Archived Temporary team lead position?

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Jan 19, 2013
New here and quick question. What exactly does it mean to be a temporary team lead? I am looking to move up and today was helping my stl move some people around on paper and making suggestions. I was sort of kidding around and put myself into a TL spot while someone is out for a while. She ended up telling me to leave myself there. The plan is for me to work that position temporarily. I'm currently a successful captain so it makes sense.

Do I still need to interview? Will I get a raise? What happens when the TL returns? Do I still get to do all TL duties or is it limited?
At my store we have had a few temp TLs over the years. Sometimes it was a practice run to see if they make it or not, sometimes it was to fill in while the spot was open.
Do I still need to interview? My store has done both, interview and no interview needed. I believe you will need to do one now.
Will I get a raise? Yes
What happens when the TL returns? Too many factors to give you a certain answer. How was your performance? Are you over headcount? Are they going to move or term any TLs soon? etc. More than likely the TL will get his/her spot back.
Do I still get to do all TL duties or is it limited? Yes, though if they are only planning it to be a temporary position then they may limit your duties, such as bot doing reviews and corrective action.
The one advantage to the temp TL position is that if you do a good job when an opening comes up you're a shoe in for the next TL job.
Thanks for all the help so far!

Any other advice about temp positions?

What happens to my raise after the TL comes back?

And I am hoping it's a shoe in. Another brand sponsor has been begging for a TL position and promised one as well. They keep telling her she will get the next one. But they need her in her specific spot at this point in time, but probably won't by the time the other TL gets back and another spot opens up.
generally, now you have to interview for the tl position and be on the tl bench to take a temp spot (at least in our district). you lose you position and raise when the tl comes back. however, when a permanent spot comes open, you are already signed off by the dtl so it automatically becomes yours. we interview regularly for tl bench spots.
Darn... Was kinda hoping I could keep the title and pay and just fill in when needed. Oh well. I'll hear more officially by the end of the week. I have been doing interview prep a lot though.
The only drawback to being a temp tl is that a lot of times, you'll be expected to be a team leader when the other tl comes back...without the pay or the title. On the pro side, you'll probably get hours and more responsibilty/freedom, but with AE 13 just around the corner, and the ever looming possibility of headcount changes, it may be a while before a spot opens up. Carrot, meet stick.
Do I still need to interview? Will I get a raise? What happens when the TL returns? Do I still get to do all TL duties or is it limited?
No Interview. No Raise. Sort of limited.

Whenever a TL leaves an area for whatever reason, it is common for stores to put a existing TM to fill the spot for a short time period so the store can look into filling the position. You will basically take on the basic core roles of the TL. You will not be able to coach. I doubt you will be asked to make out the schedule or anything.

I was Temp FATL on several occasions. Basically, I was responsible for ordering food and supplies. Maintaining contact with vendors and suppliers and repair services. Maintaining the weekly cleaning schedule. I never had to make the schedule or was allowed to coach TMs.
Do I still need to interview? Will I get a raise? What happens when the TL returns? Do I still get to do all TL duties or is it limited?
No Interview. No Raise. Sort of limited.

Whenever a TL leaves an area for whatever reason, it is common for stores to put a existing TM to fill the spot for a short time period so the store can look into filling the position. You will basically take on the basic core roles of the TL. You will not be able to coach. I doubt you will be asked to make out the schedule or anything.

I was Temp FATL on several occasions. Basically, I was responsible for ordering food and supplies. Maintaining contact with vendors and suppliers and repair services. Maintaining the weekly cleaning schedule. I never had to make the schedule or was allowed to coach TMs.

I have a hard time believing I won't get a raise. They are looking to make me a permanent TL but there are no openings as of yet. And I was told the position they were working on for me would be a position where I get a raise. The TL i am filling in for is taking over O/N TL for a few months. So I'm filling in for him. Then he will be back and have his spot back when our O/N months are over. I already make the "unofficial" schedule for my team as captain, because I know what we need more than my TL does. They love that I do that. I put it on paper and the TL or ETL puts it in the system.
Do I still need to interview? Will I get a raise? What happens when the TL returns? Do I still get to do all TL duties or is it limited?
No Interview. No Raise. Sort of limited.

Whenever a TL leaves an area for whatever reason, it is common for stores to put a existing TM to fill the spot for a short time period so the store can look into filling the position. You will basically take on the basic core roles of the TL. You will not be able to coach. I doubt you will be asked to make out the schedule or anything.

I was Temp FATL on several occasions. Basically, I was responsible for ordering food and supplies. Maintaining contact with vendors and suppliers and repair services. Maintaining the weekly cleaning schedule. I never had to make the schedule or was allowed to coach TMs.

I have a hard time believing I won't get a raise. They are looking to make me a permanent TL but there are no openings as of yet. And I was told the position they were working on for me would be a position where I get a raise. The TL i am filling in for is taking over O/N TL for a few months. So I'm filling in for him. Then he will be back and have his spot back when our O/N months are over. I already make the "unofficial" schedule for my team as captain, because I know what we need more than my TL does. They love that I do that. I put it on paper and the TL or ETL puts it in the system.

