Archived The Big & Dandy Plano thread!

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Another vote for "softlines BTS shippers suck." They are a PITA to zone, and usually look awful after the first week or so.
I have 7 of those freakin things and most are still empty. I am flow and have been back stocking stuff for 2 weeks cause shippers weren't there yet. Everyday I get a few pieces but the bulk is somewhere in the back. Hopefully it will get to the floor soon. I heard my STL call the fr and ask her to flex to the shippers.WTF I'm staying out of it
lol id stay out of it too. i let my stl do whatever he wants. we usualy get help pushing bts but this year we didnt get any. it sucked majorly
Anyone having problems with the new shoe dept map? Set date is today 7/20 and the new map and combination pogs for boys and girls makes no sense whatsoever.
Anyone having problems with the new shoe dept map? Set date is today 7/20 and the new map and combination pogs for boys and girls makes no sense whatsoever.

Check your POG message board from somewhere around June 20th. At my store the message board stated that the new maps were not going in effect until September's reset and to set 093 / 098 according to the previous map for the 7/20 set.
Ajax11 is right, the spring adjacency is what you need to use until the 8/3 set (that's when the rest of shoes sets at my store at least).

How did the Skechers set look at your stores, POG friends? Mine is SUPER light (but Merchandise Update said to set anyway, despite how light it is).
Anyone having problems with the new shoe dept map? Set date is today 7/20 and the new map and combination pogs for boys and girls makes no sense whatsoever.

Check your POG message board from somewhere around June 20th. At my store the message board stated that the new maps were not going in effect until September's reset and to set 093 / 098 according to the previous map for the 7/20 set.

Ajax11 is right, the spring adjacency is what you need to use until the 8/3 set (that's when the rest of shoes sets at my store at least).

How did the Skechers set look at your stores, POG friends? Mine is SUPER light (but Merchandise Update said to set anyway, despite how light it is).

Thank you so much! This helps immensely. I don't actually have access to the board myself and am helping out plano with the reset. Last check on POGs in the system, however, showed that we are extremely light on the sketchers as well. Fun times ahead... ><
Hate this new shoe reset. It's like they couldn't make up their minds where to put the pogs. Some of it seemed to fit the new map, some of it fit the old, and then there was the pog location that didn't exist on either map. Girls and Boys license shoes in one pog. Infants boys and girls in one pog. Oh and gotta love the Princess Sophia hightops for toddler girls right smack dab in the middle of the toddler boys set. And then there were the shoes they forgot. Worst shoe reset ever. I can tell I will be making some adjustments.
We used to go in at 4am and I loved that schedule. I am definitely not liking these new hours.

Our bts was finished yesterday thanks to my awesome team members, I was busy with revs so didnt get the chance to set anything. Plus I missed Thursday bc of a situation that needed my immediate attention. I did help stock bts, as did flow, and suprisingly enough every etl and our stl. They were over there all day stocking..we were in shock, first time we have seen the etls work that much. And our last stl would not have been helping stock, but instead would be asking why it was not fully stocked yet. I think i kind of like our new stl.
The best kind of STL you can have. One who lifts a finger and doesn't think his/her job is to sit in his/her office and bark orders all day. You got lucky.
Hate this new shoe reset. It's like they couldn't make up their minds where to put the pogs. Some of it seemed to fit the new map, some of it fit the old, and then there was the pog location that didn't exist on either map. Girls and Boys license shoes in one pog. Infants boys and girls in one pog. Oh and gotta love the Princess Sophia hightops for toddler girls right smack dab in the middle of the toddler boys set. And then there were the shoes they forgot. Worst shoe reset ever. I can tell I will be making some adjustments.

The Converse part of the set is the worst! It's too many styles in one area.
I didn't hate the rest of it that much (but that's probably because no one pays attention to shoes at my store so POG spending time over there is more attention than it gets ever, so....)
The Converse part of the set is the worst! It's too many styles in one area.
I didn't hate the rest of it that much (but that's probably because no one pays attention to shoes at my store so POG spending time over there is more attention than it gets ever, so....)

