Archived The Big & Dandy Backroom thread!

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You mean you guys don't normally do that? You'll get yelled at by me if you don't monarch your case-packs when you backstock.
Mind you, we're a C&S store, so not doing it would be a clusterfuck.

Casepacks from the FDC in Ohio have pick labels, and those pick labels have been printed crappy the last several months. We had to start BCODEing again because the labels have been so bad.
I'm pretty much the only one in the building that does it. Well, there is one guy in meat that knows how to do it and does it occasionally. When it comes to the dairy cooler, I'm all on my own. I'm pretty sure my weekday backroom helper, who has been at Target since 2007, doesn't even know how to print the stickers off and if I tried to show her, she would go cry to the team lead about it and I would get a coaching.

Saving time is the only reason why I print the barcode stickers and put them on the case stock. Typing in 49 and the DPCI is time consuming.

I could have back stocked for an hour and a half but if putting barcode stickers on case stock in the dairy cooler will make my weekend easier at Target, I'm gonna do the thing that will make my weekend easier.

I also loved how my TL scheduled me until 930pm on a Sunday, Friday, and Saturday on the latest schedule. Doesn't even tell me that I'm going to get to stay an hour later and that I get to work a Friday which is normally a day off. Classic Target. So ready to leave this dump of a store and joke of a company.
We had the ticketing problem for some time and for about a month the FDC sent case packs without labels while they figured a solution. Myself and another flow TM would print barcodes for backstock while working on the order. The labels finally started coming in dark about a week ago. We get our FDC from West Jefferson, OH.
Question. When you're STOing seasonal stuff, do you guys STO it all in the seasonal aisles? Or in their proper fillgroups.

Our TL has us STOing it all in the seasonal aisles regardless of the actual department, and it doesn't feel right...
Question. When you're STOing seasonal stuff, do you guys STO it all in the seasonal aisles? Or in their proper fillgroups.

Our TL has us STOing it all in the seasonal aisles regardless of the actual department, and it doesn't feel right...
We STO ours in the correct fillgroup, there is random stuff in the seasonal valley from where people just don't pay attention but our TL wants it all in the correct valleys.
My ETL mentioned something about getting a storage container for additional room, I think for Black Friday merchandise or to put paper once the BF stuff comes in. We haven't done this in our store before that I can remember so how does it work?
We STO into the correct fillgroup as much as possible, sometimes expanding into a nearby or similar aisle if space is tight. CNDY and HCDY do tend to get mixed up though.
Question for daysiders from a curious daysider: on average, roughly what percent of stuff you pull in hourly CAFS comes back as backstock? (Including everything: stuff from cases, assortments, stuff you backstocked the previous hour, etc.)
Question for daysiders from a curious daysider: on average, roughly what percent of stuff you pull in hourly CAFS comes back as backstock? (Including everything: stuff from cases, assortments, stuff you backstocked the previous hour, etc.)

It varies. Ever since the accumulator went out the window, I'd say at least 85% of what we pull goes out. So far our 10am CAFs seem like a big waste though. I think we get about 50% of that hour's CAFs back. It does take a lot of weight off the 11:00 and 12:00 CAFs though, so I won't complain too much.
It depends on what groups you're talking about. Most of the hardlines and softlines shit goes out. Grocery is a different story. I would say 25 to 50 percent of grocery pulls come back as back stock. It's a combination of people being lazy and flow team overstocking. I see a lot of tubs that are full of grocery items and nothing on the bottom part of the tub is touched. I can tell when a salesfloor team member is being lazy about working the pulls. If you're going to try to fool me, at least make it believable.
Personally, I don't care anymore. It's not my job or responsibility for the pulls to be worked. I am just a facilitator or middle man. I simply pull the CAF batches and place the items on a tub or flat and push that tub or flat to the line. That is all.
Shit, when I'm in the dairy or freezer, I most of the time just throw the crap I pull off the shelves on any tub including back stock tubs and carts. FDC is a lost cause and total failure. The meat freezer is a joke. Open the door to it and you can't even fit in the meat freezer because there are about 3 or 4 tubs or tier carts in your way because no one in the building ever works anything that backroom pulls in the meat freezer.
A big problem with grocery is it seems there are like 3 different locations for each item.

