Archived The Big & Dandy Backroom thread!

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Has anyone noticed that locu might not be working anymore?
In which way, Is it not deleting items or is it not adding scanned items?
Deleting of items.
Well, if this is true then I am gunna have a problem then because I LOCU most of receiving after every truck to remove errors.
go to one Waco that you did a locu & see if item is still there. Or go to a Waco, locu it. Grab one item. Then go under exf to pull the 1 item. Use rf apps work batches to pull it. See if the exf takes you to the location that you locu. I was pulling mmb movies for 5.00 that were discontinued, using the back room qty report.
I don't get anything done anymore.

From 12-6 I pull the CAFs and if I'm lucky I'll push 2 or 3 vehicles during that time. Then I'll have to take my lunch, pull the price changes, then set the line for an hour.
I don't get anything done anymore.

From 12-6 I pull the CAFs and if I'm lucky I'll push 2 or 3 vehicles during that time. Then I'll have to take my lunch, pull the price changes, then set the line for an hour.
Same here. Depending on receiving, I can set the line in 30 minutes. I usually have to make a bale and throw about 3 cages of cardboard though.
I am curious to know how other stores are handling research on Wed. I am in ulv store. The instocks team shoots all of hardlines every Wed...which literally creates approx. 40 pulls. These are not small pulls either....we are talking maybe 2-3 pulls will fit on a flat. So, the issue is we ( backroom) spend our all shift ( other than autofills, sda, price changes and audit) pulling research. We rarely get to backstock which the lods cant seem to grasp. I mean you would think walking in the backroom and seeing flats and tubs to be pushed would let them know what we were doing .....I have asked why do they do this all on Wed...I was told it was best practice.Anyone else dealing with this ?
Every Wednesday. Staffing needs to be higher on The all hardlines scan day due to the increased workload, but the leaders making the schedule have yet to figure that out or get on board with it. I usually try to schedule a mid on Tuesdays to deal with all the grocery research.
We typically shoot instocks every day, but we're not ULV. We used to not scan at all on Saturdays, but the STL has decided that now there needs to be massive amounts of scans Saturday mornings... which is god-awful because we're already spread so thin just trying to deal with the truck... frequently there's no vehicles to even put the research pulls onto. And the morning team, as I've mentioned, is seemingly incapable of checking if anything needs to be pulled, so when I show up at 12:30, there's like.... 20 research batches in the gun -_-
Something else that I just don't understand....not only do the etls not realize that one or two people cant handle all the research, pulling price changes, audits etc...they only schedule the instocks team till by the time they finish shooting they don't have to push. So, on Thursdays it takes the salesfloor most of the day to get everything pushed and half the time we ( backroom) are expected to help them as well.
Yup, they are. Some days it's baaaad. But a lot of it is being scanned as an EXF-OUT, which I don't think is timed? I didn't think we were supposed to use those, but that's what everyone's been scanning in lately.
Yup, they are. Some days it's baaaad. But a lot of it is being scanned as an EXF-OUT, which I don't think is timed? I didn't think we were supposed to use those, but that's what everyone's been scanning in lately.

EXF - OUTS batches are scored on the BR Pull Timeliness. With the new system of doing RSCH task list like normal plus stand alone outs RSCH gets dropped into both RSCH and EXF batches, however, both OUTS and RSCH are scored the same for timeliness because they are indicative of outs on the salesfloor that need to be filled.
Yeah, we were so red the first few weeks after the instocks transition because we didn't know they were scored the same.
When pulling MIRs, why would something show a negative quantity on hand?

Our location accuracy is green overall, but when I look at it broken down Photo lab is red. Every once in a while we get a boxes for the photo lab, sometimes marked backstock. I've scanned them before but they either don't have a fill group (or a fill group that we don't physically have a spot for). What should I do with something like this? Just backstock it in lockup? I usually just put all the photo lab boxes on the counter at guest service.
Has anyone gotten huge flex fulfillment orders? I was giving a quick run down how to do but i think i fugged up

Some idiot decided to do their entire BTS shopping online so I had to find a bunch of stuff. It was about 26 items, and we didn't have like 10 of those. So I founded and labeled what I could and scanned it into Guest service. Is that fine, will the person recived a notification that their entire order wasn't found? Normamlly plp just order a TV or shaver, but all that stuff we pretty hard to fine because the messy seasonal second location. What if they come to the store and find what they needed flex somewhere else, will i get coached? I don't really have time to check every single section so I only checked the home and 2nd locations, the one's the pda game me before confirming it wasn't there.
@see spot save When I was backroom we would get those photo lab boxes on a regular basis - I don't know why, but they don't belong in the back. 100% of the time we would hand them off to our lead and she would take them up front, not sure if she did anything fancy or just dump them on the Guest Service desk.

MIRs with a negative count: MIRs drop to your store when there is ANY count, be it positive or negative. If you're +2 or -30 on an item that's being recalled, your store gets the batch. From the Reverse Logistics standpoint we do get some 0-count MIRs, not always sure why, but Spot explained it in a message board earlier this year, that's why we get the negative-count MIRs. It actually makes sense - if Fedex delivers 20 copies of a movie that don't get checked in, 17 of them sell, you'd have a -17 count. If a recall for those movies drops in with your -17 count, they still want to recall the last 3.
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How does an item come out on a pull, but have no location. It was active not on planogram .

Someone can correct if I'm wrong but I remember running into this on sets that were upcoming (like within a few days but hadn't been tied yet) or had the plano team had screwed up and broken the tie for a brand new set so the spot where it was supposed to be had disappeared.
Most likely, someone has flexed the product out somewhere on the floor and a guest bought one. I used to have my flow team do that all the time, especially if the aisle was breaking badly.
Soooo, did anyone else have every Up&Up diaper go on clearance??? That was a fun pull. "Oh, it'll just take 11 minutes!" says the computer. HA! HA HA HA HAAAA!
When I used to work backroom I always enjoyed pulling the diapers from the upper locations and just tossing them to the ground.
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