Team Member Smells like Booze

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Front of Store Attendant
Apr 19, 2012
Um, doesn't Target have some kind of policy against showing up for work smelling alcohol on your breath? One of my coworkers came in. I could clearly smell booze on his breath. He was fine for the most part but his speech was slightly slurred. Nobody said a thing to him. He was able to do his job fine, with a couple minor goofs early on in the day till he finished sobering up. I was just very surprised nobody said anything to him. I thought he'd get sent home or written up for sure because you could clearly smell the booze. No way an ETL or Team Lead didn't catch a wiff when we were all huddled around the time clock to punch in this morning. happens. probably against the rules. probably not safe. is it going to happen at a 9.00 an hour bullcrap retail job? Everyday!
I could swear my GSTL came to work somewhat drunk he use to smell strong. Being that I dont drink alcohol I dont really know the smell of it.
Report it to the lod or tl, my suggestion. But, if they get job done & help guests, let it go. Only exception is, operating equipment.
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You'd be shocked how difficult it is for us to send someone home for that, actually.

Do tell.

Yeah I mean if he or she is doing their job fine it should be let go, in my opinion. If it's affecting how they do their job or if their job involves operating machinery, something has to be done.
Do tell.

Yeah I mean if he or she is doing their job fine it should be let go, in my opinion. If it's affecting how they do their job or if their job involves operating machinery, something has to be done.

Giving them a different assignment--even if it's just to sit quietly in an office and not disturb anything--is not a problem. It's just tough to actually send them home. Two leaders have to make the decision that the team member is under the influence--but without discussing it with each other first. If I think that TM Tom is drunk, I have to find a way to get him in the same place as another leader and hope that the other leader agrees with me, only I'm not allowed to mention it to that other leader at all. No "Can you take a look at Tom?", no "Hey, I'm worried about Tom, can you see if you think he's alright?", nothing that could alert that leader in any way as to what I'm thinking. I just have to find a way to quietly get them together and hope.

Then, once the other leader notices (hopefully) and then asks me, "Hey, did you send Tom over to me because you thought he was sloshed?", we can call Tom a cab and send him to get tested--but only if the STL or ETL-HR is around to approve it (and if they aren't, we'd have to call our HRBP).
Nobody's going to do anything if nobody is alerted to the situation. I'm willing to bet this team member didn't encounter their ETL or STL while smelling like alcohol and slurring their speech. Please remember that we're all responsible for keeping each other safe, and go to HR when you suspect something like this!
It's happened at our store before more than once. Twice they were sent home. The other time he worked part of his shift then sent home. I'm not sure about the details or process that was involved other than a cab was called for them. There may have been more than these three before I was hired or others I'm not aware of.
A little expiation - which I never do -- and remember "Spot" these are "My thoughts" --

I was raised by a raging alcoholic -- I have "ZERO TOLERANCE" for them -----

Forget about their feeling's / welfare or safety -- it's a waste of your time --

If it's on their breath - it has metabolized in their system - he drove in drunk - more than likely he will drive home or to the Bar drunk --

Go to HR - if nothing is done - call integrity and report that you expressed your concerns to HR ---

Then weather you saw him drinking or not ----- "Say you did" --- ( IMHO ) - at least it's on the record to cover your own ass and conscious - because --

He will hurt someone in the store --- He will hurt or kill someone while driving -- it's only a matter of time !!!!

Side story ---

Another company I worked for --- My supervisor was ****-faced 75 % of the time. HR and the dept. director refused to address it. The other guys and I --- took him to breakfast one morning to sober him up and Tell him -- everybody knows - he's not hiding it from anyone.

He was eventually fired for recking the company van and putting himself and another person in the hospital !

We heard from his wife ( worked in our office ) he had another accident with her car and injured other people ! ( revoking his license didnt mean squat - )

I felt it was my responsibility - to help the innocent people who's lives he "Will" affect by following him every so often - and if he was weaving enough in traffic to prove to the police a DWI - I would - drop a dime in a heart beat !

