I haven't read but the last few pages of this thread so INCOMING mini rant.
-our backroom is held accountable for making sure the push is done and that the line is set. My understanding is that we are not supposed to be held accountable for the push and are supposed to clear receiving, not set the line as well.
-ETLs don't seem to grasp the concept of keep the sales floor pushing after the 7s drop. It's not uncommon for me to pull the 7s, clear receiving/set the line, push meat/frozen/dairy, push the 7s and leave a crap ton of backstock. And if price change is huge the ETL tells me not to pull, just focus on pushing or backstocking.
-I've given feedback to my TL and ETL-log that if the sales floor finished the pushes, and I didnt have to SET the line that I'd be getting my backstock done. Lately there's been more consistency with the sales floor finishing the 7p push.
-whenever the soft lines TL is there and I announce that green has x pulls, blue has x pulls, softlines has x pulls, she'll respond with "ok we'll get it in a minute". 9 times out of 10 my 5pm pull is adding onto the 12pm pull for soft lines. Blue side miiiight get pushed before 5pm if the wind blows from the southeast and no bear is spotted in the woods behind wal mart.
You are in the back so you are responsible to communicate to the LOD that there are still pulls on the line and how many there are. Push is always number one priority, so make sure that is done before you pull price changes or backstock. UNLESS you are aware that salesfloor will be able to finish push.
As the day shift, you are to clear and set the line.
If the price change is large before a truck day, I wouldn't pull it. If it is small I will. Of course, I work at low volume.
I always take my Softline pulls out to the fitting room, else it will just sit in my backroom.
Priority at my store follows. Pulling autofill, Pushing, price change, cardboard,organizing tubs, backstock+zone. Of course it can change depending on the situation. For example today we had around 13 tubs of cardboard, so i did that instead of price change.