Archived The Big & Dandy Backroom thread!

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We got 13 pallets of Christmas items on the back side of the line today. The ETL-LOG wanted to know why the two BR TMs didn't get backstocked...
Nearly 6 and backroom is wall to wall backstock, on a regular old Monday, because dayside BR is forced to push CAFs by STL. And it's not even November yet. Lord help us...
Where are we going to put it in steel?
The ones on wood pallets went up but some was on the plastic pallets. I think they got 4 pallets backstocked and a few more pallets just shoved back by SEA1 and SEA2 for another day.

But the ETL was pissed because he wants all transition backstocked since SFQ started.
How is everyone else's shoe stockroom? My A PFresh and my A+ super that I'm training at are jam packed in the backroom. The PFresh has one side of an aisle stacked all the way to the ceiling and the super has a full aisle stacked to the ceiling and its started to take over adjacent aisles too. At both stores the floor is full as well. Like you can't fit but maybe two or three more pairs of shoes in any given aisle at any given time. The zone is bad, but the aisles are packed full. I know we have stuff in the back that isn't represented on the floor, but not much can get accomplished short of a team member that can focus just on shoes. This is the heaviest I have seen us be on shoes in years.

Just wondering how things are going at other stores.
We have seven pallets of shoes, each stacked six feet tall at least, and the floor is full or overstocked. Our STL has been in contact with other stores to see if we can unload some on them.
Shoes is a nightmare I gave up on. They said to flex it, we stopped scanning it. We couldn't make sense of the BS they were doing over there so they have control. So the backroom is bursting with shoes that can't go out. Or they go out as clearance.
We go through periods of doing really well with the backstock. But if flow takes several large trucks in a row, shoes to be pushed can build up fast. They will usually have a blitz to push them out, but then we get left with a ton of backstock that doesn't get done.

Our backroom aisle is full but not completely jam packed. And when it does get that way, we just start changing out upper casepack locations.
Shoes suck the big one. This week myself and another flow tm zoned women's shoes. We pulled all flexed shoes and pushed to the piece. We have label strips up for weeks, flexed with clearance. Shot a couple strips where shoes were never set and they are now clearance. We have at least 2 huge pallets of shoes that are supposed to be set early next week. Some have been sitting there since September. Etl ge did not want them back stocked cause he was going to have sf push them. Also sf tms have told me they were told not to backstock shoes. WTF Now as a flow tm, I don't flex I push to piece, so I am constantly pulling off shoes that are flexed into my location. Did I mention I hate shoes!
I've got two months left of this Christmas season and I hope it's my last Christmas season in retail and Target. I was thinking about it today while I was at Target trying to get through the day and thinking that I may just take it easy this Christmas season. I think I'm ready to become mostly apathetic at Target. My instincts are to bitch about the problems at the joke of the store I work but it's pointless. I guess I'm giving up on it. I just don't care that the guy I work with on the weekend sucks and is slow as fuck at pulling CAF batches and was terribly trained. I don't care that my weekday worker leaves early at least one day per week. I think I'm finally coming to terms with it and just not going to care. I work at a shithole Target and it's never going to get better. I've gotten to the point where I'm ready not to give a fuck anymore.

The backroom is a lost cause at my store. No need getting worked up over it. My pay is shit and I get treated like shit. Why should I bend over backwards for these assholes?
So yeah, I'm going to pull the FF, the CAF batches, and research. When it comes to EXFs and POGs, if I have time yeah but if not fuck it. If a backroom team member that is helping me sucks ass or leaves early, I'm not gonna give a fuck.
The backroom is a shit pile that is filled with lazy asshole workers. I am going to be gone in about 6 to 8 months anyways so I'm just gonna take it easy.

I already don't give as much as of a fuck as I did say a year ago. When I go into the bakery or meat freezer, if I pull something, I may just leave it in the box on the shelf. Why? Because I have to squeeze through to get by especially in the meat freezer. No one even works the pulls in the meat freezer. They're eternal backstock. When it comes to clearing the line, I don't really do it that much. I don't even put the black pallets down anymore. I don't put the soda pallets up in the steel. I used to do that maybe 2 or 3 years ago but not anymore. Most of the time when I leave, there is a ton of back stock and I don't give a shit. Fire me or don't. Whatever.

Fuck Target and the backroom.
Some of our shoe aisles on the sales floor are a mess, and BR is full. We also have a LOT of shoes in the BR that aren't even backstocked (no room and no time.)

Our BR is a mess in some areas that are have over flowing tubs/pallets waiting to be Backstocked.