It really depends on how the store wants to handle it. I was a temp GSTL a million years ago. Our store lost 2 (of 4) GSTLs within a week. Another TM and I were moved into their spots temporarily--I was a full-time student so my availability was somewhat limited (though I was still working 40 every week even before taking the temp-TL position), and the other TM had open availability. The DTL only approved one official temp-TL spot (since it was possible to get along with only 3, even though this was many years before the GSA position came around), so it went to the TM with more availability (and she got a pay raise, of course). So I was a temp-TL in name only, doing all the non-"leadership" work of a GSTL, but got no raise. (And you GSAs think you have it rough nowadays! 😉) I did, however, parlay that temporary position into a permanent promotion to Specialist as soon as the store hired a new GSTL, so it was worth it in the long run (and in the short run, for that matter--I had been getting my 40 from a mix of cashier, GS, FA, and CA shifts every week. GSTL was like an extended vacation!).
I have a hard time believing I won't get a raise. They are looking to make me a permanent TL but there are no openings as of yet. And I was told the position they were working on for me would be a position where I get a raise. The TL i am filling in for is taking over O/N TL for a few months. So I'm filling in for him. Then he will be back and have his spot back when our O/N months are over. I already make the "unofficial" schedule for my team as captain, because I know what we need more than my TL does. They love that I do that. I put it on paper and the TL or ETL puts it in the system.
Unless you sign a piece of paper acknowledging your new position and duties with a new wage rate, you are not getting a raise. Temp TLs are only used to fill in positions while the store goes through the hiring/interview process. Some of my stores use them as crutches.

Your store might be considering you for the position and are evaluating you by giving you the TEMP duties, but you have to show them you can succeed and lead the area team.
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But they are NOT interviewing for the position. He is only going to overnights and will be back in three months when that position is gone again. Hence needing another TL for three months to fill his spot during the day.
Don't give up yet. Take this as an opportunity for success for you. Knock them flat, by doing everything on time, lead your team, without being asked.
No Interview. No Raise. Sort of limited.

Whenever a TL leaves an area for whatever reason, it is common for stores to put a existing TM to fill the spot for a short time period so the store can look into filling the position. You will basically take on the basic core roles of the TL. You will not be able to coach. I doubt you will be asked to make out the schedule or anything.

I was Temp FATL on several occasions. Basically, I was responsible for ordering food and supplies. Maintaining contact with vendors and suppliers and repair services. Maintaining the weekly cleaning schedule. I never had to make the schedule or was allowed to coach TMs.

My store has been doing this too. Our Starbucks TL is on LOA, so one of our GSAs is in her place until she gets back.
Take it..gauranteed hours during the leanest times..

Actually as captain I'm already getting guaranteed 33-35. Then always picking up hours to get 40. But, I know I am taking it no matter what. Can't wait to officially hear.
I have a hard time believing I won't get a raise. They are looking to make me a permanent TL but there are no openings as of yet. And I was told the position they were working on for me would be a position where I get a raise. The TL i am filling in for is taking over O/N TL for a few months. So I'm filling in for him. Then he will be back and have his spot back when our O/N months are over. I already make the "unofficial" schedule for my team as captain, because I know what we need more than my TL does. They love that I do that. I put it on paper and the TL or ETL puts it in the system.
Unless you sign a piece of paper acknowledging your new position and duties with a new wage rate, you are not getting a raise. Temp TLs are only used to fill in positions while the store goes through the hiring/interview process. Some of my stores use them as crutches.

Your store might be considering you for the position and are evaluating you by giving you the TEMP duties, but you have to show them you can succeed and lead the area team.

You pretty much hit it head on! No promotion or raise. Just working harder and doing more. They know I strive for results. So I will do well. I will still have another TL over me. She does all the official stuff.
So, with another TL over's basically a "for development" position...which may or may not include much more work...
I have a hard time believing I won't get a raise. They are looking to make me a permanent TL but there are no openings as of yet. And I was told the position they were working on for me would be a position where I get a raise. The TL i am filling in for is taking over O/N TL for a few months. So I'm filling in for him. Then he will be back and have his spot back when our O/N months are over. I already make the "unofficial" schedule for my team as captain, because I know what we need more than my TL does. They love that I do that. I put it on paper and the TL or ETL puts it in the system.
Unless you sign a piece of paper acknowledging your new position and duties with a new wage rate, you are not getting a raise. Temp TLs are only used to fill in positions while the store goes through the hiring/interview process. Some of my stores use them as crutches.

Your store might be considering you for the position and are evaluating you by giving you the TEMP duties, but you have to show them you can succeed and lead the area team.

You pretty much hit it head on! No promotion or raise. Just working harder and doing more. They know I strive for results. So I will do well. I will still have another TL over me. She does all the official stuff.

Less stress for you!
I have a hard time believing I won't get a raise. They are looking to make me a permanent TL but there are no openings as of yet. And I was told the position they were working on for me would be a position where I get a raise. The TL i am filling in for is taking over O/N TL for a few months. So I'm filling in for him. Then he will be back and have his spot back when our O/N months are over. I already make the "unofficial" schedule for my team as captain, because I know what we need more than my TL does. They love that I do that. I put it on paper and the TL or ETL puts it in the system.
Unless you sign a piece of paper acknowledging your new position and duties with a new wage rate, you are not getting a raise. Temp TLs are only used to fill in positions while the store goes through the hiring/interview process. Some of my stores use them as crutches.

Your store might be considering you for the position and are evaluating you by giving you the TEMP duties, but you have to show them you can succeed and lead the area team.

You pretty much hit it head on! No promotion or raise. Just working harder and doing more. They know I strive for results. So I will do well. I will still have another TL over me. She does all the official stuff.

Less stress for you!

But I want the stress! I'd like to become ETL. Crazy, yes. But I absolutely love working at target.
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