I generally try to prep shoes for a reset to kind of help out POG so they don't spend eternity over there trying to rearrange the shoes and it goes much faster for them. But it was definitely a headache. Didn't get to the converse part of it yet. Too much in one day. I think once the next reset takes place it will look less ridiculous and I do think the Princess Sophia high tops was just a mistake. Or um I uh hope it was? haha.
I have been busy working on revisions and haven't made it over to shoes yet. However I have heard from my fellow team members what a major pain this shoe set is. I had some shoe revs that I planned to do friday but today my boss came and got them from me. I guess they are going to do those too, fine with me, definately not going to complain. Of course it just means I will end up setting salesplanners all day friday.
I have been busy working on revisions and haven't made it over to shoes yet. However I have heard from my fellow team members what a major pain this shoe set is. I had some shoe revs that I planned to do friday but today my boss came and got them from me. I guess they are going to do those too, fine with me, definately not going to complain. Of course it just means I will end up setting salesplanners all day friday.

The shoe revisions that my store had shouldn't have even been revisions-they were 100% changes. Why don't they just call that a POG?
I didn't catch the Sophia shoes in the boys license I have to look when I work tomorrow!
Hate this new shoe reset. It's like they couldn't make up their minds where to put the pogs. Some of it seemed to fit the new map, some of it fit the old, and then there was the pog location that didn't exist on either map. Girls and Boys license shoes in one pog. Infants boys and girls in one pog. Oh and gotta love the Princess Sophia hightops for toddler girls right smack dab in the middle of the toddler boys set. And then there were the shoes they forgot. Worst shoe reset ever. I can tell I will be making some adjustments.
Oh, great. And I thought the shoe section was confusing before...
lol we started shoes today what a mess.. then the tm pulling the batches just threw all the loose shoes in repacks so it was even harder to push .. 😀 one more day of work then its the weekend!

y stl added an extra 40 hours onto the schedule for 8/3.. which is awesome because its a 6 truck week so everyone i normally use from flow is going to be maxed out.. he always does this.. weeks where there isnt anyone .. he gives me extra hours.. i wonder if the dtl visit we had yesterday when he found out how far behind we are has anything to do with these extra hours


Burt's Bees. Now the problem is that the planogram calls for like 8 things to be on the peg-hooks on the section to the right.

help how do I fix this.
The way ck is, on the pegs on shelve 2, what is that location? It should be reverse section 4-p1-1 to 4-p1-4. Ck three items & see if it was tied correctly.


And they way it's at in my store is that the hanging ones at my store show up as 1-P9-1, 1P10-1, it basically has space for like 8 items in each 1 ft
How is that supposed to work though, because there's really no room to put all the P9s and P10s
How is that supposed to work though, because there's really no room to put all the P9s and P10s
That was last week's revision, right?
I think it needs to be my supported. The product is too big to fit 10 across those two sections.

Ugh cosmetics...😛

All I know it was a recent revision.

Yeah so how do you do mysupport

Top right corner of the page when you log in on workbench. On the first page you select that your issue is related to Sales Floor, then the next menu Presentation/Transitions. From there I can't remember all the options, but the other info you need is the POG title and the set date.
I'll probably my support it myself next time I work.
Can u assign tasks to yourself? like a reminder?

Like do the goddamn Order, because the DSD is closed on sunday?
Each four foot section should come on a Truck, set to POG, and easily transitioned out, Switch the four foot section, send the only one back to be reused.

I learned this during the Nightmare Market Reset..

Just bring a truck with two aisles set to pog, with inventory to exact capacity, = win.

You could probably do each four foot section in at most 15-20 minutes with this.
How is that supposed to work though, because there's really no room to put all the P9s and P10s
That was last week's revision, right?
I think it needs to be my supported. The product is too big to fit 10 across those two sections.

Ugh cosmetics...😛

All I know it was a recent revision.

Yeah so how do you do mysupport

Top right corner of the page when you log in on workbench. On the first page you select that your issue is related to Sales Floor, then the next menu Presentation/Transitions. From there I can't remember all the options, but the other info you need is the POG title and the set date.
I'll probably my support it myself next time I work.

Set myself a reminder on my phone woo
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