Archived The Big & Dandy Backroom thread!

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Most of the idiots at my store don't even put clips on their vehicles. Backroom team members don't put pull clips on anything and sales floor team members don't bother with backstock clips. Then when I ask if anyone knows if it's push or backstock, they say, "I dunno man, just backstock it."

Our team is pretty good about putting the right clip on the appropriate vehicle. If the backroom TM doesn't know if it's a pull or if it's backstock, they can check the instocks feature on the Item Search app on the PDA to check when the item was last pulled. If it was pulled more than an hour ago, I'd guess it was backstock.

"When in doubt, push it out."

We're always running out of clips. Saw an order form once and they aren't cheap.

This drives me crazy. Why the hell do we need 90 PTM and Price Changes clips but we can't have enough Pulls clips for Q1 CAFs?
This drives me crazy. Why the hell do we need 90 PTM and Price Changes clips but we can't have enough Pulls clips for Q1 CAFs?

This a million times over. We have like, 5 backstock clips. But as with you, we have around 40 PTM/Price Change plus about 20 Clearance clips where we keep them for easy access, while we have 5 or 6 backstock clips...
We lost most of our backstock and pull clips in The Great Logistics Clusterfuck of 2015 (aka Q4).

We have 3 or 4 unopened bags of each type of clip, but our ETL-LOG doesn't want us to open them for some reason.
Do you guys have to keep your clips in a certain location, and in that location only? A lot of us backroom-ers at my store suck when it comes to putting pull clips on the tubs (I'd say we have them on 60-80% of the tubs, which still leaves quite a few unmarked) But honestly, we keep all of our clips so far away from where we actually pull that it's totally inconvenient to go get them when you're pulling. We had kept some stuck to some poles in the backroom, but that got nixed a few months ago, because it's not "brand"...well...neither are unmarked tubs! So frustrating when "rules for the sake of rules" get in the way of efficiency.
We keep ours stuck to the locker that the Sprint people keep their phones in. It is right near the main door to our backroom so it is really convenient to grab them. But they do end up left on tubs, three tears and clipped randomly on wacos and ends of valleys.
I keep about 3 or 4 clips in my hoodie, for pfresh, HBA/PETS stuff (Overnight never leaves any vehicles or clips in any of those rooms), or if there are none near the line and I don't feel like walking to the clipboard.
They can't be that expensive. We ordered three bags worth of donation clips. For the six boxes worth we normally stage at a time...
Someone complained about the costs of the pull clips? Pathetic. I have no sympathy when i hear an ETL or STL bitch about the costs of walkie talkies, my devices, pdas, and pull clips. I swear target is run by heartless piece of shit cheap asses. Only care about their bonuses.
we keep all of our clips so far away from where we actually pull that it's totally inconvenient to go get them when you're pulling. We had kept some stuck to some poles in the backroom, but that got nixed a few months ago, because it's not "brand"...well...neither are unmarked tubs!

No clippy! No WORKY! 😛 Period. My flow is held accountable to REQUIRE BS clips on anything brought back, then the BR is held accountable that all CAF, POG/SPP, IS, PC are to have the appropriate clip(s) as well. Same goes for PC when they ticket PC batches, put the CLEARANCE clip on it so my team and/or SF can work it! It is simple:


We/My team/I don't guess! And nope, when in doubt, push. NO! When in doubt the BR can find the PUSH clip to put on it. As most times that is what is is.. and for exactly above, too lazy to go get one or keep them on their person to use. My BRTL won't allow my flow team to put vehicles of BS with no clips, same goes for BR.

This is one of my pet peeves....
At my store, the overnight team doesn't use pull and backstock clips. Anything that comes out of the backroom (with the exception of marked vehicles from under the line, i.e. guest holds and the occasional PTM) is to be pushed, and anything that goes into the backroom is to be backstocked. Overnight backroom typically only puts clips on challenge vehicles, though if they have time to pull any POGs or price changes, they make sure to mark them.
Overnight? What's that? Oh having the backroom,flow, and FDC work overnight makes the most sense? Logic at a Target store? I thought it was just a legend.
Overnight? What's that? Oh having the backroom,flow, and FDC work overnight makes the most sense? Logic at a Target store? I thought it was just a legend.

Don't worry, not all stores are like your low-volume Super hellhole.

And by the way, my FDC team works in the early morning. Also, we have ridiculous 11AM CAFs for the P-Fresh fillgroups on FDC days. It sucks, but that's the way of the world.
My store is a high volume store. It's just a turd of a store.

I'm so tired of hearing "that's retail" or "that's just the way it is". That offers no solutions to problems.

Fuck retail.
I figured it was lower volume because your flow process is in the early morning rather than overnight.
I would love it if the store was low volume because it would be a lot less stressful but no. The flow process is early morning because management is a joke. Our STL cares more about following the orders of his lovely DTL(she's a bitch) and getting his bonus than how the store is run. It's a joke. I can understand why the turnover is so damn high.
Do you guys have to keep your clips in a certain location, and in that location only? A lot of us backroom-ers at my store suck when it comes to putting pull clips on the tubs (I'd say we have them on 60-80% of the tubs, which still leaves quite a few unmarked) But honestly, we keep all of our clips so far away from where we actually pull that it's totally inconvenient to go get them when you're pulling. We had kept some stuck to some poles in the backroom, but that got nixed a few months ago, because it's not "brand"...well...neither are unmarked tubs! So frustrating when "rules for the sake of rules" get in the way of efficiency.
All our clips are on the same type of board used for communication/ vendor info. Big square metal one that the magnetic clips can be hung on
Had to clean out the Flexilbe Fulfillment Hold Location again yesterday. It was almost as bad as when I last cleared it out. I have a question, do STS orders show up on Return to Stock or does the order just drop out of the system? Because every time I go in there to clean up, about half of the hold locations are occupied by items that have no order details, so either one of my team members is doing the return to stock without actually removing the items, or STS orders just don't show up in RTS and just drop out of the myFA app.

On the topic of STS, those of you who have STS, how is it handled at your store? Because for whatever reason, all inbound STS orders are just dumped in the Flexible Fulfillment hold location and not received or dealt with until someone actually gets it done. I was under the impression that the Receiver processed them, but I could be mistaken. Plus, whatever is dropped off at the Service Desk just kinda stays up there. Thankfully one of the SDTMs knows how to process the orders, so she is able to do that whenever she is working.
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