Trying to push shoes correctly on the floor is a joke. Put one shoe away, only to have to move the shoe flexed into that spot -- repeat ad nauseum.
Shoes is a nightmare I gave up on. They said to flex it, we stopped scanning it. We couldn't make sense of the BS they were doing over there so they have control. So the backroom is bursting with shoes that can't go out. Or they go out as clearance.

I've got two months left of this Christmas season and I hope it's my last Christmas season in retail and Target. I was thinking about it today while I was at Target trying to get through the day and thinking that I may just take it easy this Christmas season. I think I'm ready to become mostly apathetic at Target. My instincts are to bitch about the problems at the joke of the store I work but it's pointless. I guess I'm giving up on it. I just don't care that the guy I work with on the weekend sucks and is slow as fuck at pulling CAF batches and was terribly trained. I don't care that my weekday worker leaves early at least one day per week. I think I'm finally coming to terms with it and just not going to care. I work at a shithole Target and it's never going to get better. I've gotten to the point where I'm ready not to give a fuck anymore.

The backroom is a lost cause at my store. No need getting worked up over it. My pay is shit and I get treated like shit. Why should I bend over backwards for these assholes?
So yeah, I'm going to pull the FF, the CAF batches, and research. When it comes to EXFs and POGs, if I have time yeah but if not fuck it. If a backroom team member that is helping me sucks ass or leaves early, I'm not gonna give a fuck.
The backroom is a shit pile that is filled with lazy asshole workers. I am going to be gone in about 6 to 8 months anyways so I'm just gonna take it easy.

I already don't give as much as of a fuck as I did say a year ago. When I go into the bakery or meat freezer, if I pull something, I may just leave it in the box on the shelf. Why? Because I have to squeeze through to get by especially in the meat freezer. No one even works the pulls in the meat freezer. They're eternal backstock. When it comes to clearing the line, I don't really do it that much. I don't even put the black pallets down anymore. I don't put the soda pallets up in the steel. I used to do that maybe 2 or 3 years ago but not anymore. Most of the time when I leave, there is a ton of back stock and I don't give a shit. Fire me or don't. Whatever.

Fuck Target and the backroom.

Backroom has it easy.
We finally got a new BRTL this week, and I think he's a little bit overwhelmed...

He couldn't comprehend why we had no empty tubs, and while the rest of the team was trying to clear some up, he was running around like a crazy person trying to pull the research batches in under an hour. And just throwing everything onto the ground in the aisles since there was nothing to put it on.

And interestingly enough, he appears to be clocking out for lunch and then continuing to work and not actually going to lunch.

So far, I've learned that he is the youngest person on the team (still lives with his parents), had almost no TL training, and came from a store where the backroom was pretty much perfect all the time.

I want to be optimistic, but I really don't see how he's going to make it through Q4.
How do you explain a product that was overstocked to begin with, the overstock taken off, then capacity and on floor count changed to the accurate number, then seeing it in a pull when I haven't even taken the same dpci I sat aside to back stock yet?
How do you explain a product that was overstocked to begin with, the overstock taken off, then capacity and on floor count changed to the accurate number, then seeing it in a pull when I haven't even taken the same dpci I sat aside to back stock yet?
Did you update the SFQ after the pull for its fill group dropped? If it was already in a batch, there's nothing you can do. It shouldn't drop into the next hour's batches.
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Did a revision. Updated cap and sfq and took off overstock. Was then in a pull with my overstock not even being sent to back stock. Maybe there is a delay, idk. Also happened in juvenile storage. This time I increased the capacity to fit more by raising a shelf, but saw the brtm pull the exact thing I sent to back stock, which was back stocked, only to be pulled in caf when it exceeded the cap. It basically said 3 would fit, changed to 4, raised shelf, back stocked 1 (5 came out in the box for my pog pull, 5 containers with 5 lids) then one of each color of container was pulled
Was it coming out on a revision pull? Could be that the SFQ wasn't right before you tied the revision, so the DPCI was batched into a revision pull.
I spent an hour and a half tonight ticketing all of the shitty barcode case stock in the dairy cooler and meat cooler. So sad. I wonder if corporate knows.
Why did I waste an hour and a half on that tonight? Because on Saturday and Sunday, I pull tons and tons of dairy shit. I'm talking a full tub or tier cart per hour. Having the barcode stickers on the boxes makes the scanning a lot easier and less time consuming. I need every minute on Saturdays and Sundays.
You mean you guys don't normally do that? You'll get yelled at by me if you don't monarch your case-packs when you backstock.
Mind you, we're a C&S store, so not doing it would be a clusterfuck.
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