Has anyone tried to get a raise at the TM level? I know they would probably laugh in my face but I feel like I do so much and we have no one else who knows half of what I do plus we're without a TL.
Anyone else getting a ton of shippers for various areas of the store? I'm assuming so. How're you guys storing them/organizing them?

People just kept STOing them on to random shelves in receiving, so I spent some time grouping them. It's still a bit jumbled, but it looks nicer.


That friggin blue pallet is nothing but cosmetics
Haven't back stocked for more than 10 minutes since last week. Sad. This is the new norm when you're in the backroom day. Pulls, pulls, pulls, and of course flexible fulfillment.

"There is one item in flexible fulfillment"

No. There is one ORDER in flexible fulfillment.
I feel like I haven't been getting much done when closing lately. We switched to 6pm cafs and the closers is scheduled from 12 to 8. This means from 12 to at least 7 we pulling cafs and price changes with flexes and guest pulls and breaks in between. After 7 I take my last 15. This knock out the caf bs to free up carts. All out closing lods are skinny females that can't pull down the trailer doors or lift cans into the compactor or make bails so I always have to stop early to start on that so I never get flows leftover bs done or even get into electronicscs or hba. Is this normal?
Don't stores close at 11 pm? If your closer leaves at 8pm, then you have no one in the backroom for 3 hours?
Yeah, we are scheduled until 830 but end up staying until 9ish does flexes after after that. Guest just gotta wait I guess
That's about right for this time of year. There's probably going to be a bunch of corrugate sidecaps going up soon

Yeah we got the sidecaps up today.

We have a visit. All STLs in the district are visiting I think. It's literally the only reason they got up so soon.
Anyone else getting a ton of shippers for various areas of the store? I'm assuming so. How're you guys storing them/organizing them?

People just kept STOing them on to random shelves in receiving, so I spent some time grouping them. It's still a bit jumbled, but it looks nicer.

That friggin blue pallet is nothing but cosmetics
Yup, except ours is all jamed in 1 spot instead of 3 like yours packed tightly atm like most of the backroom, my store's volume doesn't fit the sq footage our backroom has.
I usually leave at 830pm and the store is typically slow or dead after 9pm especially on Sunday. No reason for a backroom person to be there at 9pm. At my store, back stock is a lost cause for me. You can add the coolers and freezers as lost causes too. Target has added too many extra bullshit tasks for backroom to do. I pulled two repack boxes of price change tonight so I was actually able to back stock. The meat freezer is an epic fail. 3 tier carts and a tub of back stock. I back stocked two of the 2 tier carts and put barcode stickers on the boxes that needed them.

Target needs to hire a person that pulls flexible fulfillment. I had at least 1 order per hour from 12pm to 830pm. I probably spent an hour of my shift on the sales floor doing people's lazy shopping for them.
HAHAHAHAHA! My team lead usually says that and "backstock as you can".

It's not that I don't want to or refuse to backstock. It's just I literally don't have the time. The majority of my time is spent on pulling CAF batches, price change, and FF.
It's pretty hard to bs now that the cafs and pc are dropping at 6. Through out the day it's easy to knock out a few easy vehicles or pallets if ff is light. The hardest part for us currently is the line full of pallets that needs to be moved around because we have no space. It would help if we had more than 1 guy working from 2-10pm each night.
Exactly. One person in the backroom at 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, and 8pm ain't gonna cut it. If two people were in the backroom at night, at least some progress would be made.
So we changed things up and had myself and another guy closing. I basically pulled the cafs and ff while he bs. He did the pc while I pulled the 6s. I was able to backstop the freezers and several vehicles of one spot from the reset because I had a closer with me.
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