Archived The Big & Dandy Backroom thread!

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Our twelves were 10 hours yesterday and 7 hours for the ones. Today the cafs felt small except for all the shit we backstocked that kept coming out.
Bro last time I pulled a planogram from the freezer ended up being a game of playing Tetris with two tier carts and a pallet full of ice and a pallet of vendor ice cream. Then slipping through the cracks of it all while freezing my ass of, which didn't feel so bad at first due to the fact my store like to run its AC system at a high temp and/or not at all. While refusing to wear a coat which has been put on God knows how many times. A quick 5 minute pull ended up being a 25 minute or more task. moving 4 carts in certain manners just to fit one in to make a pull while keeping the freezer closed is just ridiculous

I'll never forget the time I climbed threw 2 C&S Canyons of Pallets, throw the bottum shelves of TWO side by side Metros at the very bottum, inbetween a bunch of backstocked items, deep into the Abyss of the Freezer, just to clear that last short-dated sausage, that obviously wasn't out-dated, because it was frozen... I wasn't very happy with whoever short-dated that sausage.

Corporate needs to stay out of the backroom. I hate those ass fucks. Always making it more difficult and miserable to work in the backroom than it already is.
Have you heard yet about SBUT9999 getting disabled?
I just did. Thanks. How long do I have? I will be checking it tomorrow. This company is a joke. Fuck Target and the corporate ass fucks that have driven this company into the ground.
It's either related to the PDA update or the phasing out of the accumulator. Both started rolling out to stores this week.
Awesome. Pulling caf batches is going to be great as well back stocking. Bring it on. Maybe it will cause a mass exodus of the backroom in all stores. Seriously, what do these corporate ass fucks think when they change shit like this? Just greedy dumbasses.
Detail Report is bugged or something guys. BRTM Locu'ed then Sto'ed the Papr aisle. Somehow the Detail Report showed him having only done 10% of the Sto. The remaining names were people who hadn't even been in the aisle let alone even work BR. He told the STL. Afterwards he Locu'ed then Sto'ed Papr steel then immediately ran the Detail Report but infront of the STL this time. Same deal.
Think that's bad?

When I ran the detail report, it showed a former team member who hasn't been with the store after 2 weeks.
It said I used M-Delete for 40% of my 1,200 (est.) CAF pulls, which was false.

There are times where I would update a spot in between a CAF, and a missing item still shows up in location. I had to wipe it completely, re-enter the batch to complete it. Go back and re-store the location.

Then there's Item Merge. We finished it lasr week, which took about 2 hours. Early this week, 60% of the merchandise, we had to re-do from last week. In addition to this week's.

Sad, the system doesn't work right.
The system never works right. It's Target. I just want someone to tell the truth about it. I want to know how my workload will be affected and when SUBT 999 will be killed. Give me answers now.
The system never works right. It's Target. I just want someone to tell the truth about it. I want to know how my workload will be affected and when SUBT 999 will be killed. Give me answers now.
I tried doing it today and when I started typing in the 9s, a red warning popped up on the screen when I got to 999. It said something like "this will change the quantity on the floor to 999." I didn't want to fuck anything up, so I didn't hit continue to see if it would work anyways.
Thank you. So when I get that message, I will know that SUBT999 is dead. It had a good run but greedy dumbasses that have probably never made a bale, worked pulls, or cashiered run this company so it's not surprising.
I just a Reddit post mentioned that with the new system that POGs may combine into the caf batches. This whole thing will be a disaster. I hope it is. I hope this whole thing bites the corporate fucks on their hairy greedy asses. This is going to destroy the backroom, flow, in stocks, pog team, and FDC. Oh well.
I had someone drop a POG batch today and as he was trying to pull it, it fell into my CAF batch, so he just stood there and watched me pull his stuff for him. fml

subt999 doesn't work for us anymore. A work around is to enter 99 as the quantity while pulling, hit yes to say that you pulled all, toggle to sto and rebackstock. It will "burn" the batch. I don't know if this will affect the new accumulator or not. We'll see I guess. Just keep in mind that it will show up on reports that you pulled that quantity plus the normal amounts you usually pull. It will look suspicious.
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the accumulator

I'm so tired of hearing the word "accumulator". This is retail. It's not a research lab, bank, or stock trading company. The words accumulator, accumulate(s), accumulated, accumulating, and accumulation should never be said.
subt999 doesn't work for us anymore. A work around is to enter 99 as the quantity while pulling, hit yes to say that you pulled all, toggle to sto and rebackstock. It will "burn" the batch. I don't know if this will affect the new accumulator or not. We'll see I guess. Just keep in mind that it will show up on reports that you pulled that quantity plus the normal amounts you usually pull. It will look suspicious.
That will create a baffle though...
subt999 doesn't work for us anymore. A work around is to enter 99 as the quantity while pulling, hit yes to say that you pulled all, toggle to sto and rebackstock. It will "burn" the batch. I don't know if this will affect the new accumulator or not. We'll see I guess. Just keep in mind that it will show up on reports that you pulled that quantity plus the normal amounts you usually pull. It will look suspicious.
According to the roll out guide, "Pull -- The original item SFQ is 6, you pull 4, the items SFQ adjusts to 10 immediately."

Now, following that logic, if you pull 99 of that item the SFQ is now (x+99). Then you stow the original amount (lets say 6) so the SFQ is now (6+99-6=99). This means that the item has to be fixed using 'Fill from Stockroom' (which won't happen until it's an out) OR you sell about 94 of those items (which is also extremely unlikely). Instead of 'resetting' when the item should pull, you really did the opposite.

tl;dr I highly, highly recommend not doing this.
I am going to have the fun experience of pulling CAF batches at 6pm. 6pm CAF batches and price change batches. Just fun fun fun. I also get to stay until 830pm. This sales floor quantity bullshit is going to be an epic fail. So let me get this straight, I'm going to clock in at noon and then when it gets close to my 6 hours I will have to worry about getting the 5pm CAF batches, FF, and my lunch and then also getting back in time to make sure the 6pm CAF batches get done. This is horse shit. This is garbage.
Finish the fours at 4:30 and start the fives at 5:20. They should be smaller and you could always drop a manual with sale items only to burn some batches.
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