or making sales, green metrics are all they give a shit about anything else is to be written up and fired if you get in the way of that bonus.
You must be at my old store...
You were or are in PNW?
Only as a visitor, unfortunately. Beautiful country and an outdoorsman’s paradise. Your store sounds exactly like my store, though. We had the same ETL behavior to a T. The good ones left leaving us with the bottom of the barrel leadership-wise. Guess I shouldn’t say “wise”. 😂 Nothing counted but green metrics and making the ETLs look good, and all the leadership seemed to care about was their bonuses and scapegoating the TLs/TMs for their failures. Not exactly a recipe for success, but perfect for a shit show that they now have...🙄
Only as a visitor, unfortunately. Beautiful country and an outdoorsman’s paradise. Your store sounds exactly like my store, though. We had the same ETL behavior to a T. The good ones left leaving us with the bottom of the barrel leadership-wise. Guess I shouldn’t say “wise”. 😂 Nothing counted but green metrics and making the ETLs look good, and all the leadership seemed to care about was their bonuses and scapegoating the TLs/TMs for their failures. Not exactly a recipe for success, but perfect for a shit show that they now have...🙄

And boy does this shit show stink. I just sit back, pull my batches, pack my batches and ignore most of it.
I have a lot of respect for leaders that do grunt work. During a district visit, I saw the DTL and the STL on register when we were really busy first thing in the morning.

The thing is, leadership is mostly being told to do LESS grunt work, but because everything was so hush hush regarding roll out, most TMs under them don't know that direction is coming from up above, and just see their leaders suddenly getting lazy during a difficult time period.
TLs in particular got thrown under the bus.

My store was seeing TLs getting reamed out left and right for not "supervising" enough, including getting screamed at, insulted, and threatened when the TMs didn't perform correctly while the TL was off the clock or off the day, and then those same TLs getting written up for doing the work themselves or working off the clock to "supervise."
While the ETLs fully embraced the "supervise only" process to make those TLs lives an absolute hell, all while sitting around in the offices, going home early, sending nasty emails from home, having other leaders spy on one another, and not lifting a finger.
Saturday chaos...3 team member call-outs ☎ team leaders pushing a lot of freight 🎻 fellow team mate who put in 2 weeks creating ghosts 👻 in backroom to put us farther in the red....another team mate is now talking to his g\f for 15 mins because he despises being phone operator lol 👍 another t/m going to have his grandmother wreck into wine end cap on her motorized scooter next week so he can do long clean-up and stop pushing freight. 👵 Other t/m's who never volunteered for anything now responding to cart runs and team lift carry-outs 🙋 I spent much more time interacting with guests 🙈 🙉 🙊 owners leaving on time ⌚ 🍺 🍕team leaders now doing our freight pushing 💋 lol..I love modernization ! 🎯

That wine clean up plan is so awful. Not because of lost product, but to be hit with that OVERWHELMING wine smell is too much. Which, I realize might be the point, but, does he know we have other products in the store too?
That wine clean up plan is so awful. Not because of lost product, but to be hit with that OVERWHELMING wine smell is too much.
A vendor was building a wine endcap in the checklanes when the top shelf collapsed (he didn't have it hooked securely) on two lower shelves.
We had a huge red lake of Beaujolais, Cabernet & Bordeaux across the main racetrack.
Despite the prices it STILL smelt like a drunken flophouse.
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