He is correct. For whatever reason errors are only detected in generated batches. The only down side to not STOing first is SUBT will not detect clearance. I however find that to be a fair trade off for the time saved not STOing first. You can in fact test this theory by SUBTing 9999 without STO an item from a fill group you do not normally see into a Z location. Then check the next weeks DTK report for a error in the fill group in that area. I think many of us have tried this and gotten the same results, no error.
Was about to suggest this purpose-built test. My backroom TL and I did this, with the LIQR fillgroup, location Z. Just a random margarita mixer SUBT'd in without STOing first. Next week and the week after, the LIQR group was a solid green bar on the DTK report. We showed it to the leadership in the building and it was decided then and there that it was value-added to save the time by not STOing first, and we've been doing it ever since.
Like others have said,
technically this activity fits the criteria for making an error, and it certainly would if it were done while working a pull batch. But the standalone SUBT app is just not included in the error reporting. The system sees it happening, but turns a blind eye to it, per se.
Again, as it's been mentioned,
the only reason the Resetting Accumulator guide on Workbench states to STO first is because STO acts as a filter for items that are Clearance, MIR, or Challenge. Obviously, SUBT doesn't throw these prompts because the system already thinks you're removing items from the stockroom...