( hint - hint )

And his "ex-wife" and kid -- are very happy now ---
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A little expiation - which I never do -- and remember "Spot" these are "My thoughts" --

I was raised by a raging alcoholic -- I have "ZERO TOLERANCE" for them -----

Forget about their feeling's / welfare or safety -- it's a waste of your time --

If it's on their breath - it has metabolized in their system - he drove in drunk - more than likely he will drive home or to the Bar drunk --

Go to HR - if nothing is done - call integrity and report that you expressed your concerns to HR ---

Then weather you saw him drinking or not ----- "Say you did" --- ( IMHO ) - at least it's on the record to cover your own ass and conscious - because --

He will hurt someone in the store --- He will hurt or kill someone while driving -- it's only a matter of time !!!!

Side story ---

Another company I worked for --- My supervisor was ****-faced 75 % of the time. HR and the dept. director refused to address it. The other guys and I --- took him to breakfast one morning to sober him up and Tell him -- everybody knows - he's not hiding it from anyone.

He was eventually fired for recking the company van and putting himself and another person in the hospital !

We heard from his wife ( worked in our office ) he had another accident with her car and injured other people ! ( revoking his license didnt mean squat - )

I felt it was my responsibility - to help the innocent people who's lives he "Will" affect by following him every so often - and if he was weaving enough in traffic to prove to the police a DWI - I would - drop a dime in a heart beat !

( hint - hint )

And his "ex-wife" and kid -- are very happy now ---
Ok so you have a zero tolerance for alcoholics but whats to say he is one? Maybe he just had a long night with friends?
There have been times where I went out on a Friday night only to stay out til the wee hours of the morning and by the time i get to work, I'm still a little bit buzzed but I am able to get the job done.

Me being slightly buzzed, am able to work better then half my store. I actually know of a TM that comes to work high off marijuana and he still completes his duties and is probably one of the hardest working people at my store.

As long as they can do the job and not get anyone hurt, I don't see what the problem is. End result is the same, job is getting done.
Here is where the O / P should chime in to post -- this happened once or often --

As far as you being buzzed -- "If" one day in your "buzzed-ness" ( is that even a word ? ) something should happen --- who's ass will be in a sling ??
One of my stores had a incident where a cart attendant was coming in recovering from a previous night of partying and binge drinking. The first time they told him to clock out and go home, and I was called in to take over. 2nd time, they told him if he ever came back in hungover or drunk, he would be immediately terminated. But he ended up being terminated for scratching a guests car bumper with a line of carts.

But I have heard some stories where ETLs were drinking in areas not covered by cameras. But the STL was unwilling to do approach the ETL because they didn't have proof they were drinking in the store and afraid to make accusation against them fearing a lawsuit. But they ended up finding other faults in the ETL in order to terminate them.
The problem is they are under the influence of an altering drug. Whether or not they are getting the job done is irrelevant. If this person just happened to have a momentary lapse and caused an injury, even a shopping cart being pushed into a guest, a major lawsuit could result. If you had a night out and are still under the influence the best choice would be to call in. I too have zero tolerance for people who come to work buzzed. They can risk their own safety at home. Coming in to work drunk or high shows such a lack of personal responsibility.
But the STL was unwilling to do approach the ETL because they didn't have proof they were drinking in the store and afraid to make accusation against them fearing a lawsuit. But they ended up finding other faults in the ETL in order to terminate them.

And in the STL hand book - page 176 - under "Use them up" -- it said something like --

"When a team member has questionable performance - but still has his or her uses -- monitor them carefully -- if it could be a safety or liability concern - notify HR's district Mgr. for future reassignment -- or just sit back and watch them hang themselves" :wacko:

( I gotta go back to work now -- I'm up on a Sky-jack changing out lamp's - and everyone below me is watching me text --- as people run out of their brake room -- "Wheres the SFT"
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And in the STL hand book - page 176 - under "Use them up" -- it said something like --

"When a team member has questionable performance - but still has his or her uses -- monitor them carefully -- if it could be a safety or liability concern - notify HR's district Mgr. for future reassignment -- or just sit back and watch them hang themselves" :wacko:

( I gotta go back to work now -- I'm up on a Sky-jack changing out lamp's - and everyone below me is watching me text --- as people run out of their brake room -- "Wheres the SFT"

^^^ that's great that you think alcoholics are a safety hazard but you are texting from a sky jack!
^^^ that's great that you think alcoholics are a safety hazard but you are texting from a sky jack!

