Archived Terminated for not taking breaks?

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If I work the full day in SFS, I often don't have time to take my second break because it's getting close to pack/UPS time and I can't afford to just bail for 15 so close to time. I get judged for taking it, since I often have to take my lunch as late as possible and then it's already time for another break. I'm just not a fast enough worker for the demands they make, and if I'm picking/packing alone, forget it.

You're not bailing. You're taking your company break. The fact your leaders don't support this is their fault.

No one is fast enough. The more you do, the more they expect.
Ohhh Yeaa whoops I meant to say the lunch look but they still hate when you skip 15 min breaks at least at my store
I haven't taken a 15 minute break in a few months and haven't been told anything bad about it. I noticed there are a few of us who don't. I guess its OK in our store.
Always make sure to take your 15s and 30s. I know for a FACT that if they ever want to get rid of someone they will start documenting the tiniest little things and Target is the biggest stickler I've ever even heard of for breaks and meals (fear of lawsuits and fines).

Plus, we don't care to work for free.

Consider this. Out of 1900 stores just 5 persons in each skip one 15 per day over the span of a 363 day work year. For simplicity we'll use $10 an hour Ć· 4 = $2.50 for that time.

1,900 stores
x 5 persons each store
= 9,500 persons skipping 15s
x $ 2.50 (15 minutes of pay)
= $ 23,750.00 per DAY
x 363 working days in year
= $8,621,250.00 in hourly wages Target saves

That's EIGHT point SIX MILLION dollars
that we give free to Target if just 5 people in each store skip one 15 a day. Actual numbers likely far higher.
Always make sure to take your 15s and 30s. I know for a FACT that if they ever want to get rid of someone they will start documenting the tiniest little things and Target is the biggest stickler I've ever even heard of for breaks and meals (fear of lawsuits and fines).

Plus, we don't care to work for free.

Consider this. Out of 1900 stores just 5 persons in each skip one 15 per day over the span of a 363 day work year. For simplicity we'll use $10 an hour Ć· 4 = $2.50 for that time.

1,900 stores
x 5 persons each store
= 9,500 persons skipping 15s
x $ 2.50 (15 minutes of pay)
= $ 23,750.00 per DAY
x 363 working days in year
= $8,621,250.00 in hourly wages Target saves

That's EIGHT point SIX MILLION dollars
that we give free to Target if just 5 people in each store skip one 15 a day. Actual numbers likely far higher.

I guess for me its a double edge sword. I don't take a 15 break so I can finish my job. Now I do make sure and take a 30 min before my 5th. I know of at least a few people who have gotten fired for not taking a lunch before their 5th or not clocking out before.
At this point I really don't care if they fire me for not taking a 15 min break but that's another story.
I guess for me its a double edge sword. I don't take a 15 break so I can finish my job. Now I do make sure and take a 30 min before my 5th. I know of at least a few people who have gotten fired for not taking a lunch before their 5th or not clocking out before.
At this point I really don't care if they fire me for not taking a 15 min break but that's another story.
I understand.
Break that habit quick and enjoy the down time! It might not seem like it but you exhaust yourself more not taking them. I used to do skip breaks to make time go by faster for myself until I realized it wasn't doing me any favors. If you aren't going to sit down for your break , check your phone, go to the bathroom, wash your hands and step outside for some air. At that point it'll be time for you to hit the floor again.
I get what you're saying about enjoying your job and getting into a zone. But you're really not doing yourself any favors (although you're definitely doing the store a favor). What about when burn-out hits? And it always does, even if it's just short-term. You need to take your breaks because you need them. Your brain works better after a break. Your feet will thank you for taking a load off them.
Asants, but I encourage my tms to take their breaks. I genuinely have people that prefer not to. I still tell them they should, and will remind them.

But at the end of the day, I'm not going to write for not taking them. And no other leader does at my store.
15 minutes is plenty to make or break finishing a task. So, often it's take your 15 minute break and you just don't have time to completely finish folding the last couple tables or finish pushing that last Z or other task, and then you get fussed at for not finishing the task, or you finish it but sacrifice your 15. Catch 22, and often losing the stress break so that you aren't talked to about your incomplete progress is less mental stress than taking your break and then having the mental stress ramped up when you are talked to about not finishing.
They hit me for not taking my breaks but at that point they were looking for things to ding me for.
The frustrating part on that one was my hours had been cut but I had just as much to do.
The PTL just said causally that I really should take my breaks.
I didn't know he had written me up until later.
15 minutes is plenty to make or break finishing a task. So, often it's take your 15 minute break and you just don't have time to completely finish folding the last couple tables or finish pushing that last Z or other task, and then you get fussed at for not finishing the task, or you finish it but sacrifice your 15. Catch 22, and often losing the stress break so that you aren't talked to about your incomplete progress is less mental stress than taking your break and then having the mental stress ramped up when you are talked to about not finishing.

Leaders should know how long a task should take and plan accordingly.
Not taking breaks is essentially working for's not essentially working for IS working for free! Not taking breaks is against the is just as important to the store as the Lunchtime compliance issue is....the difference is that for breaks Target can't verify the time like they can verify lunches. My father works at a store that requires them to clock out for their breaks.....this is the way that this business protects itself from getting fined by the state labor department.
Every time a person doesn't take a break it becomes part of a domino effect.....from the business making more money to contributing to unrealistic workloads. Getting caught....not taking get fired and business gets fined for breaking the law. So....who wins by not taking a break? No one.

BTW, am I to understand that the $15.00 pay rate has started?
15 minutes is plenty to make or break finishing a task. So, often it's take your 15 minute break and you just don't have time to completely finish folding the last couple tables or finish pushing that last Z or other task, and then you get fussed at for not finishing the task, or you finish it but sacrifice your 15. Catch 22, and often losing the stress break so that you aren't talked to about your incomplete progress is less mental stress than taking your break and then having the mental stress ramped up when you are talked to about not finishing.

Your break time is factored into your work time if your leadership is halfway competent.
15 minutes is plenty to make or break finishing a task. So, often it's take your 15 minute break and you just don't have time to completely finish folding the last couple tables or finish pushing that last Z or other task, and then you get fussed at for not finishing the task, or you finish it but sacrifice your 15. Catch 22, and often losing the stress break so that you aren't talked to about your incomplete progress is less mental stress than taking your break and then having the mental stress ramped up when you are talked to about not finishing.
And this is why there is a lawsuit against Target regarding breaks.
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