Archived Team Leads Partnering with Other Team Leads

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Nov 16, 2011
For those of you that have two team leads in an area how do you work with the other one?
Since i've been a TL i've pretty much been "on my own". The other gstl was fired today so it's just me right now. Things are getting switched up in our store after the holidays and I know who is going to be the next GSTL and I don't have a great relationship with him. It will be nice to have another team lead who is actually going to work but i'm not sure how this will work.

Any advice you would like to share?
With only two GSTLs, you'll probably not be working directly with him very much. We have five GSTLs and it's not often that two are on at the same time, except for those days we have TL meetings. We try to pair one GSTL with a couple GSAs. The key is email communication so that you'll be on the same page.
with that many GSTL/GSA do you guys all take turns cashiering/guest service or something?? I only ask because we have 1 gstl 2 gsa, and i'm currently 5-6 days a week under GSTL/GSA workarea lol.
We all work one shift at SD each week. We have two openers (one GSTL/one GSA), one mid (GSA) and two closers (one GSTL/one GSA).
You have to flex in cashier hours too though right? I don't think there'd be enough GSTL/GSA hours for that much coverage.
The hours are sometimes scheduled under cashier workcenter, but we never work a cashier shift. Of course, we do cover some breaks and pop on the lanes when we have back ups.
There are 3 Hardline TMs at my store, I think two of them have a thing for each other, and the other one is pretty cool. So, they work together fine. They're never all together at one, of course, but there is usually two at a time.
If you aren't on the same page with the other TL in your workcenter, it can be stressful. If they're not a terrible team member and actually care about doing a good job, you can at least try being professional with each other in order to meet each other halfway on things in order to get the job done for the good of the team and store.

I don't have to have all 5-6 backroom TMs pulling CAFs at the same time at the top of the hour. I can have 3 work on CAF, 2 push, and 1 backstock. Or 3 do CAF, 1 push, 1 backstock, and 1 for misc things that need doing. As the other 3 finish pulling, they can jump to whatever other task needs doing the most.

But the other TL wants all 5-6 people pulling CAF at the top of the hour until it's finished, THEN they can do other things. Which means some things get neglected for significant periods of time throughout the day. So, I compromised with saying hey, how about all 5-6 pull for 15 minutes, and then after that, I can have 2-3 break off to do other things. That way, you'll make the headway on the CAF pulling that you want, and the other 3 guys can do other things that are necessary while the first 3 finish pulling the handful of batches left. Come on man, meet me halfway.

That kind of thing.
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