Just standing in it texting isn't really a safety hazard -

Standing on the safety rail or better yet standing on a 6' step ladder that's tied to the safety rail - then standing on the third to top step reaching sideways -- could be a safety hazard

And just maybe -- a drunk weaving in and out of traffic and killing some one's child could be considered a safety hazard

But not to you -- your turn -- this should be good ---
Just standing in it texting isn't really a safety hazard -

Standing on the safety rail or better yet standing on a 6' step ladder that's tied to the safety rail - then standing on the third to top step reaching sideways -- could be a safety hazard

And just maybe -- a drunk weaving in and out of traffic and killing some one's child could be considered a safety hazard

But not to you -- your turn -- this should be good ---

Whether its texting on the sky jack, coming in buzzed from last night or even if you just smell like alcohol but completely sober it all falls under irresponsibility.

1. if you come in to work buzzed from drinking the night before then you should not drink when you work the next day.
2. Even if your sobered up from the night before but smell of the booze then you need to take the time and effort to hop in the shower and put on some clean clothes.
3. It is totally unacceptable to come in to work under the influence of anything, it does not matter how well you do your job.
4. When your on the clock it is also unacceptable to be messing around on your phones, especially if you are on a piece of equipment.

When your buzzed or texting it is a distraction and it only takes one mess up for someone to get seriously hurt!
A little expiation - which I never do -- and remember "Spot" these are "My thoughts" --

I was raised by a raging alcoholic -- I have "ZERO TOLERANCE" for them -----

Forget about their feeling's / welfare or safety -- it's a waste of your time --

If it's on their breath - it has metabolized in their system - he drove in drunk - more than likely he will drive home or to the Bar drunk --

Go to HR - if nothing is done - call integrity and report that you expressed your concerns to HR ---

Then weather you saw him drinking or not ----- "Say you did" --- ( IMHO ) - at least it's on the record to cover your own ass and conscious - because --

He will hurt someone in the store --- He will hurt or kill someone while driving -- it's only a matter of time !!!!

Side story ---

Another company I worked for --- My supervisor was ****-faced 75 % of the time. HR and the dept. director refused to address it. The other guys and I --- took him to breakfast one morning to sober him up and Tell him -- everybody knows - he's not hiding it from anyone.

He was eventually fired for recking the company van and putting himself and another person in the hospital !

We heard from his wife ( worked in our office ) he had another accident with her car and injured other people ! ( revoking his license didnt mean squat - )

I felt it was my responsibility - to help the innocent people who's lives he "Will" affect by following him every so often - and if he was weaving enough in traffic to prove to the police a DWI - I would - drop a dime in a heart beat !

( hint - hint )

And his "ex-wife" and kid -- are very happy now ---

Wait, so lie and said you did see him drinking? What kind of crap suggestion list is this?
But not to you -- your turn -- this should be good ---

if i'm drinking and driving, and I know that I shouldn't be on the road, like i'm seeing double...I just text message people the whole time i'm really helps me find my center and takes my attention off the road. Then I can steer more by feel instead of going off of my double vision lol. Oh and I like to sit on a couple phone books to simulate being in a sky jack!

is that what you wanted to hear?
Wait, so lie and said you did see him drinking? What kind of crap suggestion list is this?

Obviously - your not understanding -- lest hope you don't lose a loved one to a drunk driver - and it came out after someone "Could have done something about it" when others wont or were afraid --

4. When your on the clock it is also unacceptable to be messing around on your phones, especially if you are on a piece of equipment

Your turn -- let's see now -- ass-u-ing the cell phone rules are the same in all the stores - and I have a son standing on a patch of sand someplace - I will never turn off my cell - HR and my STL are somewhat OK with that -- as long as I not texting or yakking --

How long would I last texting on a piece of equipment it the middle of the store -- come on --- really --

In the toy department -- near novelties - on the sense of humor shelf - you'll find small box's - medium and large ------ consider buying a large one

Not to worry though - I was born with one

( spelling edit --- )
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