Archived Testing 1...2...3...4...5...5...4...3...2...1

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Jul 1, 2017
So many years ago, when I first heard "Testing 1...2...3...4...5...5...4...3...2...1" over the walkie, I thought it was a new team member, so I kept saying, "You're working!" After a few times of that, an ETL pointed out to me that it was not a team member doing that, but it was something from headquarters. But really, what is the purpose of this?
I've heard it. Not very often. Less than 5 days per year. Several times a day on those days though
So many years ago, when I first heard "Testing 1...2...3...4...5...5...4...3...2...1" over the walkie, I thought it was a new team member, so I kept saying, "You're working!" After a few times of that, an ETL pointed out to me that it was not a team member doing that, but it was something from headquarters. But really, what is the purpose of this?
That's from HQ? How??

When it kept happening at my store, we thought a guest had gotten hold of a walkie and was trolling us. Because no TM would admit to being involved, and it was always the same voice For half an hour or more a day. It got to the point where LOD would tell us all to go to 3 and stay there because it was so disruptive.
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What was the purpose of this box?
At a guess (not being there), an emergency. Previous job, I walked by the bathroom door and a man asked me to go in and check on his wife because she had been in there a long time. Long story short, they took her out by ambulance.
At a guess (not being there), an emergency. Previous job, I walked by the bathroom door and a man asked me to go in and check on his wife because she had been in there a long time. Long story short, they took her out by ambulance.
I see. In IKEA, the stalls have an emergency button.
I remember that happening at our store last year, I thought it was one of the ETLs because his voice sounded just like that.
This isn’t the box that just has the one button for “restroom checkup is complete” right?
It is. There is a little remote on the cart attendant bathroom checkup cart. The remote is supposed to be used to “reset” the restroom checkup reminder. Some CAs don’t know what button to press, so they just smash them all and set off the “Testing 1234” bullshit.
It is. There is a little remote on the cart attendant bathroom checkup cart. The remote is supposed to be used to “reset” the restroom checkup reminder. Some CAs don’t know what button to press, so they just smash them all and set off the “Testing 1234” bullshit.
Oh I didn’t know about the remote I only know about the wall mounted box in the bathroom
I wish I took the box from my last store and hid within the parking lot and punched it all day.
My store's restroom checkup box is under the counter at the service desk, and even then nobody ever bothers hitting it, and after our remodel, I think the checkup log went away too. 🙄
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